Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 121: Taking the first step to settle the issue between us

Chapter 121: Taking the first step to settle the issue between us

"Didn't you hear when CEO Lie said Young Men? She never said CEO Yi or Young Master Yi, so don't personalised it as if she was only referring to you", Zuo Zhen said in a bid to piss Yi Lan off even more. This was an opportunity of a century for him to get back at Yi Lan for all he had done to him.

" I was the one who booked this room not CEO Lie and I don't remember ever saying that you were included in this Lunch. So stop being a third wheel and just piss off already", Yi Lan said fiercely stretching his legs to sleep Zuo Zhen off his feet but Zuo Zhen was fast enough to move a few steps away from his seat before Yi Lan could carry out his evil deeds.

"This is my restaurant so I didn't need your permission to be in here in the first place and CEO Lie did not object me joining you guys for Lunch so stop being so bossy, it makes you look like a gangster which might definitely scare our beautiful CEO Lie away", Zuo Zhen said. Yi Lan smiled in a devilish manner, "Did he just say I will scare her away? What in this world will ever be able to scare her away? Maybe the thing that has the ability to scare this pretty woman away has not yet be created", Yi Lan thought.

" What exactly is wrong with the two of you? I'm right here guys and I remember saying that we should have our Lunch now but I don't rememeber ever asking  you guys to argue over this trivia issue. So please stop arguing when we are in the middle of having our meal Ok", Lie Ruge asked coldly startling Zuo Zhen with the way she spoke. They instantly stopped the argument the minute Lie Ruge spoke.

"And don't forget you have only two minutes remaining", Lie Ruge whispered into Yi Lan's ears.

" OK, come on Miss Lie, let's eat but since President Zuo has decide to join us for Lunch, this is his treat. So Ge'er, feel free to order to your heart satisfaction and when you do this, make sure to order the most expensive ones", Yi Lan said giving Yi Lan a murderous look. He knew how to make Zuo Zhen leave voluntarily, he had made sure to order the most expensive items that the restaurant had to offer when he placed his order earlier and he was sure his trick will make Zuo Zhen leave voluntarily since he will not want to pay for the meal.

"How do you expect me to pay for what you ordered? Do you even know how much this feast you ordered cost? Are you planning to have me go bankrupt?", Zuo Zhen asked in shock.

" Are you scared already? You said you were the owner of the restaurant, so I'm sure you have enough resources to cover up the bills, isn't that so President Zuo?", Yi Lan asked trying to piss Zuo Zhen off too.

"I didn't know you had great dislike for me because if you didn't, you won't have had the heart to ask me to pay for this feasts placed before us. But I give up already, you can have your Lunch by yourself. CEO Lie, I hope you will visit this my humble restaurant with your lucky charms again and I forgot to say this earlier, you look so beautiful. I think you have become even prettier than the last time I saw you. I think you have stolen my delicate heart, the next time you visit my restaurant, please make sure that this petty Young Man here does not tag along", Zuo Zhen said when he was close to the door. Just when he was about to open the door, Yi Lan threw a bottle of wine at him but Zuo Zhen knew his temperaments very well so he had a plan in mind when he decided to piss Yi Lan off although he did not expect him to throw such an expensive wine at him. The wine was the most expensive wine in their wine racks and Yi Lan did not think twice before throwing the expensive wine at him. He had expected worst scenarios so he dodged the bottle of wine perfectly without a single drop staining his clothes. Although he acted so playfully earlier, he was very stern when it comes to speaking with other people and he was a also a martial arts expert so dodging the bottle was an easy task for him.

"That was so simple", Zuo Zhen said dusting his suit in a swaggerlicious manner while giving him a devilish smile.

" You can be rest assured, if your dishes are up to my taste I will make sure to bring more companions along with me next time", Lie Ruge said playfully. Zuo Zhen could not wait to give Lie Ruge his reply because he had to leave the room when Yi Lan threw a plate of dish at him again. The room became dead quiet again after Zuo Zhen's departure. They started eating their meal in silence, Lie Ruge ate in a picky manner. She didn't have the appetite to eat any of the dishes although the dishes were quite tasty. The one she has missed so much for the past two weeks was right beside her but she could not kiss or have a proper feel of him because she had to think of his safety first before any other thing.

"Please have some more of this, you shouldn't be so picky when eating and I made sure to order all your favourite dishes so please eat more. You have lost a lot of weight which saddens my heart to see you like this, so have some more just for me Ok?", Yi Lan said placing a lot of dishes in her plate.

"Are you feeding pigs with this amount of food  you have placed in my plate?  Although I don't gain weight no matter the amount of food I eat but this is way too much and besides I don't have much appetite lately", Lie Ruge finally dropped her businesslike tone.

" Why don't you have much appetite lately? Do you need me to personally cook for you? What exactly is the problem bewteen us Ge'er? Why has our relationship drifted apart lately? Did I do something wrong that I am not aware of? I'm more than willing to fix the problem if I am the one at fault", Yi Lan finally ended up asking Lie Ruge some of the questions that was on his mind.

"Sorry Young Master Yi, your time is up and I have to leave right now", Lie Ruge said in an attempt to grab her handbag but Yi Lan quickly pulled her closer to him. He was not going to let her go unless they resolved the issue at hand. If he decides to let her go, he was not sure when he was going to see her again since he was certain that Lie Ruge will make sure that they never get to meet again even though by coincidence.

" Ok, I'm sorry if I did something wrong that I am unaware of so please don't leave. I love you so much Ge'er, so please stay with me", Yi Lan said hugging Lie Ruge firmly to himself with no escape route for her.

"Why do you keep apologizing when you are certainly not the one at fault? I really hate seeing you behave like this. You are not this easily defeated so  stop acting so pathetic, it does not fit you at all", Lie Ruge said angrily trying to pull herself out of Yi Lan's embrace. Although she finds him unbelievably charming whenever he apologized in her stead but she always felt bad and guilty whenever he did this.

" I know this is so unlike me but what can I do Ge'er, when you are not even willing to take a proper look at my face talkless of telling me what the problem is and I'm not complaining Ge'er, I can apologized as many time as possible as long as this makes you happy", Yi Lan said but still holding unto her firmly.

"But I'm not a little bit please with you apologizing when you are not at fault. So stop behaving like this, you are adding more problems to my plate with you behaving this way", Lie Ruge said still struggling to free herself.

" Then speak me to me Ge'er, what is wrong? Why have you been avoiding me for the past two weeks, I thought we were alright before? Say something Ge'er", Yi Lan said trying to control his anger.

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