Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 82: Dog Fight

Chapter 82: Dog Fight

82nd -Dog fight

I was contemplating whether I should still split this or not, but yea, as you can see, you get the whole chapter now. Enjoy!

Chu Yu got used to the anklet after a few days of wearing it.

Except for when wearing ankle-length socks, it didnt affect him at all. Hed look down from time to time and think it was pretty.

Returning from the May 1st holiday, there were three consecutive days of midterm exams. After the exams, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how good or bad they did on the tests, at least they could relax and enjoy the two days before the test results were announced.

Li Hua scouted Chu Yu and Lu Shi, then several of them gathered to match their answers.

Fang Ziqi trembled with fear every time a question was answered. Hed directly cover his ears after a correct answer appeared. Because of staying up late to review, there was still a clear circle of greenish-black shadow underneath his eyes.

No, no, torture! This is really torture! If I have a nervous breakdown one day, itll definitely be caused by matching answers!

Zhang Yueshan waved his hand and said in a discontented tone, You might not believe this, but we had ten multiple-choice questions in math and I actually have six questions to which answers differ from Lu-Shen. Im dead, I cant live on, I dont dare think about how many marks Ill get in math matching answers is really too fucking terrible!

Li Hua comforted him, Maybe you got the rest of the choices and fill-in-the-blank questions all correct.

Zhang Yueshan was briefly excited before his face broke down. Do you believe so? That the rest of my questions are all correct.

Faced with Zhang Yueshans expectant look, Li Hua wanted to say I believe in good conscience, but he stated the truth in the end. I dont believe it.

Zhang Yueshan looked haggard. Brothers, do you want ice cream? My treat. I just request of you all to bless me.

The group gathered in front of the schools convenience store.

Zhang Yueshan did what he said and treated them to ice cream.

Dream-Ge was the most driven. He took an ice cream from Zhang Yueshan and wished him well in a loud voice, I wish you eternal youth!

Before Zhang Yueshan could react, Chu Yu quickly chose a strawberry flavored one. I wish you and your children a fulfilling life!

Lu Shi also reached out and picked a random flavor. I wish that you give birth to a son soon.

Zhang Yueshans face looked dumbfounded. You guys, youre-, he couldnt think of an adjective. You guys! I wanted you to bless the rest of my math questions to be correct! Laozi isnt married or old yet, why would I want to stay young forever or birth a son so soon?

Dream-Ge tore off the wrapping paper and licked. Class Rep, our wishes were perfect! Eternal youth is fucking awesome!

Chu Yus eyes curved. Thats right Class Rep, anyone who has studied political philosophy knows that we dont have the final say in whether you can get all the multiple-choice questions correct. He smacked his lips. This ice cream is delicious!

The group of students laughed and made noise all the way, and in a blink of an eye, they forgot about the monthly exams.

It was rare that there werent many people lining up at the entrance of the school buildings elevator, so the group quickly entered it.

Zhang Yueshan remembered, You have to do something in exchange for eating my ice cream, right? Tomorrow night, can you all come cheer me on in the finals of my fencing competition?

Dream-Ge stretched out his arm and hooked it around Zhang Yueshans shoulders. Okay, no problem. The other players have cheerleading squads, so our Class Rep cant be missing his!

Chu Yu found the key point. Rep, youve entered the finals in fencing? So awesome?

Li Hua slightly revealed the truth, There are less than ten people in their fencing team.

During evening self-study the next day, they first requested leave from Old Ye before going to the indoor sports complex.

Jianing Privates indoor sports complex was very spacious, with a high domed roof and bright lighting. A big red banner had been hung on the wall of the fencing area which read, The 7th Campus Fencing Competition Finals, full of ceremonial feel. There were also people holding DSLRs next to them, ready to capture pictures.

Standing at a good vantage point, Dream-Ge unzipped his school bag, took out a pair of red ribbons, and stuffed one into each hand.

Chu Yu wondered, What are those? Are we going to hold that and wave it later? How shameful!

However, Chu Yu completely underestimated the level of shame these red ribbons could bring.

Of course not!

Dream-Ge gave a demonstration. He tied a red ribbon to his forehead in three to two moves, then tied a twisted and ugly bow on the back of his head.

Looking from the front, two big characters in white were printed on the red ribbon For the Win, followed by three big exclamation marks.

Not noticing Chu Yu and the others silence, Dream-Ge excitedly recommended, Were all going to tie one on our foreheads, dont they look particularly unified and imposing? When Class Rep sees them, wow, what rainbow-like momentum! While obtaining a huge boost in morale, a force will surge up from the bottom of his heart and hell immediately be invincible!

