Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 166: Press conference_______3 (hello uncle)

Chapter 166: Press conference_______3 (hello uncle)

" According to the information our private investigators gave us....", Lie Feitian paused and fake some tears. He used his handkerchief to wipe his tears. His facial expression became even more down cast. The reporters quickly guessed that maybe something terrible has happened to the CEO.

" The sad news is that CEO Lie is dead", Lie Feitian finally disclosed the news. A great silence fell on all the reporters in the room, they were shocked by the news. Xiao Bai who arrived at that crucial moment took a deep breath and braze herself up. Immediately she opened the door a very charming but stern female voice broke the silence.

" And who the hell says that I am dead? Do you mean to say that I am a ghost?", Lie Ruge asked sternly as she stepped into the hall through the other entrance. All the reporters directed their gaze to where the voice came from, the look of bewilderment and shock was written all over their faces when they saw who the speaker was.

" What the hell, it's CEO Lie", all the reporters shouted in shock. They turned all their cameras towards Lie Ruge direction. Lie Feitian nearly fainted on the point where he was standing when he saw Lie Ruge. " This is impossible!  How come she is still alive", Lie Feitian thought in total shock. The reporters threw several questions at her but Lie Ruge behaved as if she did not hear their questions until she got onto the podium. Xiao Bai smiled happily when she saw her best friend in action. She was so happy and relief to see her best friend there fully ready to take control of her EMPIRE. Yi Lan on the other could not help feeling uneasy so he quickly put on his glasses and face cap before he walked into the company. He got into the hall just when Lie Ruge finished climbing the podium.

" What is going go on here if I may ask? Director Lie, how come I was never informed about a press conference being held here today ?", Lie Ruge turned around to ask Lie Feitian sternly. She didn't give a damn about the fact that the reporters were there since she knew that their various agencies will not allow them to publish the news due to the consequences of their action. 

" That.... is...", Director Lie stutter with the shock written all over his face. He was too shock to utter a word. His expression was like as if he had seen a ghost. " What actually happened? How come I never knew that she was still alive", Lie Feitian thought painfully. 

" Why are you staring at me  as if you have seen a ghost? I said what is going on here Director Lie? Say something and stop staring at me like that", Lie Ruge said sternly. The reporters were so curious. They were dying to ask her questions but they dare not interrupt her when she was speaking. From the rumours circulating around the press, they said that CEO is a demon so everyone dreaded her so much. Any media house who dares to slander her name or publish malicious news about her always went bankrupt or the people will mysteriously disappear without any trace. Lie Feitian finally found his voice after Lie Ruge spoke to him fiercely.  Although he found the courage to utter a word everyone could see that he was visibly trembling. 

" Ge'er, it is not what you are thinking, I was just trying.....", Lie Ruge cut him shut before he could finish making his excuses. He was shocked to see Lie Ruge now standing beside him.

" It is not Ge'er Director Lie but CEO Lie,  don't make me correct you again alright or you will not like what i will do to you right now", Lie Ruge whispered into his ears while smiling devilishly towards the cameras.

" Director Lie, what are you waiting for? The reporters are waiting to hear your explanation or should I be the one to tell them what happened? You might not like what I will say to them so climb the podium and clarify yourself or everyone might take you for a senile old man Ok", Lie Ruge said those words menacingly but she made sure to whisper the last part of the sentence into his ears. Lie Feitian just climbed the podium like a zombie, he did not know how to explain himself. Yi Lan secretly watched the show unfolded at the back of the hall, he smiled wickedly when he saw his woman in action. 

" Hello everyone, I'm sorry for keeping you all in suspense. As you can see our CEO has just arrived some moments ago from her international business trip that means that the news about her death was just a misunderstanding from our own part. I sincerely apologized to each and everyone of you", Lie Feitian with a pitiful expression as he bowed apologetically. 

" Director Lie, how come you said it was a misunderstanding from your part when you sounded so certain that CEO Lie was dead? What gave you such confidence to clearly announce to us that your niece was dead when she was alive and well?", the female reporter who asked him a question threw this question at him. From the way she attacked Lie Feitian since the beginning of the press conference, one would guessed that she and Lie Feitian were mortal enemies. 

