Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 152: A flirtatious nurse

Chapter 152: A flirtatious nurse

" What gist have you guys got for me? I know you've got a lot to say so come on get me on this ride guys...", Lie Ruge said playfully. The guys did not waste any more time, they immediately narrated partially all that has happened throughout the period she was in coma, Xiao Bai was not left out. She also narrated all the exciting things that took place both in her agency and in the company too, but she did not make mention of the board meeting since Yi Lan was there. Everyone excitedly narrated their stories with smiles on their faces. Lie Ruge could not help smiling now and then whenever they said something funny. Although Yi Lan was not happy with how the guys disrupt their privacy but he was glad to see how happy Lie Ruge was while listening to all their chatters. 

" Tan Fan what about the wines you talked about, I hope you did not let Yun Yi lay his hands on my precious wines right?", Lie Ruge said suddenly, startling everyone with her question. Tan Fan immediately panicked when he heard Lie Ruge's question.

" Ge'er what wine are you talking about and Tan Fan why are suddenly sweating?", Xiao Bai asked innocently.

" Tan Fan said he was going to give me some wine as a present while I was sleeping so I'm trying to make sure he will not go back on his words", Lie Ruge said giving Tan Fan a suspicious glare.

" Hahaha.... sister-in-law don't tell me you heard all our conversations hmmm", Tan Fan said laughing awkwardly.

" I'm not sure I listened to each and every one of your chattering but I remember listening to the majority of them but why are asking me such a silly question when you haven't answered mine?", Lie Ruge asked with a frown on her face. Yun Yi also began to sweat when he heard her answer, he was afraid that Lie Ruge will ask him a question that will put him into trouble.

" Hahaha..... come on Tan Fan, did you really promise Ge'er wines thinking that she will not recall it when she woke up? That is so hilarious", Xiao Bai said laughing out loud.

" Did Yun Yi really drink the wines like you had warned me?", Lie Ruge asked turning her gaze to Yun Yi.

" Sister-in-law I don't know what wine you are talking about, Tan Fan never gave me any wine but I bet he might have given it to the ladies who often frequented his Mansion instead. Hey Tan Fan, say something, what did you do with sister-in-law's wine?", Yun Yi asked smirking wickedly. He was glad that Lie Ruge did not ask him any question. Tan Fan could not defend himself no matter how hard he tried. He was left speechless by her question.

" Ge'er you know that you are not allowed to drink any wine until your wound has completely healed right? You don't have to worry, I will get you whatever wine you desire when your wound has healed alright?", Yi Lan said bailing Tan Fan out of his dilemma. Tan Fan immediately heave a sigh of relieve when he heard Yi Lan's words. " Thank goodness I am saved", Tan Fan said inwardly.

" That is why Third bro is the best, he treats sister-in-law the best", Tan Fan said smiling uneasily. Lie Ruge immediately gave him a cold stare when he said those words, he instantly stopped smiling when Lie Ruge gave him the cold stares.

" And Yun Yi, is it true that the female nurses and doctors were flirting with Lanlan?", Lie Ruge said throwing the bomb at Yun Yi. Yun Yi almost collapse when he heard Lie Ruge's question, he wished the ground will open up and swallow him at that moment but too bad, the ground did not open up like he had wished.

" Flirting? Yun Yi, what nonsense did you tell your sister-in-law? Who was cheating on whom?", Yi Lan asked as he shot Yun Yi a murderous gaze which made Yun Yi shiver in fear.

" Flirting? I don't remember telling sister-in-law such a thing", Yun Yi lied not daring to look at either Lie Ruge or Yi Lan.

" Are you implying that Ge'er is lying? Why would she have brought up the topic if you did not tell her? Ok, If you said that you are not the one then was is it Tan Fan that said it?", Xiao Bai asked giving the two of them a stern look.

" Of course I'm not the one Young Miss Xiao, you know I am very scared of Third bro, so I wouldn't have had the guts to rattle on him just like that", Tan Fan said defensively. After Tan Fan defended himself, everyone turn their gaze towards Yun Yi. With everyone' s attention on him, Yun Yi did not know where to run to, he knew that there was no escape route for him to slip away this time around.