Chu Yu tried to struggle. But this ribbon is really ugly.

Dream-Ge pointed to the field. Look! Other players have cheerleaders with balloons, or colorful banners! Brothers, friends, you just have to steel yourself to the task cuz our Class Representative has no one else in the whole audience!

Li Hua looked around and finally made up his mind to tie the ribbon to his forehead.

Fang Ziqi muttered, If other players have it, our Class Rep should have it too!

Having said that, he also tied one.

Chu Yu thought that what they said was reasonable, moreover, the red ribbons were to be tied for only ten or twenty minutes, so he might as well!

Chu Yu handed the ribbon to Lu Shi and closed his eyes. Tie it, I simply wont look in the mirror!

Their group stood in a row at the front of the spectator stands.

When Zhang Yueshan, who was wearing a white protective suit and gear with a foil sword in hand, walked onto the piste, he saw Chu Yu and the others at a glance.

He silently uttered in his heart what the fuck ah.

This design is really spicy to the eyes!

The contestant, who was to battle Zhang Yueshan, took a step forward and nodded towards the audience. The cheerleading team standing behind Chu Yu and the others neatly yelled, Fang Weilin jiayou! Fang Weilins the best!

Theres also a slogan?

Chu Yu hurriedly bumped Dream-Ge with his elbow. Dream-Ge, whats our slogan?

Dream-Ge was also caught unprepared. Slogan? I didnt prepare a slogan, I only prepared these red ribbons!

Seeing Zhang Yueshan take a step forward and greet the audience, Chu Yu was struck by inspiration amid this time of emergency and made up a cheering slogan on the spot. Class A Yueshan, happiness wide like the ocean! A lifetime of peace, longevity may you seize!

As soon as this slogan came out, the whole audience turned their attention over.

Amazing! Dream-Ge slapped Chu Yu on the shoulder. School Flower, that was awesome! If Class Rep doesnt take first place, Ill be sorry for your awesome slogan!

After Chu Yu finished shouting, he also thought that he was very quick-witted. He turned his head and asked Lu Shi with a face fishing for compliments, I made that right then, how was it?

Lu Shi rubbed Chu Yus soft hair. Hm, it rhymes very well.I mixed it up a bit so the slogan rhymes. A The literal translation is: Class A Yueshan, a lifetime of peace! May your happiness be as immense as the East Sea, live as long as the Zhongnan Mountains!

Zhang Yueshan didnt let them down and took first place.

After confirming that the match was over, Chu Yu quickly untied the red ribbon on Lu Shis forehead. Then he raised his hand and untied his own.

But he discovered something wrong.

He carefully examined Lu Shis forehead and wondered, Lu Shi, why is your forehead red?

Li Hua pointed out, School Flower, your forehead is also red.

They were faced with the same red marks on each others foreheads after taking off the ribbons, rendering their eyes blank.

Chu Yu blinked and suddenly realized what the hell was going on. His eyes turned to Dream-Ge and Chu Yu furiously questioned, Damn, Dream-Ge, where did you buy the fucking ribbons, why is it shedding color?

In the bathroom of the indoor sports complex.

Several people stood in a row in front of the sinks, bowing their heads as they caught the water from the faucet and washed the red marks on their foreheads with it.

Chu Yu was stroking his forehead. Dream-Ge, do the red ribbons you bought meet the requirements of product inspection? Will the stained color cause allergies or disfigurement?

Dream-Ge disliked how troublesome it was and straightforwardly put his head under the faucet. He thought carefully. I really dont know about this.

Chu Yu got worried. He didnt feel at ease, so he rinsed and rubbed several times. After making sure that hed washed it all off, only then did the string in his heart loosen.

However, his skin was delicate, causing his forehead to turn red from all the rubbing.

Standing straight with his reflection in the mirror, Chu Yu saw through it that Zhang Yueshan and the others had reached the childish segment of splashing water on each other.

A good opportunity.

Carefully taking a step, Chu Yu shifted to Lu Shis side, moved his head close, and whispered, Lu Shi, quickly look, its red and it hurts!

Lu Shi helped Chu Yu wipe off the water drops on his forehead with a piece of tissue before lowering his eyes and blowing lightly towards the reddened area.

Does it still hurt?

Chu Yu felt a little comfortable with the blow and nodded again and again. It hurts!

It has to hurt!

Hearing this, Lu Shi leaned in and kissed.

What about now?

Chu Yus smile filled his eyes like water, and he pretended to be honest. It doesnt hurt anymore.

He stood up properly, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhang Yueshan and the others whod already stopped splashing water at some point, and were quietly watching by the side while holding their breaths.

