Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 160: A love confession ( loving you was right)

Chapter 160: A love confession ( loving you was right)

After hearing Yi Lan's questions especially the last part Lie Ruge instantly yawn and stood up from the couch heading to her bed which was at the far right corner of the room. Yi Lan just watched her in confusion, he didn't know what she was up. On getting to the bed she lied down on the bed.

" I feel sleepy for some reason. You can ask me the questions some other time, I want to take a nap right now", Lie Ruge said acting a little suspicious. It was after she said those words that Yi Lan knew why she suddenly wanted to go to sleep even though she just woke up some hours ago. Yi Lan quickly saw through her acting. The Ge'er he knew was not the type of person to voluntarily sleep just any other time apart from in the night and even when it was night-time she often went to sleep very late in the night. He smiled when he saw her close her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.

" Are you sure you are feeling sleepy or are you just pretending in order to evade my questions?", Yi Lan asked doubtfully. Lie Ruge cleared her throat before she answered his question.

" Of course I feel sleepy, maybe the fifteen minutes ride must have worn me out", Lie Ruge said opening her eyes. Yi Lan stood up from the couch and approach her.

" Really? When did my wifey become so caring towards herself without being forced to? Are you shy to tell me when you fell in love with me? Or don't tell me you are shy to say it because you are the first person to fall in love with me before I did huh?", Yi Lan asked sitting down on the right side of the bed.

" Ouch... Of course not, you are the one that fell madly in love with me first", Lie Ruge said standing up with force from the bed. Due to the impact of the force her injury got affected too, so she gave a slight shout due to the pain. Yi Lan quickly hug her to himself when he saw that she was in pain.

" Why did you jerk up from the bed with such force? Sorry alright?", Yi Lan said petting her passionately.

" I'm alright, it was just a slight pain caused by the impact of my jerking up with force", Lie Ruge said.

" You didn't have to stand up like that, I'm alright as long as I know that my wifey is shy to confess that she was the first person to fall in love with me. I will cherish that fact in my heart", Yi Lan said touching the location of his heart with his left hand.

" Who gave you the idea that I fell in love with you first? You were the one who couldn't resisting all my charms so you automatically fell head over heels for me", Lie Ruge said proudly as she pulled herself away from his embrace. 

" If you were not the one then why did you try to evade the question hmmm? Are you ashamed of the fact that you fell in love with me?", Yi Lan asked painfully. He wanted to tease her but her resistance really hurt him and it showed in his expression. Lie Ruge quickly noticed the change in Yi Lan's expression, she felt bad for ruining his happy mood.

" How can I ever be ashame of the fact that I love you? I feel like shouting for the whole to hear just how much I love and care about you. How could I ever be ashame of the fact that I have the most loving man all to myself? I love you with my whole life and I will never feel ashamed of that", Lie Ruge said passionately while planting a light kiss on his lips. Yi Lan could not help smiling when he heard her confession, he felt so contented after hearing such lovely words from her.

" I love you a thousand times more and I will not hesitate to scream out to the whole world that I have the most loving, caring, talented and beautiful woman in my possession. She means the whole world to although she often held herself back from expressing how she feels towards me but nevertheless I love her so much", Yi Lan said planting a deeper kiss on her lips.

" Although my hubby loves me so much, he has never for once told me when he first fell in love with me", Lie Ruge said as she stared into his eyes intensely.

