Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 148: The sleeping beauty is finally awake

Chapter 148: The sleeping beauty is finally awake

The board members started to panic when they heard Xiao Bai's threats threat.

" CEO Xiao, you don't have to call the CEO, we were just worried about how she was faring, but we have just realized that this is not enough reason to bother the CEO. Is that not correct everyone?", one of the board member said and the others immediately agreed with his words.

" Yes, it was a mistake from our own part and I hope CEO Xiao will pardon us this once", another board member said.

" How could you all let this little brat fool you just like this? You all definitely assured me that you will not succumb to any of her threats but just look at how all of you are trembling like a wet leaf just because she said some empty words. After all what can a dead person do to you?", Lie Feitian yelled angrily.

" You better watch your words Director Lie? I won't hesitate to fire you if you dare disrespect CEO Lie in a such a manner. I won't think twice about taking actions against you even though you and CEO are related so watch your mouth", Xiao Bai said sternly.

" And who are you to fire me. Maybe you need me to remind you that this not the Xiao's family business", Lie Feitian fire back rudely.

" I never said it was the Xiao's family business. Are you questioning the management's authority in making me the CEO instead of you? And why does it seem like you are so eager for our healthy Boss to die or don't tell me that you have taken so drastic actions against our Boss behind the scene that is why you keep on insisting that our Boss is dead?", Xiao Bai said giving him a questioning stare and everyone followed suit. He started sweating when everyone gave him a questioning, he did not know what to say in order for him not to sound suspicious to everyone.

" Come on Director Lie, why are you panicking? Just look at the beads of sweat all over your forehead. I was only joking and it's so unlike you to take my joke seriously", Xiao Bai said smiling devilishly. Everyone immediately understood what Xiao Bai meant by her words. She was indirectly informing them that if anything bad ever happens to the CEO then Director Lie will be the number one suspect.

" Hahaha..... you almost got me there", Lie Feitian said laughing awkwardly while adjusting his necktie. It was so obvious that the laughter was a fake one.

" Sorry for bothering CEO Xiao over this trivia issue", all the board members who were in Lie Feitian's support all apologized. Lie Feitian was so angry at how the board meeting went, he tightened his fist to the extent that his fingers dug into his flesh.

" Since the issue has been addressed then the meeting is adjourned to some other time", Xiao Bai said walking down from the podium majestically while heading straight to the entrance of the hall. Lie Feitian took out his frustration on the board members who betrayed him. He accused them of accepting all the expensive he offered them but only to abandon him at the dire minute. Xiao Bai immediately headed straight to the hospital with beams of smile on her face. She could not wait to relay the good news to her best friend. Getting to the door of the hospital room due to her delightfulness she forgot to knock the door, she just bashed into the room without knocking only to meet Yun Yi and Tan Fan speaking happily to Lie Ruge. They were smiling and laughing as though Lie Ruge was actually awake to enjoy their little chattering. She could only guess why there were so free and lively, that was because their Third brother was not there.

" Hey Miss Xiao Bai, you look so happy today. Did something good happen to you? Or don't tell you are happy because your boyfriend just bought you a priceless gift?", Tan Fan asked smiling. He was trying to upset Yun Yi who has been making fun of him in the presence of their sister-in-law. Yun Yi who was smiling previously immediately frowned when he heard Tan Fan's words, his mood was ruined.

" Oh! That is not actually the reason and my boyfriend went on a business trip last night, so he is not in the country right now", Xiao Bai said smiling back. She quickly took a seat close to Tan Fan.

" If that is not the reason then what could be the reason?", Tan Fan asked.

" Actually there is something I have been hiding from you guys. I didn't want the situation to blow out of proportion that was why I kept it a secret from all of you because I know just how much all of you love Ge'er. I was especially scared of what Young Master Yi would do because I know he would not mind going to any length just to protect Ge'er. I'm sorry I didn't inform you guys about this", Xiao Bai said resting her head on Tan Fan's shoulder. Tan Fan was not surprised about her sudden action because she and Yun Yi have not yet made up, they were still having problems despite the fact that they saw each other partially every day.

" What exactly have you been hiding from us", Yun Yi a mild tone.

" Honestly today was the board meeting in our company and the agenda was to remove Ge'er from her position but don't worry guys I handled it well", Xiao Bai said smiling awkwardly. The mood in the room took a 360C turn when they heard her revelation. Xiao Bai did not know how to calm the guys down, so she only gave them her brightest smile.

