Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 184: Yun yi and xiao bai's union ( lie changle's new scheme)

Chapter 184: Yun yi and xiao bai's union ( lie changle's new scheme)

Xiao Bai who was previously doubtful whether Yun Yi really meant what he said or not immediately changed her mind when she saw how sincere he was, his sincerity moved her stony heart. Her heart started to beat very fast in anticipation.

'" Are you sure you won't ever hurt me? And are you promising that you will be good to me forever?", Xiao Bai asked doubtfully.

" I cross my heart BaiBai, I will treat you the best in this world, I promise so just give me a second chance. I promise I won't mess up this time around and one thing is certain, I won't make you cry ever?", Yun Yi said honestly as he touched the position of his heart. Everywhere went dead silence as Xiao Bai took about ten minutes to finally conclude.

" Ok I will take responsibility for my words and actions last night but on one condition", Xiao Bai said as she stared at Yun Yi's cheerful expression fell at the mention that she had a condition. Yun Yi took a deep breath in preparedness for what Xiao Bai's condition will be.

" BaiBai, what is your condition?", Yun Yi asked timidly.

" Don't ever tease me only to leave me helpless just like you did earlier because I might end up raping you if you make my whole being long for you only to stop at the middle. I might beast out on you if you shattered my self-control in such a sexy manner", Xiao Bai said as her face immediately turn beet red due to shyness. She was practically blushing as she stares at Yun Yi's tone up abs lustfully.

" Is that your condition?", Yun Yi asked in disbelief.

" Yes, that is my condition or do you think that it is too hard for you to accomplish?", Xiao Bai asked innocently.

" Hard? That is not even considered as a condition. I thought you would give me an impossible condition just to scare me off. Rape me? I think you should be the one that worries about getting raped by me not the other way around. Do you know that I almost lost my self-control earlier, had I not held back? You look so tempting and delicious as always. Everything on your body was longing for my touch but don't worry I won't ever force myself on you because I am a gentleman", Yun Yi said as he instantly hugged Xiao Bai tightly. He hugged her as if she would slip off from his embrace any time soon. While hugging Xiao Bai tightly to himself, he forgot that his upper body was completely naked.

" Yun Yi, can you let go of me, you are choking me", Xiao Bai said and Yun Yi quickly let go of her. He quickly examined her to make sure that she was alright. It was when Xiao Bai romance his abs admiringly that he immediately remembered that his shirt was pulled off in the process of their heated kiss.

" Yun Yi, I'm quite curious, what kind of exercise did you undergo to have your whole body toned up like this? Your fine abs looks so appealing to my eyes. I feel like romancing it all day long", Xiao Bai said as her eyes lit up in excitement.

" Do you like it? I did all kind of exercises and practice all kinds of martial arts before my whole body became like this and you don't have to feel shy about touching it because it is all yours starting from this minute", Yun Yi said as he let her run her finger through his perfectly toned six packs. After staying in that state for fifteen minutes, Yun Yi finally wore his shirt and so did Xiao Bai. Yun Yi instantly zoomed off after they were fully dressed. Yun Yi did not want to separate from Xiao Bai, but he did after making plans with her for the night. He did not forget to personally visit Tan Fan at his Villa just to brag to him that Xiao Bai was his woman starting from today. Xiao Bai too did not forget to call her best friend over the phone in order to relay the good news to her and Lie Ruge was sincerely happy for her. Lie Ruge did not doubt her friends ability in making Yun Yi fall head over heels for her, so she was not that surprised when Xiao Bai told her that she and Yun Yi were now a couple since she had already expected such outcome from their little push and pull. Yun Yi invited Yi Lan, Lie Ruge and Tan Fan to the club to celebrate he and Xiao Bai's union. Lie Ruge readily agreed since it was for her best friend and Yi Lan did not have any other choice but to agree since Lie Ruge agreed and most importantly he went there because those two people were important figures in his life. Night came faster than anticipated and the guys arrived at the booked club at the same. Xiao Bai had already informed them that they were not going to book for a room since it will be more interesting if they stayed at the open space just like majority of people did and no one objected to her idea. Entering the club, the club hostess directed them to seat at the dark right corner of the room. Since everything was on Yun Yi, he ordered all their favorite wines not minding the price, and he also ordered light dishes to go along with the ten bottle of wines. When Yi Lan noticed that Lie Ruge was drinking too much, he quickly stopped her from drinking any more in fear that she might get drunk again.

