Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 125: Let's make the person die of jealousy

Chapter 125: Let's make the person die of jealousy

Lie Ruge and Yi Lan spent almost close to three hours chatting and catching up on all the events that took place without each other's presence. During the course of their chats Lie Ruge and Yi Lan lost track of time, the three hour they spent with each other felt like three minutes to them. Zuo Zhen even came to check up on them after he noticed that they were taking too long having just Lunch but he went back when he saw that they had locked the door from inside. He warned his employees not to go near the VVVIP's room. He knew that Yi Lan will not hesitate to kill anyone who dares to disrupt his privacy so he had chose to warn them before they foolishly tried to unlock the door or knock the door. When they finally came out of the room, Zou Zhen had already gone back to his office so he could not bade them goodbye. Yi Lan used his black premium card to pay the bills although Lie Ruge offered to pay the bills. They strode out of the restaurant majestically, those who were there at their arrival could notice the significant difference in their current expressions. The significant difference was that during this two gorgeous couples arrival they were wearing angry looks while during this their departure they were smiling so charmingly. Everyone was mesmerized by their dazzling smiles. Immediately Lie Ruge stepped out of the restaurant she spotted a man taking pictures of them.

" I think there is a mouse over there, he is busy taking pictures of us", Lie Ruge said to Yi Lan while heading towards where Yi Lan's car was parked.

" Really? Do you want me to have my men capture him for you?", Yi Lan asked, they were walking while talking so the photographer did not realized that he has being spotted from his hiding place.

" There is no need for that. If it is a reporter that makes our job easier for us because we won't need to announce to the whole world that we are dating and if it is an admirer that sent him, why don't we make him or her die slowly within when he/she set his/her eyes on the pictures that will be displayed before her", Lie Ruge said smiling devilishly.

" Ok my Queen, Let the show begin immediately",Yi Lan said excited. The two couples slowed down their walking steps. When they had just taken a few steps away from the restaurant, Lie Ruge prepended as though she has missed her steps and slipped but Yi Lan caught her in midst air. He held her at her waist and brought his face so close to Lie Ruge's face to the extent that people standing far away from them will presume that they were kissing in the middle of the road when actually Yi Lan did not kiss her. The photographer captured about ten pictures of this particular scene. After Yi Lan had caught her from slipping down, he wrapped his hands around her waist in order to prevent such an incident from occurring again. With their current live broadcat, Lie Ruge often smile every now and then during their little chats on the road even Yi Lan made sure to give them his most bewitching smile too. The combination of this two perfect match in heaven  caused every passerby to fall in love with them. The photographer with his camera set in continuous shots captured all their intimate scenes without missing anyone of the scenes. He was so happy with his achievements. He fell in love at first sight with Lie Ruge too, he was drooling whenever he took a picture of her beautiful face. When they got to where the car was parked, Yi Lan started another type of show. He pretentiously rearranged Lie Ruge's top, when he was through with arranging her clothes he looked into Lie Ruge's eyes passionately. Lie Ruge was surprised by his intense stares, but she also stared back lovingly at him. After staring at each other for about two minutes Yi Lan leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. Lie Ruge did not expect that Yi Lan will actually kiss her for real but when he suddenly kissed her out of nowhere she responded back to his kisses. Passerby clapped their hands to cheer them up when they saw them in such intimate moment. Their kiss lasted for three minutes before Yi Lan whispered into her ears, "We at least needed one real scene to make that person go completely insane when he set his/her eyes on the pictures and we also needed this last scence to seal our perfect acting. You looked so charming when I took you by surprise earlier", Yi Lan whispered into her ears before opening the door of the car for her. Lie Ruge stepped into the car still in a dazed. The photographer

continued to take pictures of them until the car was no longer in sight. After taking those pictures he automatically closed his assignment for that day with this perfect pictures so he went directly to deliver the pictures to the person who assigned him to do the job. When he got to their meeting point he passed the picture to his client who normally put on a mask whenever he meets with her. He left after having collected his pay for that day. When the sender got home, she settled down to have a look at the pictures delivered to her and she was shocked by what was displayed before him.

"This cannot be true, no... no no... I won't allow you to go scot-free with this, never", the sender screamed loudly after seeing the pictures that was displayed before her.  As if screaming was not enough for her, she started breaking all the valuable stuffs in her house that was destroyable. She didn't give a damn about the worth of the things she had broken, she kept on smashing everything that came her way. After smashing almost everything in the sitting room she stumped out of the house in annoyance with all the pictures in her hands.

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