Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

The standoff continues in silence. And during that time, has Baekho Lee finished organizing his thoughts?

“I wondered if I could come out so strongly because I had some kind of belief in something… Well, either way, it doesn’t matter. You’ll know once you try it.”


“Let’s take off our Baron’s clothes first.”


“Then you have to neuter it or do something.”

With those words, Baekho Lee’s new model disappears from before his eyes.


It was a movement so fast that it was difficult to keep up with my agility stat. However, the instinct of a warrior who had overcome countless adversities caught the attack and held out his shield. However,

“It’s PVP, so will that work?”

No impact was detected on the shield that was extended in anticipation of the fist’s path.

“Chewing the deal”

A shock comes from the back of the head that you never expected.

“Only when you hit the shield.”

Kwaaaaaaaang-! It was as if I had been hit by a siege weapon, and before I could even make a sound, my body, which had been [giant], was thrown forward.

And in that state, when I came to my senses, I felt a big shock in my jaw and my body was thrown back again.

What is that? Is it an uppercut? I don’t know how he did it from that angle, but one thing is for sure, this time the damage was done properly.

Enough to make me want to vomit everything out


“Isn’t it amazing? If you hit it like this, it feels like the damage is doubled. Oh, by the way, this is an additional effect that wasn’t in the game… What the heck!”

I somehow managed to get into a good position and swing the Demon Crusher, but Baekho Lee dodged it with a jump that was so agile it was annoying.

“Ah, I see you’re ready.”

The moment when Baekho Lee suddenly stepped back and distanced himself.

“I don’t have any ill feelings”

When I came to my senses, my surroundings were red. Then, I looked up blankly and saw a huge sphere reminiscent of the sun falling down.

Hooooooooooooooo-! A sphere covered in ominously dark red magic energy. Unfortunately, the sphere was bigger than my shield in [Giant] state.

Dozens of times more·’Perfect guard is impossible·’As soon as you make a quick decision, raise your shield to block the sky and activate Dragon Mode.

“The character cast [Scales of Greed]” “The character’s magic resistance is 500 or higher” “All magic damage received is reduced by 50%”

The active skill of Velarios, who is in charge of the ‘anti-magic’ part in the Invincible Barbarian (final version)

When I use that skill, it’s scary! A bright light that swallows up even the noise envelops my entire body and… cheeeeeeek!

Smoke rises like the lid of a boiling pot has been lifted above the scales covering the skin. It is hot, stinging, and bitter. But…

“Wow, you didn’t even flinch after getting hit by that”

It’s not a fatal injury by any means. After all, I was able to block all the important parts of my body with my shield.

“Has our Baron truly become a monster?”

I was amazed to see him standing there perfectly still, but Baekho Lee closed the distance again and attacked me like a fly.

Kwaang! Kwaang! He keeps throwing heavy jabs and Kwaaaaang! He mixes in a strong blow every now and then.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The cursed magic of the doomsday master, Jaina’s various debuffs cover my body. Whoooooooooooooo!

The magic of the old man of destruction that cannot be blocked by a shield strikes down from time to time. But… Bam! On the contrary, Baekho Lee, who had been beating me up like a dog on a lucky day, tilts his head.

“What? My neck can’t even turn anymore?”

Well, the more the shield is hit, the stronger it becomes.

“Physical resistance increases in proportion to the magic damage absorbed.” How many times have you been hit by magic so far?

“The character’s physical resistance value is 750 or higher. ” “All physical damage is reduced by half. ” Not only is [Evolved Shell] Stage 3 already activated.

“The character cast [Iron Fortress]” “The effect of [Evolved Shell] increases by 1.5 times” Now I’m going to turn this on too.

Pfft-! Compared to before, the normal attack was so weak that it was ticklish. The reason why he was able to show his courage even in a situation where the numbers were 4:1 was here.

‘You can’t use ultimate skills here,’ like [Star’s Disappearance], or ‘that thing’ that was used to catch Briatt in the Golden Ruins.

It is difficult to use it recklessly as long as there are allies around. On the other hand, if there are no allies around, it means that you can use it without hesitation.

“I guess there’s no need to worry about this. Are you really going to go now, Baron? Hey! You all step back!”

In some ways, it’s similar to the situation earlier when Baekho Lee fought cleverly after learning about the characteristics of my shield. ‘Do you think I’m a stupid monster?’

I also know that there is no way I would wait for you to distance yourself from the situation.

“Behel—raaaa …

He runs at full speed towards the rear ranks who are trying to retreat while shouting battle cries. It makes sense, he’s been getting beaten up all day long.


Isn’t it about time to grab one? Ta-da! As I start to attack, Rex Aures, who was waiting in the back row, raises his shield and blocks my way.

Tank vs. Tank situation – Normally, neither side could inflict critical damage on the other, and it was a structure that had no choice but to go into a long-term battle.

“Don’t worry! I will protect Lord Ruingenes—·”

What are you saying? Do you think I’m a pure tanker like you? No. 87 Kraul’s Demon Crusher No. 687 Siege Slayer Ogre’s [Swing]

These attackers are actually closer to normal attacks now. That’s because they recently acquired a special move. “The character used [Aegis’s Dragon Armor].”

