Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 208: Aftermath of revenge

Chapter 208: Aftermath of revenge

Lie Ruge was afraid that she might forgive them if she looked back that was why with her shoulders high and chin up, she left the scene without looking back. The moment she left the grassy area she headed straight to the room where Yi Lan and she had stayed before. She wept bitterly as she covered her mouth with her two hands so that those in the other room will not hear that she was crying. She wanted to act cool and nonchalant till the end, but she could not bring herself to do so. She had to take this painful decision to prevent a future mishap. She did not want her family to make her future children motherless as they had done to her that was why she had to end this before she ended up dying unjustly as her beloved mother did. If she didn't put an end to this now, they would have murdered those she loves and cares about, so she did not have any other choice but to do this. Although she despised them so much, they were still her family just like Lie Changle had said, so she felt so terrible that they had to die like that, but she didn't blame herself for their death because she gave them good fifteen years to repent and change, but they became worst instead. She wept bitterly for ten minutes before she wiped her face dry and put on her cold and domineering look back. Someone who didn't know her very well would never guess that this pretty lady who looked like the devil itself has just wept. Yi Lan entered the room five minutes later and saw her staring into space, with just one closer look he knew that she had just cried.

" Wow! What are you staring at so intensely, is it something interesting?", Yi Lan asked playfully as he sat down beside her. His words instantly brought Lie Ruge back to reality, she was preoccupied thinking to the extent that she did not notice when Yi Lan entered the room.

" Sorry, I didn't notice your presence", Lie Ruge apologized as she quickly rested her head on his shoulders.

" What were you thinking so deeply about that you did not notice the presence of your handsome hubby? Oh my gosh! What is wrong with my head, my bad, I forgot to ask about your well-being earlier since you walked out of the scene immediately? So how are you feeling? I hope you didn't get hurt?", Yi Lan asked worriedly.

" I'm perfectly alright. It's just that I feel a bit tired", Lie Ruge said weakly.

" Don't worry I will take you home after my men are through with the clean-up but Ge'er, do you know that you were so awesome earlier? I almost mistook you for Wonder Woman when you were fighting earlier. You looked so stunning in your fighting clothes, it was as if this was my first time seeing you in such clothes before", Yi Lan said smiling as he tried to lighten the tension in the room. He knew just how she was feeling although she was trying her utmost best to pretend as if she was Ok.

" Stop flattering me, I know you don't like mean it", Lie Ruge said pretending as though she was upset with him.

" Of course, I'm serious and there is one crucial point I didn't specify",

" And what is that?", Lie Ruge cut him short before he could complete his sentence.

" The fact that you are a hundred times beautiful than wonder woman", Yi Lan said as he embraced her, they kept on talking and playing for fifteen minutes although Yi Lan did most of the talking and playing since Lie Ruge was not in a very good mood.

" Ge'er let's go now, I bet they must have finished cleaning up", Yi Lan said as he assisted her up from the couch. Lie Ruge followed closely behind him, she was beyond shocked when she saw the messy scene in front of her when she entered the main room.

" What the hell happened here?", Lie Ruge asked in awe when she saw the disgusting scene in front of her.

" Ge'er, I'm so sorry about this, I didn't mean to kill her in such a cruel way but its just happened. One of your aunt attempted to run away and in the process my men mistakenly shot her two times on her head that is why her head shattered into pieces, it was a mistake", Yi Lan said apologetically, he was so afraid that Lie Ruge might get mad at him.

" How come you guys are not still through in cleaning up this mess? I can make you spend six months straight here if you like this place so much. Get rid of this mess immediately or it might not end with just working six months without rest, understood?", Yi Lan asked coldly as he threw them a murderous gaze.

" We are almost through Boss", Jin Han replied firmly.

" There is no need to apologize, it was her fault for trying to run away not yours so you don't have to apologize over trivia issue like this", Lie Ruge said meekly as she walked towards the entrance. After instructing Fei Yan to take her to her Mansion there was dead silence in the car until they got to Lie Ruge's Mansion.

" Sorry hubby but I want to be left alone to night, I hope you will understand", Lie Ruge said softly when she saw that Yi Lan wanted to come down from the car.

" Ok I will let you be if that is what you want but don't forget to call if you can't handle everything alone, I promise to pick up your line whenever you call so feel free to call me whenever you so desire alright? You are not alone Ge'er, I will be there to support you all time, don't forget that alright?", Yi Lan said sincerely before he gave her a tight hug.

" I won't forget that, take care of yourself. I love you", Lie Ruge said before she stepped out of the car.

" I love you more, sweet dreams wifey", Yi Lan said as he waved her goodbye. When Lie Ruge entered the Mansion, Yi Lan waited for her to turn on the lights before he would leave, but he was so worried when she didn't turn on the lights for thirty minutes after she entered the house. He wanted to rush into the house immediately to comfort her, but he changed his mind when he remembered that she needed some space. Lie Ruge on the other hand after entering the dark Mansion fell on top the couch on the sitting room staring into space. She walked tiredly to the place where her mother's picture was hanging on the wall after lying on the couch for an hour. She touched the pictures with her right hand as her eyes became misty.

" Mum, why do I feel so terrible after finally avenging you? Shouldn't I be celebrating right now with my friends because I have finally finished achieved my long-time dream? Mum, what should Ge'er do now? Since I hated uncle and aunts so much, I thought that I would be perfectly alright after ending all this since they deserved it but that is not the situation right now because I feel so miserable right now. Mum don't worry although aunts are now dead I will do everything within my capacity to support their children and I will make sure my future children will not experience the kind of pain and anguish I went through, I promise you this so you can now rest in peace up there", Lie Ruge said painfully as tears fell from her eyes. After crying for six minutes she wiped the tears off her face before she quickly found her way upstairs in that darkness. She went to sleep after showering. She woke up early the next morning, and she left for work when outside was still very dark. She was dumbstruck when she saw Yi Lan sleeping in his car when she went outside to get her car in order to leave for work. She raced to the car immediately to check up on him.

" Hello, open the car", Lie Ruge said worried as she knocked the car to wake him up. Yi Lan who had fallen asleep barely one hour ago slowly open his eyes due to the loud knock on the car.

" Wow! I can see that my wifey is already prepared to go to work. Hop in I will drop you off", Yi Lan said sleepily as he opened the car for her to enter.

" What the heck happened here? Why were you sleeping in your car, I thought you had gone home last night", Lie Ruge said worriedly as she instantly entered the car.

" I was so worried about you yesterday, so I couldn't just leave you all alone when you needed me the most. I know you would have done the same for me if I were in your shoes. I have missed you wifey, I thought I would die since I didn't get to embrace you to sleep last night but thank goodness I didn't. I hope you didn't have any nightmares", Yi Lan said as he caressed her pretty but worried face.

" You didn't have to do that, I'm so damn sorry that you had to sleep outside the house the whole night because of me. Come let's go inside, I bet you must be cold right now so come on I will cook something warm for you", Lie Ruge said as she tried to step outside but Yi Lan held her back.

" Don't worry I'm alright and Fei Yan turned on the heater last night, so I don't feel cold at all. I will shower and changed my clothes when I get to my office so you don't have to worry about me. I can't believe you look so skinny after spending just one night without me. I bet you didn't eat both dinner and breakfast, right?", Yi Lan as he stared at her passionately.

" I didn't feel like eating and what about you? Why didn't you go home or called me instead of spending the night in your car? You didn't eat both dinner and breakfast too so don't be so hard on me alright?", Lie Ruge said as she tapped Yi Lan's nose playfully like he normally did to her.

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