Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 169: Preparing to meet the in-law's____1

Chapter 169: Preparing to meet the in-law's____1

Yi Lan wanted them to chat for sometime before doing any other thing but Lie Ruge did not even wait for him to complete his sentence before she hurriedly climbed the stairs.

" Sorry hubby but my father and mother-in-law just invited me over, so I've got no time to chat right now because I have got to make sufficient preparation for the meeting", Lie Ruge said when she was at the top of the stairs before she hurriedly climbed the stairs to the third floor. When she got to her room, she quickly entered the bathroom to shower and without wasting much time she was out. After dressing up she wanted to find accessories that would complement the outfit Yi Lan had prepared for her, but she could not do that since Fei Yan had not yet delivered the clothes. At about 9:10 pm, she called Xiao Bai, Yun Yi and Tan Fan. She told them to drop by at her Mansion immediately, she didn't need to resort to threat with the guys since they had readily agreed to her command. After she ended the call, she and Yi Lan sat down at the sitting room to chat and Lie Ruge did most of the talking.

" Lanlan, how is the personality of your mum and dad? Are they the fierce type or the sweet loving couple type? Do they specifically have any qualities they would like or dislike in their daughter-in-law?", Lie Ruge asked curiously. This is the first time she wants to sincerely please someone, and she couldn't hide it. She had almost got married two years ago and her mother-in-law and father-in-law back then cared so much about their daughter-in-law's personality; how she talks, relates with other people, dress, her occupation and so on. She had gone through a lot back then before they finally approved their marriage but the only thing, she did not do back then was to bent her own rules and principles for Gao Yan's parents. They did not have any other choice but to abide by her demands when they saw that she was a great asset to the Gao's family but right now she wants to get along with Yi Lan's parent. She wants them to sincere like her for who she was but not because of her remarkable achievements.

" Ge'er, I don't know how to accurately describe them to you but what I can you tell is that although my parents are very strict, they are also very likable too. They are the humorous type of parent who will make you laugh your guts out if they like you although I'm not the type of person who easily laughs, so they had always complained about my ever-expressionless face. They are not the type of parents who unnecessarily picks at other people's mistakes or flaws, they accept everyone just the way they are. You will get to know them better when you meet them so there is no need for me to describe them to you", Yi Lan said.

" You have only answered the first part of the sentence. What kind of daughter-in-law do they prefer, is it feminine and gentle one or the strong-willed type?", Lie Ruge asked eagerly while staring at Yi Lan's face anticipatingly. 

" My mum and dad hate the docile and demure type of daughter-in-law because they think that they are the scheming type who often pretend in the presence of their father and mother-in-law only to show their true colours when their mother and father-in-law is not around. She called them the white lotus daughter-in-law", Yi Lan said with a carefree expression.

" Wow! That is weird. I thought all mother and father-in-law prefers the docile and demure type of daughter-in-law. One who always obeys their command without voicing out her dislike, a daughter-in-law who does not have a voice of her own in her husband's home, one who is gentle and easily subdue", Lie Ruge said with a look of disgust visible on her face. 

" Of course, not my mum and dad do not give a damn about what you do or who you are? They don't even give damn about whether their daughter-in-law is the sophisticated type of lady or not. They will like her just for who she is as long as their daughter-in-law is not the pretentious type. You are the perfect daughter-in-law that any parent would ever wish to have so you don't have to doubt who you are", Yi Lan said as he cupped her pretty face in his hand. Yi Lan and Lie Ruge chatted till the guys arrived. Xiao Bai was the person to arrive before the two guys arrived about five minutes later. The servants served them some snacks and juice when everyone arrived. The once quiet Mansion became lively with the arrival of these three funny figures.

" Ge'er, you sounded so anxious on the phone, is anything wrong?", Xiao Bai asked worriedly.

" Nothing is wrong, it's that I might need your assistance in choosing some fashion items for Yi Lan's parent when we go shopping", Lie Ruge replied excitedly.

" Yi Lan's parent?", Yun Yi, Tan Fan and Xiao Bai exclaim in amazement.

" Why the look of shock on your faces, I should have met them a long time if not because that I was hospitalized", Lie Ruge said rolling her eyes at them.

" Yeah that is true, you are the only hope for them to get to see their unfilial son who has refused to drop by at their Main Mansion for the past one year. I can't imagine how much they have missed seeing their beloved son for that long", Yun Yi said as he dramatized how Yi Lan parents must have felt. Yi Lan did not hesitate to throw a glass cup at him when he started his drama.

