Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 117: Love hurts

Chapter 117: Love hurts

One faithful day, Yi Lan ordered Fei Yan to clear up all his schedules because he was not going to to be at the office on that faithful day. He had already made up his mind that nothing on Earth was going to stop him from seeing Lie Ruge that day. He could still feel the pain he went through last night from as a result of missing Lie Ruge so much. His heart heart felt so suffocated last night that he thought he was not going to make it through the night. He couldn't breathe properly that he felt like as if he was going to die from having to starve himself from seeing, touching and having a feel of the woman he loves with all his heart. So he had made up his mind the previous night that even though he had to barge into her office without permission, he would do so in order to see Lie Ruge. 

So in the afternoon, he went to Empire Corporation and waited outside the building for some hours. Since he was sure that Lie Ruge will not pick up his call, he used another line to call her cellphone. He felt so nervous for the first time in his life when he dialled her line to the extent that he subconsciously held his breath in the process. He was afraid she was going to reject the call since it was from an unknown number but to his greatest surprise someone answered the line and that person was Xu Feng.

"Hello, please who is on the line?", Xu Feng asked sternly. Since CEO Lie was busy signing some documents and Xu Feng was around when Lie Ruge line rang, Lie Ruge beckon for him to answer the call on her behalf. He was skeptical about answering the line but he suddenly had a change of mind and answered the line.

" Hand over the phone to Ge'er", Yi Lan commanded coldly. Xu Feng instantly recognized the man's voice, it was Young Master Yi's voice. "Damn it, I am doomed", Xu Feng cursed in his mind. He knew very well that he was in big trouble for mistakenly answering Young Master Yi's call.

" Oh! Look at who we have here, Young Master Yi", Xu Feng exclaimed as if he was glad to hear from him again after a long time. Lie Ruge's body jerk up in excitement when she heard Xu Feng mention Yi Lan's name. She immediately stopped what she was doing and listened with rapt attention to their conversation on the phone.

"Do I look like your friend to you? How dare you try to act friendly with me when you had the guts to ignore all my calls for the past two weeks? I said hand over the phone to Ge'er, I didn't call so that I will have some chitchat with you, so do what I asked you to do immediately", Yi Land commanded Xu Feng in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry for my manners Young Master Yi. I was so happy to hear your voice after such a long time that forgot my manners for a minute. And Young Master Yi, Young Miss Lie is in the middle of a meeting right now so she cannot personally answer the phone right now", Xu Feng lied. He still remembered Young Miss Lie's order, he was ordered to make whatever excuses he could come up with whenever the three guys called and failure for him to convinced them with his excuses he would be severely punished for disobeying the Big Boss orders.

"What do you take me for Xu Feng? Do you think you can deceive me? If what you actually said is true then shouldn't you be beside her during the meeting or since when did Ge'er start allowing her executive assistant to stay behind when she as the Boss is in a meeting?", Yi Land asked sternly. 

"CEO Lie gave me another important task to perform so I had to stay behind in the office to accomplish my task. CEO Lie's schedule is very tight that she hardly has time for herself but I will make sure to inform her about your call", Xu Feng replied .

"Don't make me repeat myself for the third time or else you won't like the consequences of daring to defile my order", Yi Lan stated fiercely. Xu Feng trembled when he heard Yi Lan's threat, he regretted having answered the strange number. Xu Feng was confused, if he disobeys his Boss order, living will be worst than death for him and if he dares to defile Yi Lan's command a painful death will still await him, he didn't know which option was a better option for him to choose since the two choices will both result in his death. Xu Feng quickly made up his mind, if he had to die in the hands of one of the two couples for defying their words, he chose to die in the hands of his Boss. Dying in the hands of his Boss meant that after dying, there was a very high possibility that his corpse might still be intact for his poor family to hold a funeral for him but he was afraid of what Young Master Yi would do to his poor corpse after his death, so he quickly placed the phone in Lie Ruge's hand before dashing out of the office in full speed. Lie Ruge coughed lightly to clear her voice before placing the phone to he right ear.

"Hello Young Master Yi, how may I help you?", Lie Ruge asked in her businesslike tone which almost made Yi Lan to collapse in shock. " Did she easily forget what actually transpired between the two of us during the past three weeks, what actually happened to her in those period of two weeks?", Yi Lan asked himself bewilderment but he quickly snapped out of his trance within the blink of an eye.

"I'm outside Empire's building right now so can you come downstairs for a while and don't think that I will leave like the previous times.This time around I will not move an inch until I get to see you today", Yi Lan stated firmly.

"I'm sorry Young Master Yi, but I will have to reject your invitation. My schedule is very tight at the moment so I don't really have the luxury to meet up with you right now as you so desire. How about you book an appointment some other day?", Lie Ruge's answered sharply, she felt a sharp pain in her chest when she said those words. She really wanted to run downstairs forgetting about all her fears or what people might say about her to give Yi Lan a warm hug but she held herself back from doing so.

" I don't mind chasing out all your employees out of the building within five minutes, so what are you gonna do Ge'er? Will you quietly come out or should I come to you? You have to choose one option as fast as you can because if you don't, I won't hesitate driving everyone out of the building ", Yi Lan threatened. He didn't want to threaten her but he had to resort to threats in order to make Ge'er come to him although he was not sure whether the threat would work on her.

" Young Master Yi,.as my assistant has already told you earlier and I will still repeat it again, I am in the middle of a meeting so you have to come back some other day, got it?", Lie Ruge's asked harshly tears whelming up in her eyes. Hurting Yi Lan with her words hurt her a million more times. It was like a double-edged sword but she kept on reassuring herself, "His safety comes first before my feelings".

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