Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 144: The result of the surgery

Chapter 144: The result of the surgery

" What exactly is wrong with sister-in-law?", Yun Yi quickly asked with concern clearly written all over his face. The doctor gave him a weird look when he said that their Boss was his sister-in-law. " Are you joking with me? And when exactly did our Boss got married that the whole world did not get winds of such big news? Don't you know that any man who desires to marry our Boss must have the ability to tame her before they would even talk about marriage? It is only a man with a lot of guts that will choose to marry our Boss not, just some ordinary man because our Boss herself is not an ordinary person", the doctor thought and forgot himself. He got carried away with his thought that he forgot that he was just asked a question that required an immediate answers.

" Have you suddenly become deaf or do you want me to make you go deaf and dumb right this minute? Stop keeping us in suspense and say the damn thing", Yi Lan said fiercely making the doctor tremble in fear. He was not in the mood to play around with anyone, he was just after knowing the condition of his woman. " He is even fiercer than the Boss, just take a look at his murderous glare makes to want to wet myself. I wonder who he is to the Boss", the doctor thought not daring to stare directly at Yi Lan's dreadful glare.

" During the operation there were some complications and to make the issue worse, the Boss had lost a lot of blood before she was brought in and some important organs were also damaged due to where the position of the bullet was situated, we tried all our possible best to save her life and we did but although the surgery was a success we are not certain about when the Boss will wake up.  We will monitor her progress from time to time and if there is any major improvement we will immediately inform you all", the doctor finally concluded his words which landed a huge blow on each and everyone of them. Xiao Bai almost collapse on the hard tiled floor had Yun Yi not grabbed her firmly at her waist. The doctor immediately left after he had relay the information. He was so afraid of what Yi Lan would do to him if he was to speak just one wrong word that would get him upset. He did not want to get killed for no just  reason. Yi Lan stood there rooted to the floor, he did not know what to do or say at that moment. After about two minutes later, Lie Ruge was rolled out of the operating room to a VVVIP's room where all the necessary equipment were put in place to make her comfortable. The news spread like wildlife, everyone in the building got the news that their invincible Boss was shot not only once but twice on back. Everyone was sad to hear this, although the Boss was often harsh to them she was the best Boss in world to them, she treated each them equally no matter their background or stories. The research workers did not believe the news until they got the video clips of their Boss being rolled into the operating room.

" This so unbelievable, how did this happen? With the Boss excellent skills she would not have gotten hurt even though she was to fight alone with twenty top assassins. What exactly happened? ", one of research team worker asked no one in particular. Those who were specialised in hacking immediately sworn into action. They hacked all the CCTV cameras all over the City to search for any information that will assist them in knowing what actually happened to their Boss and within two minutes they got the full video of everything. After storing the video in their own system they immediately deleted all the video clips from the official sites leaving no trace of what transpired there. After deleting the video from the official site, all the research team workers went to their hall to watch the video of the fight. Their only reason for watching the video in group was in order to come with more sophisticated weapons or equipment that will help their Boss whenever she engaged in any other battles in the near future. After all the people with important positions were seated, the video clip was played. It was as if they were in the cinemas watching an interesting movie. It was after the watched the video for some minutes they that they realized that their Boss was in a relationship. The moment they saw Yi Lan's face, everyone was frozen.

" What the heck? Is that not Young Master Yi. World's number one best martial artist",

" Who in this field does not know Young Master Yi, maybe apart from people like our Boss who are not into stuffs like reading the daily newspapers. Young Master Yi is every woman's dream man",

" Yeah, he is every woman's Prince charming like in fairytales",

" He is not only a normal Prince charming in fairytales, he is the devilish Prince charming of all times",

" Guess what girls, I think he is still in this building. I saw him in hospital's CCTV footage, I can't he so unbelievably handsome",