" Yi Lan's mum and dad are not the only ones who have missed seeing their son even uncle Lie does? Young Master Yi, Uncle Lie has invited you numerous times for lunch but Ge'er brutally rejected his invitation every time without even asking you for your opinion. Uncle Lie wants to meet with you but he can't do that since Ge'er will not let him...",

" Xiao Bai", Lie Ruge called her name sternly before Xiao Bai could complete what she wanted to say. Yi Lan gave Lie Ruge a questioning glare after Xiao Bai kept quiet but Lie Ruge shrugged her shoulders and gave him the ' I don't know what she is talking about the expression'.

" Ge'er but that is true. Uncle Lie has personally called me up several times to complain about you, so I am just telling Yi Lan the truth. I have to relay uncle's message to him and it is now left to him to decide whether he wants to ignore his father-in-law's request or not", Xiao Bai said care-freely not minding that Lie Ruge might punish her later on.

" BaiBai I didn't invite you here to talk about my dad but about my father and mother-in-law who will be expecting my arrival very soon Ok? Yi Lan and I will sort things out about my father's request some other time but not right now alright....", Lie Ruge said sternly while dragging the words to show her how serious she was. Xiao Bai instantly kept quiet when she saw that her best friend got upset by her words, but she knew that she was not upset anyways.

" Sister-in-law please don't get upset with Xiao Bai alright? She won't be able to handle it if you get mad at her Ok? She was only trying to help, and she will do it well so that mummy Yi and daddy Yi will fall in love with you after receiving your gifts. I trust Xiao Bai on that, isn't that so Tan Fan?", Yun Yi said nudging Tan Fan at his elbow.

" Of course sister-in-law, Xiao Bai is a fashion expert, she won't let you down. We will do the talking while the two of you will do the shopping but when are we going for shopping?", Tan Fan asked excitedly.

" Are you the one who supposed to tell me what my best friend is capable of? Of course, I know that Xiao Bai is a fashion genius, I wouldn't mind opening a mall for her if she was interested in it and why will I get angry at my darling? I was just a little sensitive that is all", Lie Ruge said smiling. She even rested her head on Xiao Bai's shoulder to show that she was not angry. Yi Lan felt so left out although Lie Ruge had spent the past four hours with him.

" Yeah that is right, I almost forgot that you have never gotten angry with Xiao Bai since we have known each other", Tan Fan said nodding his head in acknowledgment of the fact.

" So what do you want to buy as a gift for your father and mother-in-law? And have you chosen a dress for yourself?", Xiao Bai asked curiously. She knew that her best did not have an idea of what to buy that was why she called them over to ask for ideas.

" I haven't but can we talk about that in the car because I am running out of time right now", Lie Ruge said urging them to stand up from their seats.

" Lanlan, you have been so quiet since the guys' arrival, is everything alright and are you coming with us?", Lie Ruge asked. She signal for the guys to wait for her outside while she talks privately with Yi Lan. She sat down beside him after the guys went out.

" I want you all to myself without the guys around to disturb us. Do you know that we haven't even talked about us since I arrived here four hours ago? You have been asking me questions about my parents forgetting that your hubby was there beside you?", Yi Lan asked feeling a little displeased that both his parents and the guys have stolen his spot for that day.

" I promise you will have me all to yourself after the lunch appointment Ok? Nobody will be there to distract us and I will fully give you all my attention to you alright. Pardon your wifey for today Ok", Lie Ruge said cutely as she planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Yi Lan's mood took a 180 C degree turn after the passionate kiss that had just ensue between them.

" I've got to go right now because they are waiting for me outside. Are you coming with us?", Lie Ruge asked as she stood up and arrange her clothes.

" Of course I'm coming too", Yi Lan said as he quickly stood up from the couch. He held her by her waist as they went out. Before they went out Lie Ruge did not forget to bring Yi Lan's face cap and glasses too. When they went out Lie Ruge opt for a ride with the guys to the awe of everyone even Xiao Bai was shocked at her best friend's action. They had deliberately not mentioned the pictures of Yi Lan and Changle which was trending on the internet since Yi Lan has warned them not made mention of the incident to Lie Ruge because she was not aware of it. The four of them drove in the same car while Yi Lan had to drive to the mall alone.

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