Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 189: A trip down the memory lane (sky palace academy)

Chapter 189: A trip down the memory lane (sky palace academy)

"I have always let my uncle and aunts off the hook every time they did something bad to me because they are dad's only family. I have always doubted my suspicions against them concerning my mum's death because they were so close to my mum and dad when my mum was alive. They were also the ones who pushed my dad into sending me to the academy. Yi Lan, I hope that you will not take me for a bad person if I punish my own family with my own hands, I can't just let them off unscathed after all they have done. I can never forgive those who killed my mum", Lie Ruge said coldly as tears fell from her eyes. No matter how heartless she is, they were still her family after all.

" I know that you are not a bad person instead you are the kindest person in the world and I would never have forgiven them even though you did, and we will first deal with those Lu or whatsoever assassination organization before we deal with them. I will make sure your uncle and his wife see their beloved daughter die in their own presence, I will make them face the same pain you faced when they murdered your mum in your presence", Yi Lan said coldly.

" My mum loved and cherished them so much when she was alive so what made them murder her and left me without a mum? Do they know the kind of pain I went through after losing my mum in my presence? I have always wished no child in this world went through the kind of I went through in my childhood. I was a wreck at that time and so was my dad after losing my mum who was three weeks pregnant. I kept blaming myself that I was the reason that my mum died. As if my self-blame was not enough, all the children's taunting made me attempt committing suicide so many times. My dad did not have any other option but to send me to an unknown academy because my uncle and aunts did not cease attempting to take my life. I was just a child at that time so what made them despised me so much?", Lie Ruge said as she wept bitterly. Yi Lan heartache so much as he saw the woman he loves weep in his presence. He has never seen her wept in such manner before, he could still remember that she had only shed a few drops of tears when she was shot the last time and even when she was poisoned no drop of tears falls from her eyes. It was obvious that the emotions were too much for her to handle. " Which child of her age at that time would have witnessed such a terrifying sight and still remain sane?", He thought as he patted her back lovingly to calm her down.

" It's alright, you have to calm down Ok? My heart aches to see you in pain, so stop crying alright because they don't deserve your tears. They should be thankful you kept them alive till now after the terrible things they did to you and your mum. They don't deserve an iota of pity from you and you don't have to feel bad about avenging yourself and your mum because you have done what no man/woman on earth would have done by making them live a life of luxury even when they didn't work for the money. You are the best wife and daughter anyone would ever wish for", Yi Lan said as he kissed her on her forehead.

" Thank you so much hubby, I could never wish for any other man but you", Lie Ruge said as she hugged him tightly. Yi Lan wrapped his hands around her and wiped off the tears from her eyes. They looked so lovely as they stared at each other.

" Ge'er, you once said that you would tell me everything about the mysterious academy that you kept mentioning whenever we talked right? So, will you be able to tell me everything about it right now or is today not the right day?", Yi Lan asked patiently when he saw that she was now calm. Lie Ruge hesitated for two minutes before she gave him her answer.

" There is no such thing as the right or wrong day, it is just an excuse we humans used to evade saying the truth. I trust you enough to share my life story and secrets with you. I don't want to hide anything from you because the major thing that breaks up most relationships is when the couples cannot trust each other with their secrets and I don't want that to happen to us. I love you way too much to want to separate from you. So, are you ready to get on the ride of my memory lane?", Lie Ruge said with a slight smile on her face. Yi Lan could see the look of ease in her eyes when she said that she was going to tell him her life story not like the last time that she was so hesitant and fearful.

" Yeah I'm more than ready to share your sadness and happiness through your memories", Yi Lan said as he held her two hands and stared into her eyes passionately.

" The name of the academy was Sky-Palace Academy and its location remains a mystery to everyone who has heard the name of the academy. The academy was located in the middle of nowhere since we were surrounded by thick forest. It was a place where only the strongest survived and of course, I wasn't even considered among the mediocre when I first entered the academy. My master once told me that the academy chooses who will be his students and unfortunately, I was among the people that were chosen while just a few of us there foolishly volunteered to join the academy not knowing the hellish torture that was ahead of them. I can still remember that I was assigned to master Jing when I newly entered the academy but guess what made our overall master became my master?", Lie Ruge asked smiling.

" Because he couldn't resist your beauty", Yi Lan said smiling too.

" Silly you, of course that was far from it. My master wasn't interested in other women because he only had eyes for only one woman. Let's get back to where I stopped. So after seeing how unfriendly the environment of the school was, I always threw a tantrum that I wanted to go back home and I always ended up being punished severely for this but I never stopped complaining and disturbing all the masters in the academy. All the teachers became fed up after I always distracted their lessons, so they reported me to our overall master. Even when they brought me to the overall master, I told him to his face that I didn't like it there that I wanted to go back home to my dad and best friend. After warning me sternly to deceit from my childish behavior, he let me off but since I was such a brat then I didn't take heed to his command and continued. My seniors often dealt with me seriously but I never backed down, I continued with my never-ending disturbances until one night our overall master was so fed up with my nonsense when I set our kitchen on fire, he told me that I was free to go back home, and he wanted me to leave immediately that night. I was so happy that night, you should have seen the broad smile on my face when I was packing up my stuff but that night became a night I would never forget. I set off despite all the masters pleads for me to stay. I took with me everything I thought I would need on my journey. A few distances into my journey, I found myself in a thick forest where different sounds of wild animals filled the air", Lie Ruge got interrupted by Yi Lan's angry voice.

" Wait, how could they have done that to you? You were just a normal child with no martial art or other skills to defend yourself had you been attacked by a wild animal", Yi Lan stated angrily.

" You are correct about that, after walking to nowhere in particular for the past two hours with my tiredness, I started feeling as if someone was tailing me, so I increase my space and when I felt like the thing was still following me I took to my heels throwing all my bags away. I ran for all I care in the world for twenty minutes in darkness as I rose up every time I tripped on something and fell. Just when I thought that I was safe before I realized it, I was surrounded by a pack of hungry wild dogs. I trembled when I saw the deadly creatures before me, I wanted to take to my heels once again but there was way for me to run to since I was all surrounded. Do you know what saved me from those terrible creatures?", Lie Ruge asked curiously.

" I bet your master come out at that crucial moment to save you", Yi Lan said confidently.

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