" Sister-in-law, I was only telling you what I saw. And Tan Fan can testify to this as while. I still remember vividly how the nurse who wanted to change the bandage on Third bro's hand acted, she was practically romancing Third bro's hand but Third bro did not reject her advances. She even attempted to touch Third bro's handsome face but I immediately ordered her out of the room because I know that Third bro's face is only meant for our beautiful sister-in-law or am I not saying the truth Tan Fan?", Yun Yi asked staring at Tan Fan inquiringly. Tan Fan was in a dilemma, he really wanted to support Yun Yi's words but the murderous glares his Third brother was directing at him  sent chills down his spine. Thank goodness the nurse entered the moment he wanted to open his mouth to say something. The moment the nurse entered their hospital room, instead of her to first acknowledge Lie Ruge's presence, the first thing she did was to smile enticingly at Yi Lan while immediately changing the way she was walking. Everyone was stunned by her action, but they just silently watched what the nurse up was to. After winking at Yi Lan, she walked slowly but seductively towards where Yi Lan was sitting down. She sat down beside him and brought out the new bandage she was going to dress is wound with. When she was through, she squatted down and looked directly into Yi Lan's captivating eyes and found herself lost in his bewitching eyes. Since she was squatting down in front of Yi Lan, she thought Yi Lan was staring back at her not knowing that Yi Lan's gaze has been on Lie Ruge before she even entered the hospital room.

" Oh, you've got something on your face", the nurse said attempting to touch Yi Lan's face but someone's word stopped her hand in midst air.

" What the hell do you think you are doing?", Lie Ruge asked fiercely. The nurse jolted back to reality instantly. She quickly stood up to her feet in a twinkle of an eye, she did not have the courage to look directly at their Boss, so she just lowered her head in fear.

" Sister-in-law as you can see I was clearly stating the truth", Yun Yi said in his defense. He was so glad that the nurse just came into their hospital room at the nick of time or else he his Third brother would have blown off his head.

" Shut the hell up if you don't want me to cut off your tongue", Lie Ruge fired back angrily startling everyone with her tone of speech. Since Yi Lan was concentrating his attention on Lie Ruge even when the nurse wanted to dress his wound he did not have an idea about what was going on around him, it was Lie Ruge's angry voice that jolted him back to his senses. He quickly rushed to the bed and deliberately pushed Yun Yi off the bed in his attempt to sit down close to Lie Ruge.

" How dare you openly flirt with my best friend's man in our presence huh? You better scram if you don't want to get skinned alive and while on your way don't forget to drop off your resignation letter. Now piss off and don't you dare try to plead for leniency or you won't be able to fathom what will become of you", Xiao Bai said angrily. The nurse immediately dashed out the room without looking back. She wept bitterly as she hurriedly down the hall. Lie Ruge was very upset to the extent that her eyes were spitting fire, nobody dared to utter a word. Xiao Bai quickly took the hints that they needed some privacy to resolve the misunderstanding that just took place some moments ago, so she instantly dragged the two guys by their hands and forcefully pulled them out of the room against their will. With the two of them now left alone, Yi Lan tried to hug her in order to appease her but Lie Ruge rejected his hug and even when he wanted to kiss her, Lie Ruge also rejected him once again. She refused to say a word to him.

" Ge'er, I was wrong. I know if I had paid attention when the nurse wanted to dress my wound then she wouldn't have been able to take advantage of me like that. This will never happen again so forgive this your charming hubby alright", Yi Lan said making a funny face so that he would make her laugh, but she did not laugh.

" Come on, don't go silent on me Ok? Say something, you know I can not bear it if you refused to speak to me right? If you want to get mad at me or say something mean to me then you are free to do so but you are not allowed to stay silent Ok?", Yi Lan said gentling using his hands to turn her face around so that she was now facing him directly.

" The smile on your face earlier clearly shows that you were enjoying every bit of her flirtatious touch don't deny it", Lie Ruge said in a displeased tone.

" Hey Pretty of course not, I was so lost staring at you that I momentarily forgot everything that was going on around me. I would have preferred it if you were the one flirting with me earlier not some other woman", Yi Lan said now cupping her pretty but annoyed face in his palms.

" You have just agreed that she was flirting with you. Let's say you were not enjoying her touches but why did you give her the permission to touch your face back then?", Lie Ruge asked staring directly into his eyes.

" But she never got to touched my face right? Do you know the punishment for any lady who dares to deliberately lay their hands on my face apart from you? The punishment is that they will get their hands chopped off immediately because this face only belongs to one woman and that is you wifey", Yi Lan said honestly.

" Really? Are you sure of what you have just said?", Lie Ruge asked curiously. 

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