Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 131: Setting an appointment with your parents

Chapter 131: Setting an appointment with your parents

" Ge'er have you completed the screening of your cars and office? What about the moles working for those bastards, were you able to identify them? If you have, how about you hand them  over to me as a present? I will teach them what they get for daring to go after my woman, when I'm through teaching them this life lesson even their ghost will run far away if they see just my shadow from afar", Yi Lan said. Since the day they cleared up their misunderstanding, Yi Lan has stuck to Lie Ruge like gum. He had even wanted to follow her to her work place but Lie Ruge had sternly warn him against that. So they had set a particular time where Yi Lan would pick her up from her office.

" Yes, we found two recording devices placed under my couch in the office and about five video recording devices placed at different locations in my office and lastly Xu Feng was able to identify three of my employees who are working for them, one of them is my receptions. I'm sure she is the one supplying them information about my whereabouts. The other two are well monitored, I have already ordered Xu Feng not to capture them at the moment. As you have said before, we will use their device and people against them", Lie Ruge said attempting to stand up from Yi Lan's laps but Yi Lan told her to stay in that position for a while longer. She was resting her head on Yi Lan' s laps while the rest of her body was on the couch. Yi Lan gently stroke her hair in a lovely manner. 

" Ok, I will let you handle the things over there. For me, I have already prepared all my weapons for our hunts, what about you? I can give you some of my best weapons that will be perfect for you if you have not yet prepared yours", Yi Lan said.

" I love hunting and I have already prepared all the latest babies that I have got. I'm just waiting to make a move this weekend, will you have time then?", Lie Ruge asked.

" I've got all the time in the world for you. Nothing is more important than you so be rest assured, I will clear up all my schedules for that day", Yi Lan said. Yi Lan was supposed to bring Lie Ruge to meet his parent that day but he had to change it since they were going to be preoccupied that day. His parent has been on his throat for the past six months asking him to bring their daughter in-law home  for introduction but Yi Lan has always gave them one excuses or the other in order to reject their invitation. He only agreed to their request because his mummy personally threatened him that she will set up an appointment with her daughter-in-law by herself. 

" Shouldn't you be somewhere today? Sorry, I overheard your phone conversation with your parents two days ago and it looks like they wanted you home on that day. I hope you are not cancelling your appointments with your parents because of me?", Lie Ruge asked looking into his eyes.

" Your wishes comes first before my parents own. Moreover my parent have each other but I'm just helplessly in love with one woman who has not yet given me answers to my proposal. So if you were in my shoes who would you have chosen? But my answer is still the same if you choose otherwise, your wishes suffices every other person's wishes in this world", Yi Lan said staring back at her.

" Lanlan, seriously I prefer you honouring your parents request before mine Ok? And also I'm still waiting for that man to complete my assignment. If he does successfully complete his assignment, he won't have to ask me for my answer because I will be the one to personally give him my answer although he is too slow to understand how I truly feel", Lie Ruge said stroking his hair too.

" Ok, I'm eagerly waiting for your answer. Pretty, your in-laws would have been so happy to hear your reply just now but you don't have to worry about them, they will understand as long as I relay your words just now to them",

" Do you think your parents will like me? I often heard that the guys parents always have strong dislike for their daughter-in-law who have equally strong influence in the society like the guy's own", Lie Ruge said subconsciously stopping in the process of stroking his hair.

" Come on Ge'er, which parents in this world will not fall in love with you after getting to know you? My parent have already fallen in love with you before they even got to know you so you don't have to feel so tensed about it and even if they didn't like you, they wouldn't have had any other choice but to love you because you are the one I love. To tell you the truth, my parents told me to invite you over for Lunch this weekend but I did not know how to relay the message to you. I thought you would have considered it as a nuisance since we are not yet official like they presume", Yi Lan said. Lie Ruge stood up to her feet immediately she heard that Yi Lan' s parent invited her over but Yi Lan did not relay the message to her.

" What? You should have told me so sooner. How could you do this to me huh? What gave you that kind of notion? The invite was not meant for you but for me so why did you not say anything about this? Now they might dislike me thinking that I rejected their invitation", Lie Ruge said helplessly while hitting his chest. 

" I'm sorry Ok? I should have known better to relay the message to the owner but I will set up another appointment solely for you and I'm 100% sure that my parent will not dislike even one bit because of this, so don't be mad again", Yi Lan said holding her two hands.

" I will only relax if you call them right away to set an appointment for next weekend. If you don't then forget about talking to me ever again", Lie Ruge said turning her back on him. She knew how stubborn Yi Lan can be, if she did not take the case seriously he will just brush the issue off as if it was nothing.

" Don't be mad Pretty,  Ok I will call them right this minute to postpone our appointment to next week so don't stop talking to me, I don't know whether I will ever be able to survive this if you decide to avoid me yet again. But Ge'eer, are you sure you want to meet with my parents? I'm sure my parents are going to ask you questions you might not like to hear, so I urge you to think twice about this, I don't want you to feel bothered or affected by the questions they might ask you", Yi Lan said looking very serious. 

" Relax, you are not the one meeting your in-law but me so why are looking this serious? Have you forgotten, I am your beloved Ge'er and nothing can weigh me down. I can handle that much just for you", Lie Ruge said while pushing her hair backward in a very sexy way.

" Ok, since you said so but can do what you just did a moment ago because you looked so irresistible just a moment ago", Yi Lan said beckoning her to do repeat what she did a moment ago. 

" No", Lie Ruge said. She mistakenly tickle Yi Lan which made him tickle her back. She still tickle him again and ran away while shouting playfully, "Catch me if you can". Yi Lan stood up and immediately race towards her, but she ran around the room laughing happily.


The two couples laughter filled the room. They spent the rest of the day playing and spending quality time with each other. For the past one, Yi Lan had been the happiest because he had Lie Ruge all to himself after her office hours. Before Yi Lan could realized it, it was time for him to let go of her hands in front of her Mansion. He reluctantly let go of her hands with full hopes of compensating his lost time the next day.

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