" Don't get too far with your admiration because he is the Boss man Ok?",

The female employees started speaking all at once disturbing other people from concentrating on the live master piece their Boss had just shot some minutes ago. Their superior in charge prohibited those in charge of playing the video clip from putting sound in the video clip especially in the scene where their Boss was talking to Yi Lan. Everyone shouted when the scene of their Lady Boss kissing Yi Lan was played. Jealousy was written all over the faces of the guys who had secret crushes on their Boss. When they got to the shooting part, everyone of them were in a serious mood. They paid rapt attention to even the slightest details about the soon will be bloody battle. Despite all the bloody scenes, none of the ladies got frightened by how the fight was because they were already used to it and because they were also martial artists although they were not on the same par with their lady Boss. They were not surprised by how perfect Yi Lan was although they had not gotten the opportunity to see him fight before. They had already known that for someone to be called the world's number one best martial artist,  the person must be more skilled than their Boss. All their smiling faces during the action scene turned to a very sad and depressing one when their Boss was shot. Tears flow the faces of those who could not handle the sad emotion. Even the guys could not control their tears especially the part where tears flow down their Boss pretty face and the scene where tears dropped from Yi Lan's eyes. It was one of the saddest scene they had ever witness both in movies and in reality. They had never witnessed their Boss shed a single drop of tears since they had known her no matter how serious the injuries were. It broke each and everyone of their hearts to see their Boss cried. It was then they realized how much the man meant to their Boss. Just before the ending, that is the part where their Boss and Yi Lan struggled on who will take the bullet. Everyone was stunned by how deep their love was, "Who on Earth is willing to take a bullet for the man/woman he or she loves. This is what we call true", they had thought. After they concluded watching the video clip, all the research workers wanted to go and visit their Boss but their superior stopped them, he told them the news on the current condition of the Boss after her surgery. Everyone said a sincere silent

prayer for the quick recovery of their Boss.

Inside the VVVIP's room, Yi Lan was sitting down by the right side of the bed staring motionlessly at Lie Ruge's face which was now very pale. He could not bring himself to stare at her face for long because he could not handle the pains that emitted from just staring at her face. He could not come to terms with the fact that the Ge'er that was just smiling and laughing some hours ago was now lying lifelessly on the bed. No matter how many times Xiao Bai and the two guys told him to go home and freshen up he did as if he did not hear their words. Xiao Bai was so sad and regrets were written all over her face. She blamed herself for not secretly following them even though her best friend had told her not to so. " Maybe Ge'er would not have been hurt if I had insisted on going along with her. I am the cause of everything", Xiao Bai kept on saying this to herself. Likewise, was the same thing with Yi Lan. He blamed himself for not being able to protect her although he had promised to do so. Even Yun Yi and Tan Fan were not left out. They regretted not knowing what their Third brother and sister-in-law were up to. They had being so shocked when Fei Yan informed them that their sister-in-law was shot because no one informed them about their adventurous outing that day. Yun Yi had been so preoccupied with winning back Xiao Bai's love that he forgot to pay close attention to what their Third brother was up to.

Yi Lan was still in the same position he was sitting down three days later even though all the doctors had advised him to go home if not for anything but so that he could change his clothes which was covered in blood. It was on the fourth day that Xiao Bai could not longer take Yi Lan's stubbornness anymore, so she decided to speak her mind since Yun Yi and Tan Fan were so afraid to talk to him. He would not hesitate to kill anyone who dares to spout nonsense

" Hey Yi Lan, we have been so patient with you because you are the man Ge'er loves and I know that she would love to have you as her company but I'm sure Ge'er would have freaked out if she were to see you in this state. Just take a look at yourself, you have been putting on the same bloody clothes for the past four days. Apart from brushing your teeth you have even refused to freshen up. I'm sure you don't want Ge'er to wake up and meet you in this sorry state right? She will be so disappointed if she were to wake up and meet in you this condition", Xiao Bai said harshly. She knew that she had to be harsh before Yi Lan would come back to his senses.

" Yes Third bro, Xiao Bai is right. You know just how much sister-in-law detest dirty stuffs, she would not have liked it one bit if she was to see you like this", Yun Yi said keeping a wide gap between him and Yi Lan.

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