Receiving Chu Yus gaze, Dream-Ge reacted quickly and shouted with his clumsy acting skills, Uh, uhh, who poured water onto my neck just now? If I dont avenge this hatred, then my surname isnt DreamOkay, youre not cut out for acting LOU JIAXUAN! Your surname is not Dream, what are you even talking about XD.!

It was late when they exited the sports complex. Chu Yu looked at his phone and found that by now, evening self-study was over.

Their group walked to the classroom and packed two books each, intending to take them back to the dormitory.

Chu Yu took his physics textbook and they went downstairs all together.

At the entrance of the school building, Lu Shis phone rang.

After seeing the number displayed, Lu Shi didnt answer it immediately. Chu Yu smilingly said to Zhang Yueshan and the rest, You guys can go back first, see you tomorrow!

Zhang Yueshan nodded. Okay, well go grab some late night snacks first, see you!

Lu Shi only answered the phone after Zhang Yueshan and them had gone far enough.

It was Fang Weishan who called.

Chu Yu followed Lu Shi until they reached the small pathway beside the school building.

Jianing Privates school building was a European-style educational institute with red brick exterior walls, quite retro. There were many flowers and trees planted in the corners, and their faint fragrance was in the air.

The light from the screen illuminated half of Lu Shis face. His voice was deep and he spoke very little.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the phone, Fang Weishan spoke very fast, a little excited apparently.

Chu Yu raised his eyes to gaze at Lu Shi. Unable to steady his heart, he simply reached out and took Lu Shis left hand, then pinched and kneaded it.

Lu Shi let him touch.

The call lasted for almost ten minutes before it was hung up.

Chu Yu didnt have the chance to ask when Lu Shi said, Fang Weishan has done it. In the past 20 years, he has secretly done a lot of things for Lu Shaochu and was holding many deadly handles in his hands.

Lu Shaochu regarded Fang Weishan as an obedient dog, but he wouldnt have expected that itd be this dog whod aim straight for his throat when he bit back.

Lu Shis fingers caressed Chu Yus profile as his voice became very soft and his eyes turned dark. There should be news tomorrow.

Chu Yu was restless all morning.

Old Ye was explaining the midterm exam.

Students, the poems I wrote which I read to you are indeed really good. Im very happy that you recognize my talent. But! Can you please not use the poems I wrote in your composition? You even wrote down at the end that the poem was by a famous poet Ye Mou 800 years ago. Im standing in front of you! I wasnt alive 800 years ago!

The whole classroom burst into laughter.

The bell for the end of the class happened to ring right then. Old Ye sighed and waved his hand. Its the end of class, this famous poet Ye Mou of 800 years ago is going back to the office.

After the end of class bell rang, Chu Yu received a call from Lin Wangxi.

He found a place with few people around, and stood with the phone pressed close to his ear. Sister Lin?

I watched out for the time to make this call, you shouldve just finished class, right?

After a couple of pleasantries, Lin Wangxi got to the point. You shouldnt have received the news yet over there, but something happened to the Lu family in A City.

Chu Yus heart skipped a beat.

He pretended not to know and controlled his tone. Didnt their family meet with a mishap not long ago? I heard that Lu Shaochus wife was sentenced to death for murder and executed.

Its not about this.

The sound of a door closing was heard on Lin Wangxis side before she continued, My dad got wind of news that Lu Shaochu was taken away an hour ago to assist in an investigation.

Chu Yu was subconsciously holding his breath in nervousness, and his fingers in his pocket were moving restlessly.

After two seconds, he asked while considering his tone, Whats going on? But, based on the Lu clans magnitude, even if hes taken away to assist in an investigation, he should be released soon, right?

Lin Wangxi lowered her voice a little. I cant say for sure this time.

Chu Yus line of sight was fixed onto a small, ash-colored gap between some red bricks as he continued to ask, Why cant you?

Because, its said that Lu Shaochus matter this time was due to him being involved in Wang Yiyuans case, and the evidence is very comprehensive so he wont be able to shirk responsibility. Even if the elder of the Lu family tries to fish him out personally, the ones on top will most likely not let go. Chu Yu, you know, businessmen dont fight with officialsReal idiom is, Civilians dont fight against officials, and the poor dont fight against the rich. Basically saying, no matter how powerful the Lu family is, they cant win against people who has position in the government..

Lin Wangxi said a few more words, You dont need me to tell you how sensitive Wang Yiyuans case is, youre also aware of it. Lu Shaochus involvement is a violation of the taboo of the ones at the top. That friend of yours your classmate named Lu Shi who came to pick you up at our party that night, do you know his background?