" At first I was thrilled by your personality. I vividly recalled how fierce you were when we met in the club. I searched the whole city for you after you guys left back then but for the first time in my life I couldn't find you guys no matter how hard I tried. Back then I searched for you not because I liked you or had interest in you, sorry but I only searched for you because I wanted to avenge myself and also because I wanted to repay you for the favour you did for me some time ago. I was so happy to meet you again in the restaurant for some an unknown reason. I'm sorry I was such a jerk back then. For the first time in my life I lost control of myself when you fell on top my body back then. I was so captivated by your beauty to the extent that I couldn't resist kissing you. I was so damn surprised that you kissed me back at that time. After that meeting, I kept getting drawn to you because of how interesting you were. I couldn't help falling in love with you back then even though I knew that you never liked me. I tried denying my feelings for you so many times but the more I try to deny my feelings for you, the more I find myself falling helplessly for you. And about when I started falling for you, I'm not really certain about that but I think I started falling in love with you before the first day you set your feet into my Mansion. My heart almost stopped when I saw you so pale and unable to breathe back then. I think I loved you way back before I even realized it. I only had the courage to tell you how I felt back then in my home", Yi Lan said with love filled eyes, he felt very excited when recalling all those happy memories.

" You searched for me? As I told you before Xiao Bai and I were on disguise that day in the club that is the reason why you could not find us no matter how hard you searched for us. I will not lie about this but back then in the club, I thought of you guys as total jerks who did not have respect for ladies because of how the three of you treated us. I really hated you back then. Since I don't really like reading the papers I couldn't recognize your identity and Xiao Bai could not get a good glimpse of your face since you guys were sitting down in the dark corner of the room. Our second meeting in the restaurant wasn't a pleasant one because of the incident that occurred there. I'm so sorry that I kicked your leg back then when I know I was partly at fault for what happened. Truth be told I really despised you after that incident in the restaurant. Everything progressed so fast then and I first allowed you to be my friend after I saw how persistent you were. I still remembered how hard you tried to make me fall in love with you back then. I couldn't help getting drawn to you after I saw your sincerity. It was hard for me to come to conclusion that the feelings I had for you was love. Before I met you I thought I was not capable of loving any man but Xiao Bai did everything to prove that I was wrong. I finally knew that she was right when I allowed you go as far as stripping my clothes in your bedroom on the day we dueled. That was when I was a hundred percent sure that I really love you. I enjoyed every bit of your touches back then because you had won my heart", Lie Ruge said covering her face. Yi Lan was awestruck by her confession. " Gosh! How come I never realized that she loves me so much back then", Yi Lan thought in disbelief.

" Are you sure that is when you started falling in love with me?", Yi Lan asked staring at her face in doubts.

" Yes, I'm sure of it", Lie Ruge answered confidently.

" That is so unbelievable. How come I never realized that you had feelings for me?", Yi Lan asked curiously.

" I guess you have a low EQ because every part of my body said just how much I loved you back then. My eyes must have confessed how I felt towards you more than a million times but you didn't realize it. My lips told you how much I loved you every time I kissed you. Or do you think that I would have done all those things to you if I didn't love you? Of course not, I would have cut off your head back then when you seduced me into stripping off before you back then on the day you got injured if I didn't love you", Lie Ruge said cupping his surprised face.

" Damn it! Why didn't I realized that sooner? If I had known sooner that you felt the same way towards me then you would have legally become my wife by now although I take you as my wife right now", Yi Lan said feeling a little regretful about his discovery.

" You look so cute, I think I should take a picture of your cute face so that I will hang it on my wall so that whenever I see this picture I will remember the look on your face when I confessed when I first fell in love with you", Lie Ruge said trying to stand up from the bed but Yi Lan held her back..

" Not so fast darling, we have not concluded what we were discussing", Yi Lan said carrying her on his laps.

" What else did we miss out hubby?", Lie Ruge said sweetly as she playfully used her index face finger to play with Yi Lan's face. Yi Lan regretted carrying her on his lap. Her sweet voice alone was too hard for him to handle combined with her teasing it was becoming unbearable for him to control himself after hearing such a lovely revelation.

" I have a secret to tell you", Yi Lan said, he had the urge to grab her index finger which was teasing his face, but he got rid of that urge because he didn't want to provoke her into doing even naughtier things to him since he was in a disadvantage with her on his body.

" What is the secret?", Lie Ruge asked rubbing her index fingers on Yi Lan's sexy lips.

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