" What are you doing, let go of the bottle", Lie Ruge said as she struggled to snatch the bottle f wine away from Yi Lan.

" Ge'er, I think it is better you stop drinking so that you will not get drunk like last time. I will really punish you severely when we get home if you refused to listen to me Ok", Yi Lan said firmly.

" Drunk? Who did you say got drunk last time? Are you referring to Ge'er?", Xiao Bai asked curiously.

" Yes I'm referring to Ge'er, is something wrong with what I had just said?", Yi Lan asked innocently.


Xiao Bai burst out in a deafening laughter, she laughed till her stomach hurt. Yi Lan, Yun Yi and Tan Fan did not understand what warranted the laughter, so they stare at her weirdly.

" What? Ge'er drunk? That is a really funny joke Yi Lan", Xiao Bai said as she resumes her laughter once again. No matter how many times Lie Ruge signal Xiao Bai not to talk , Xiao Bai did not listen to her.

" Xiao Bai, what is so funny about sister-in-law getting drunk?", Tan Fan asked inquisitively.

" It is funny because it is almost impossible for Ge'er to get drunk. I bet she will only get drunk if she drinks at least fifteen bottles of this wine all by herself. Yi Lan don't tell me Ge'er pretended to be drunk when the two of you went to the club", Xiao Bai said as she controlled herself from laughing again. Yi Lan nodded his head in affirmation and Xiao Bai opened her mouth in shock.

" Wow! I can't believe that you got totally fooled by Ge'er despite your high IQ and Ge'er why did you do that to Yi Lan? Was there something you wanted to him that you could not do so except pretending to be drunk? You have just earn my respect Ge'er, people who had such high tolerance to alcohol will not hesitate to flaunt it but you hid yours. You are such a darling", Xiao Bai said as she gave Lie Ruge a thumbs up.

" Sister-in-law, did you confessed to Third bro the day you pretended to got drunk only to pretend the following morning that you did not recall anything or did you bounce on him that day because you couldn't resist his charms?", Tan Fan asked teasingly.

" I think she did both", Yun Yi chided in. Yi Lan just stared at Lie Ruge in shock when he heard the truth from Xiao Bai. " Then that means that she said those words to me when she was sober. Damn it, why didn't I realized this on that particular day", Yi Lan thought silently, feeling a little regretful about the late revelation.

In the club male restroom, crazy moans and grunts could be heard loudly by anyone who enters the bathroom.

" Uhhhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... faster...", the lady scream in great enthusiasm as she slapped the guys butts loudly. Since the guy saw that no matter how roughly he f*cked the lady that she was not satisfied, he also slapped her butts as he thrust in and out of her faster and rougher.

" Ahhhhhhhhh..... uhhhhhhhhhh.... nooooooooo....", the lady moaned erotically as the guy cum inside her for the fifth time in the small restroom. After f*cking the b*tch for one hour thirty minutes, the guy dragged his trousers up and left her in the bathroom for her to handle herself. He didn't give a damn about who she was as long as she was able to satisfy him perfectly. Lie Changle who just got f*cked some minutes ago in the bathroom was seen in a company of some unknown men smiling brightly as they played with different parts of her body in an immoral way. After getting a taste of such adventurous sex from Gao Yan's men, she often went to different clubs to look for fitted men who could satisfy her in such manner too. She totally changed herself to an all-time whore just for some hours pleasure that would still pile up again after some hours. Since she was not there when Yi Lan and the rest arrived she did not know that there were just sitting down one seat apart from hers. " She is here? How come she is so happy when I am all miserable? She does not deserve to be happy after snatching my man from me. Just watch and see Ge'er, I will see whether Yi Lan will still remember you after you are dead", Lie Changle mumbled the words angrily. She started planning how to go about accomplishing her plans and luckily for her an opportunity came ten minutes later. Yun Yi called one of the club hostess and ordered another four bottles of wine since Yi Lan and Lie Ruge wanted to compete on who had the highest alcohol tolerance, the two of them were forced to do so when Xiao Bai who initiated the competition started crying that Lie Ruge was neglecting her since she now had Yi Lan. She walked up to the counter with a glass of wine and pretended as if she tripped and poured wine all over the ladies dress. The lady did not have any other choice but to quickly go to the bathroom to clean her clothes on their manager's order leaving the wines on the counter. Lie Changle sneakily opened one of the wine which was Lie Ruge's favorite wine and poured a yellowish liquid substance into the wine. After shaking the wine a little she pretentiously went back to her seat smiling triumphantly.

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