
Chapter 96 GPS Tour Of Classes

Manny winked at Lee Seng and smiled. Lee Seng sighed and grabbed the last chocolate in the bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

"What're you two up to?" Olivia asked. "You guys don't got classes right now?"

"It's our free period. I had to deal with some stuff here so I came back first. Liz came to get me so we could go to class together." Manny answered, pointing at Liz.

"Oh, how many more classes do you guys have?"

"We have one more general class and then our specialized training." Liz answered. "Have you guys figured out your schedules?" Ritsuka, Evan, and Olivia nodded. Lee Seng lagged behind, nodding afterwards.

"If you guys need help finding your classes, we can help you guys. The layouts for all of the Year buildings are similar, so once you get used to one, you get used to all of them." Manny said.

"Ahh, speaking of that," Evan snapped his fingers. He pushed himself off the couch and settled his feet onto the floor and looked around at his friends. "We should go look around the school to see where are classes are!"

"We could." Ritsuka agreed.

"Can we just walk into the building?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah, you can. You're technically students. Transfer students usually take today to get settled in and figure out where their classes are." Manny answered. Lee Seng nodded.

"'Kay, I guess we could do that now if you guys want to." Lee Seng nodded over at the other three.

"Sure," all three said one by one.

"Well, if you guys are gonna go, we can go with you guys since we have a bit of time left." Liz glanced at her watch. She smiled and everyone began to collect the bag of stuff and look at each other.

"Who's room do we put this in?" Ritsuka asked, lifting a bag of snacks.

"I guess mine is technically closest?" Lee Seng answered.

"Just put it in our room," Manny insisted.

"Alright, I guess this is an excuse to see your room, Lee Seng." Ritsuka patted Lee Seng's back. The group moved to Lee Seng and Manny's room. Lee Seng lifted his phone and the lock beeped. He pushed the door open and came inside the room.

"Ignore my stuff. I haven't unpacked yet." Lee Seng motioned at the things on his bed. He moved over and set the snacks down on his empty desk and watched as the others moved the rest of the bag of snacks onto his desk. Ritsuka and the others slowly turn around in a circle, taking a good look at the room.

The room was bare. Two twins sat opposite to each other with a nightstand to the right of the twin beds. Two desks on the same wall with a book case in between. The bookcase had half a shelf filled with an assortment of goodies and books. There was a door on Manny's side of the room past his desk. This led to a small balcony outside. On the opposite wall of the bookcase was two sets of closet doors.

"Wow, these really do look the same." Ritsuka and Evan said at the same time.

"Yeah, they're all the same. Sometimes the balcony door and bathrooms are flipped." Liz said. "Stuck with plain white walls and floors but you can decorate the walls and spruce it up however you like."

Lee Seng wandered into the bathroom past his bed and desk. The metal door slid open and the lights turned on. There were two sinks on the right with a huge glass mirror. The floor was tiled in white and gray and had the same white walls. Lee Seng noticed their was a shower and a toilet with their own respective doors.

'It's like they wanted to make this a public bathroom but then decided not to.' Lee Seng thought. He turned around to see the others were stepping into the bathroom to take a good look at it too.

"Hmm, not bad. All of the bathrooms are like this?" Olivia asked.

"Some are front to back like this. Others are left to right. It just depends on layouts." Liz answered.

"If that's all to see, let's go?" Lee Seng said. The others nodded and turned out to the bathroom and towards the front door.

They all walked together out to the first floor and Manny pointed down.

"Keep going down. It leads to the back side." Manny said. They wandered down another flight of stairs and it led straight to a door. Ritsuka pulled the door open and they all shuffled out of the building. Lee Seng recognized the familiar scenery and glanced around.

"There was a back side the whole time?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yup," Liz nodded. "Since the building is that way and for safety reasons, there's a couple ways out of the place. As well as a safety hidden zone underneath the school in case of attacks."

"Mmm, there's a lot of safety measures." Manny patted Liz and lifted her watch to her.

"Oh, crap, I forgot about that!" Liz looked up at Manny. Manny nodded and motioned for them to go. The two moved past the group and hopped off the raised sidewalk and onto the parking lot.

"Lets go. We have a surprise quiz." Manny motioned.

The group moved through the parking and trail path to the Third Year building. They broke out of the tree trail and stepped onto the familiar park area. Liz and Manny sped walked in front of them as Lee Seng, Ritsuka, Olivia and Evan trailed behind. Manny and Liz climbed the steps up to the entrance of the school and looked at the rest of the group.

"Well, I guess we part ways here. Our class is on this side." Manny pointed. "Use the Academy map app to figure out where you classes are if you need to. The building is broken up into different sections based on general studies, advanced general studies, and specialized training areas. Just figure out where you need to go and it'll be easy to get the hang of it." Manny and Liz waved at the group.

"Bye." Olivia waved. The group waved goodbye and watched as they rushed off around the elevators. Lee Seng turned to look at the others and noticed Ritsuka and Evan were already pulling up the Academy app. Lee Seng pulled his phone out and pulled the Academy app out. He clicked onto the Third Year building map and then scrolled around for the different sections.

Lee Seng clicked onto the drop-down bar after not finding which area he should go to and noticed three different categories with their individual drop down menus. Lee Seng hit advanced general studies and the map pulled out and highlighted the areas where advanced studies were located.

"Advanced is located on the other side of the building?" Lee Seng groaned. His tail swished side to side, wrapping itself around the rail and then unwrapping itself.

"Map your schedule and it tells you." Evan pointed. Lee Seng looked up and noticed the three were mapping their schedules. Lee Seng sighed and clicked the destination button and found an option to map his schedule. He clicked it and watched as the phone loaded in his schedule.

"So we follow these?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yup, follow 'em and see your path. I guess we'll all walk together here but split somewhere?" Olivia spoke. The four began to follow their paths. Once they reached the cafeteria Olivia and Evan split off. Ritsuka and Lee Seng, on the other hand, wandered straight down the path for quite some time and booked a left.

They followed the map around and checked out their classrooms. Each class was filled and Lee Seng noticed some students were wandering about.

"I guess students only go outside if they're on free period, eating for lunch, or doing specialized training at a field zone?" Lee Seng pointed out. Ritsuka nodded as he looked around. He periodically checked his phone as Lee Seng and him continued down the same path.

"I guess so." Ritsuka said. He turned to look at Lee Seng who was staring at his phone. "You should get a good look around so you aren't lost later."

"But this will look way different filled with students."

"Use markers or anything familiar to let you know where you're going. It's what I do to get used to where I'm going. I do follow the map but I like to know roughly what the paths look like."

Lee Seng nodded and looked up. They came to another stop. They had made it to their third period class.

"Third period," Lee Seng glanced at his phone and back up. "And then it's two hallways left and then back this way for fifth and sixth period. Then it's specialized training."

"Mmm, looks like it. Should we go towards the fourth period classroom and then make our way to the specialized training zone?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Lee Seng nodded.

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