" Director Lie, you said earlier that it was your private investigators that informed you that CEO Lie was dead right, then why didn't you confirm it to with the police before you called for the press conference?",

" Did you want to become the CEO so much to the extent that you couldn't hold back yourself from declaring your niece dead to the public, this is so despicable",

" Did you plan to remove CEO Lie from her position by making us publish fake news about her death or were you so sure that she was dead because you took some detrimental actions against behind the scenes",

" What kind of a uncle are you? You are too wicked to have the Angelic Actress as your daughter", the reporters started throwing different kinds of inhumane insults at Lie Feitian. Lie Feitian could not believe that the table has turned against him, he was too shocked to utter a word and stood rooted to the floor. Lie Ruge could not help smiling when she saw the look of disdain on Lie Feitian's face, she wished that her two aunts were there to witness what they got from messing with her. She got tired watching the show so walked to the podium. Lie Feitian shamefully stepped down from the podium for her to climb onto it.

" Hello, Director Lie is not usually this bold, I don't know what came over him within the short period of time that I was away for the business trip and I know that what he has just done is not pardonable and he will receive the due punishment according to the company's rules so you guys should not be so hard on him Ok", Lie Ruge said smiling brightly. All the male reporters were smitten by here charming smile and striking beauty. They wished that Empire Corporation should be holding a press conference everyday so that they will have the opportunity to feed their eyes on such a rare beauty. Yi Lan frowned angrily when he saw the lustful eyes that were directed on his woman. He felt like gouging out their eyes for daring to lust after his woman but he just tightened his fist and stood there watching her from afar of.

" CEO Lie, which of the country did you travel to that no one could get in contact with you because according to Director Lie, he said that he called all your company's employees line across the continent but no one knew about your whereabouts.  Did you really travel out of thr country or where you still in the country?", a reporter asked proudly.

" Are you implying that I am lying right now? As to where I went to or whom I met, I can't disclose it to you guys since everything about that international business trip was confidential but you can see me later in my office after the press conference for some more details if you are so curious hahaha.....", Lie Ruge laughed dryly. She clearly took note of the reporter who asked her the question. The reporters laughed along when she initiated the laughter. No reporter in that room who did not know the hidden meaning behind those words she had just said. It was only a crazy person that will go to the CEO's office to ask her for more details about the trip.

" CEO Lie, how come you are this beautiful? Is there a secret behind this your unfading beauty? You look so charming in this white dress",

" Yeah CEO Lie,  many women will be so happy to know about your secret for being so beautiful",

" Your beauty is so blinding. I almost mistook you for an angel when you stepped into the hall dressed in a white dress. You look so breathtakingly beautiful".

All male reporters could not help asking the questions that has always been on their minds for the past four years. With Lie Ruge now standing on the podium, they forgot about the anger towards Lie Feitian at that moment.

" I guess the secret is because I took after my dad or maybe because I am such a workaholic", Lie Ruge said playfully. Everyone laughed heartily due to her cute reply and she could not help smiling brightly in order to lighten the mood in the hall. Yi Lan could not help being jealous when he saw how a mere smile from Lie Ruge was sending the men wild in their desires.

" We will wrap up the press conference at this point", Lie Ruge said as she turned around to step down from the podium but she turned around suddenly as if she forgot to say something.

" And one more thing, starting from this moment Director Lie will be demoted from his Director position to that of a manager", Lie Ruge said before she stepped down from the podium. She walked majestically to where her uncle's was standing and pretended as if she wanted to hug him.

" Hello uncle, how does it feel to see me so healthy after your assassination plan? I bet you must be so disappointed right? Don't worry, this demotion is just a little present from me because of this press conference set up but I will be sure to repay you a thousand fold for the assassination plan and don't forget to relay this message to your wife and aunts too. Tell them that I will be visiting them to repay them back for the favour too. Relax, the reporters might think that you tried murdering me if you keep staring at me in such a weird manner. Their rage have subsided because I pleaded for you but I don't know what they might say to you again after I am gone so make sure to wrap up the press conference nicely Ok", Lie Ruge said menacingly before she majestically walked out of the hall. Lie Feitian felt as if he had just spoken with the devil after Lie Ruge left. This was the first time in four years since Lie Ruge had called him uncle but he could not help shivering in fear due to manner she called him uncle.

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