" What? Did you just say that the agenda was to remove sister-in-law from her post? How could you keep such a thing from us and who the hell came up with such an outrageous agenda", Yun Yi asked in annoyance.

" Who else would it have been if not for her scheming two-faced uncle and aunts", Tan Fan said harshly.

" Calm down guys, I handled the meeting just fine so you don't have to make an issue out of it. And please lower your voice a bit because Young Master Yi might overheard our discussion, and we all know how he will handle the issue right?", Xiao Bai asked.

" And what do you not want me to know", Yi Lan asked stepping into the room. Everyone was shocked and the look showed how surprise they were.

" Hello..... Third bro", Yun Yi said stammering in between his words.

" What were you guys discussing before I entered. Why does it look like the three of you are hiding something from me?", Yi Lan asked giving them a suspicious gaze.

" What could we be hiding from you? Of course, we were only playing. Tan Fan was just being naughty, so I told him to behave", Xiao Bai lied signalling the two guys to say something. Tan Fan felt so wronged, " Why did Miss Xiao Bai have to use me as the scapegoat?", Tan Fan thought.

" Yes Third bro, it was just like Miss Xiao Bai said", Yun Yi said smiling.

" But from the expression on your faces earlier it did not look as if you guys were just playing around", Yi Lan asked still giving them a suspicious gaze. Xiao Bai and the two guys immediately rushed to Lie Ruge's side in order not to answer the question, they knew that if they continue talking to Yi Lan he will eventually force the truth out of them. Xiao Bai playfully pulled the two guys out of the hospital room on her out after saying goodbye to Lie Ruge and Yi Lan.

" You guys seemed to be in good mood earlier, what made the two of you so happy when I met you in the room earlier. I couldn't get to ask you this because Young Master Yi was around so what's up?", Xiao Bai asked nudging Tan Fan with her elbow. She had the habit of treating Yun Yi as a stranger when they were no longer in the hospital room.

" To tell you the truth, we actually saw sister-in-law move her fingers today, we have a feeling that she will wake up soon. Too bad we couldn't bring ourselves to tell Third bro this because of what he did after Yun Yi told him that he saw sister-in-law move her fingers two days ago only for everyone to turn around and see her fingers still in the same position as they were. You saw how angry he was when he saw that her fingers were not moving, he almost killed Yun Yi to the awe of everyone, so we did not inform him about the new development because no one could fathom how he will react", Tan Fan said.

" Wow! So does this means Ge'er might wake up any time soon?", Xiao Bai asked excitedly. She was so happy to the extent that her eyes were shining brightly.

" I guess so", Tan Fan replied. They kept on chatting until they reached where their car was parked.

Three days slowly passed and Lie Ruge did not still wake up. Even the doctors were worried because due to the immense improvement they had seen, she supposed to have woken up by then. No matter how many test they conducted, the result always show that nothing major was wrong with her apart from the gunshot injury that was healing just fine. Yi Lan sat down on her bedside as always and started talking.

" Ge'er you know what, for once in my life I really regret letting you into that fierce battle. I know that the world sees you as an invincible force but to me you are just my little Ge'er that needs to be pampered and protected. I'm sorry I put you through all this pains when I could have handled everything secretly on my own. But I promise I will make it up to you, so please Pretty, you've got to wake up. We haven't even gotten to go on your dream date, so wake up and let me make it up to you alright?", Yi Lan asked as tears flowed down his eyes.Yi Lan did not know what happened but he suddenly noticed that LieRuge was sweating profusely. He quickly rushed to the bathroom, he brought a clean towel and clean water inside a basin. He hurriedly dipped the towel inside the water and used the towel to clean the sweat off her body. He started panicking because he hasn't seen her sweat in such a way after she was hospitalized. Seeing that she was still sweating despite all his efforts to wipe off the sweats, he forgot for a minute that there was a button on the wall that he could press to get the doctor's assistance. He quickly attempted to run outside to call the doctors, but he immediately stopped in his track when he heard a sound behind him.

" Ouch....", came the sound again. He took a deep breath before he slowly turned around to see where the sound was coming from.

" Ouch....", came the sound again for the third time. Yi Lan could not believe his eyes when he saw Lie Ruge slowly opening her eyes while shouting in pains. He was so confused, he realized he couldn't bring himself to move an inch from his current spot.

" Can you help me out?", Lie Ruge asked when she saw how shocked Yi Lan was.

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