Hearing Lin Wangxis question, Chu Yu wasnt surprised.

He was still in school, and his social circle was limited to S City. It was impossible for Lin Wangxi to suddenly call him for no reason and tell him that something had happened to the Lu family.

It was only because Lin Wangxi knew that Lu Shi was from the Lu family, so she specifically called to tell him about it.

Chu Yu replied, Of course I know. He added one more sentence, But he doesnt have a good relationship with his family, and he hasnt gone back in a long time.

Lin Wangxi said, He doesnt have a good relationship with his family? No wonder he kept hiding his identity. Even He Zhihao thought he was a poor student who entered Jianing Private through a scholarship.

Mn, Chu Yu didnt say much and just answered vaguely.

Regarding his identity, Lu Shi had never deliberately concealed it from him.

When Chu Yu had heard Lu Shi talking about the Lu family, he began hearing Lu Shaochu and Fang Weiyuns familiar names, so it didnt take long for him to put two and two together.

Lin Wangxi lastly explained, I called to tell you that you must never dip your hands into the Lu familys mess this time. Lu Shaochu currently has solid evidence against him. The nail to the coffin belongs to Wang Yiyuans family so hell definitely be dealt with. Even the Lu family is estimated to not have it easy in the next few years because of this incident. However, the Lu familys roots are stable, and theyll definitely recover after a few years. You dont have to worry too much about your friend.

Lin Wangxi has always taken good care of him, and Chu Yu knew in his heart that she was telling him this much for his own good.

I know the severity of this matter Sister Lin, dont worry.

Lin Wangxi understood that Chu Yu could handle himself well. Her tone relaxed, Thats good, dont hate me for nagging you ah. Do you have time to meet?

Chu Yu responded with a smile. Yes, lets meet, I havent seen you in a long time.

Okay, study hard and well meet to chat next time.

Hanging up the call, Chu Yu held his phone and only after a while did he exhale a stuffy breath.

He had to affirm, Lu Shi guessed right.

Fang Weishan, the dog biting Lu Shaochu, really aimed straight for the critical point on his neck.

After relaying what Lin Wangxi said to Lu Shi, Chu Yu contemplated, Fang Weishan is very clear that he must make a decision and choose either you or Lu Shaochu. Once it was decided to pull down Lu Shaochu from his position, he must kill him in one blow. Otherwise, if Lu Shaochu gets the chance to struggle to get up again and retaliate, the one wholl bear the brunt of his revenge is Fang Weishan himself.

Lu Shi nodded. En, so among the many handles he was holding against Lu Shaochu, he chose the most deadly one in the end.

Hes very clever. Chu Yu became worried. Then

Chu Yu felt really uneasy deep inside. Im a little worried. If you cooperate with Fang Weishan, Fang Weishan might bite you in return.

Lu Shaochu had been taken away. While Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief regarding this, he also couldnt help but overthink.

After all, Lu Shi had only reached adulthood and there was no reliable person by his side to help him.

If Fang Weishan really wanted to do something, Lu Shi would have a hard time warding him off and confronting him.

Moreover, Fang Weishan was willing to help Lu Shi deal with Lu Shaochu, so it was clear to see that Fang Weishan definitely wasnt a person without ambition nor with moral conscience.

Lu Shi very much liked that Chu Yu was worried about him, and that his heart was full of thoughts of him.

Fang Weishan doesnt need me to deal with him.

Lu Shi wasnt perturbed at all. He was akin to a collected hunter with all the clues within his grasp.

Lu Zhaohe has a strong desire to control, and its impossible for him to tolerate a dog raised by the Lu family jumping out and biting Lu Shaochu to death. This is tantamount to slapping him in the face. Hed been suspicious all his life, so if he dared to use Fang Weishan to do things, then he surely has a handle on Fang Weishan. No matter if the handle is real or fake, Fang Weishan wont be able to escape this time.

Chu Yu understood. Youve calculated it from the start!

Lu Shis fingertips gently traced the end of Chu Yus eyes as he spoke slowly and softly, Well, isnt it pleasant to watch a dog fight?

The author has something to say: Heres a heart woven with red ribbons~

  • 1I mixed it up a bit so the slogan rhymes. A The literal translation is: Class A Yueshan, a lifetime of peace! May your happiness be as immense as the East Sea, live as long as the Zhongnan Mountains!
  • 2Okay, youre not cut out for acting LOU JIAXUAN! Your surname is not Dream, what are you even talking about XD.
  • 3Real idiom is, Civilians dont fight against officials, and the poor dont fight against the rich. Basically saying, no matter how powerful the Lu family is, they cant win against people who has position in the government.

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