The damage accumulated by being hit by Baekho Lee’s normal attack and being defeated by the magic of the ruined old man is enough. “Reflecting the accumulated damage.”

No· ???? Aegis’s Dragon Armor·The active effect of this item is quite flashy·No, to be exact····

‘This makes my heart swell every time I see it.’ It has an ‘overwhelming’ effect compared to any other special equipment I have.

Just like this, s …

The target is Ruiner, the doomsayer. Well, if only this old man, Jaina, were gone, the fight would be much more worthwhile.

However, the problem is that the gatekeeper in front of it, Lek Aures, can be seen as a problem… ‘Well, isn’t that a problem?’

In fact, the situation after that was not different from what I expected.

A thick magic barrier made up of dozens of layers is formed over Rex Aures, who stands in front of the Destruction Master while holding a giant shield.

‘A tank that protects a wizard and a wizard that uses magic to protect that tank····’

If you just listen to it, it sounds somewhat romantic, but… ‘They’re talking nonsense.’ No matter how much you do that, nothing will change.

That’s true too. How can they stop it even if the two of them join forces? They couldn’t stop it properly even when they were experimenting. Kwajijijijik-!!

The magic barrier formed by the top-tier wizards was torn apart like a piece of paper. One, two, three, four… It didn’t matter how many layers were stacked.

The greatsword of that merciless warrior seemed to have no such concerns. Kwajijijik-!

The greatsword, swung without hesitation, eventually shatters the last magical barrier and blows away Lek Aures, who was acting as the final wall.


Okay, then the tank is now down and puck-! Baekho Lee is working hard to land normal attacks from behind, but just ignore him and that’s it.

‘GM is just standing by and watching…’

Since I can’t offer sacrifices outside the walls, the priests don’t seem to have any way of stopping me.

So now all I have to do is to destroy the Doomsday Scholar who has used up all his ‘defense spells’…


At that time, a variable that I had not expected at all burst out. Surprisingly, it was a ‘positive’ variable for me. At first, I didn’t know it either.

“Why… doesn’t it disappear?”

The soul warrior summoned by Aegis’s Dragon Armor does not disappear even after hitting it once. No, it does not disappear at all.

Sseuuk. He takes back the greatsword he swung once and takes a stance to strike again. But for some reason, those brief moments feel vivid, like slow motion.


Lee Baek-ho, who has forgotten to restrain me and has a blank expression on his face.


Jaina with a worried expression, GM just staring with his eyes wide open, and…

“This is going to be difficult.”

Even the old man who started to cast magic in a hurry, all the information that could be obtained using the senses was poured into the brain in real time.

I could intuitively tell what was going on. [A mechanism where a stack is built up as you get hit, and physical damage is dealt in stages proportional to that stack.]

Due to the limitations of the experiment, we have only seen up to level 4 of Aegis’ Dragon Armor, so we do not know what level of effect it is.


“Accumulated damage has exceeded a certain amount. ” “The effect will be cast once more. ” Consecutive hits.

‘I wonder if there are other additional effects at higher levels?’ It was a reasonable guess, but I decided not to expect too much.

Well, this alone is enough, so I think ‘Aegis’s Dragon Armor’ is a single number level.

Kwaaaa …

“···La Eviestuca Vieran·”

Just then, as the spell ends, a dark red curtain wraps around the doomed ship in the shape of a sphere.

The curtain ripples with an ominous feeling that it is too ominous to be said to be aimed at ‘protection’.

‘I’ve never seen this before.’ At first glance, it looks like one of the paddles that the old man was hiding… Well, I guess we’ll find out what its capabilities are soon—


As I was observing the situation with anticipation, my eyes opened wide without me realizing it. That’s understandable, because I had never thought of this kind of situation.

If the shield had broken, or the greatsword had bounced off, or something like that, it wouldn’t have been that surprising, but… Whoosh-!

A greatsword that disappears as soon as it touches the shield. Or, to be exact, it felt like it was being sucked in entirely.

As if that sphere were a passage leading to another world. ‘Isn’t that just an invincible period?’

Even considering that the casting time was very short, I can’t help but think that it’s a ridiculous skill.

However, I decided not to feel wronged by that. Just like I was scammed with items like Aegis’s Dragon Armor, it wouldn’t be strange if this old man had one of those tricks.

‘Besides, it doesn’t seem like it’s a no-cost thing either.’ It’s a movie story that says that with great power comes responsibility.

In this world we live in, great power comes at a price. Just like the old man over there gasping for breath.

“Hoo··· Hoo···”

Looking at the old man of destruction, who was breathing heavily as if he had used up all of his future power, and his pure white hair, soaked in sweat and sticking to his skin, it wouldn’t be strange if he stopped breathing at any moment.

‘Come to think of it, have I ever seen this old man driven to this extent?’ Suddenly, that thought occurred to me and it felt like a very strange scene, but it wasn’t like that when I was just watching.

Well, the curtain has just disappeared. Ta-da! I spur my running steps and close the distance with the old man.

And just as he was swinging the hammer, another unexpected situation occurred. Whoosh-! The hammer cut through the air.

It was so absurd that it took me a while to understand the situation. ‘… You avoided it?’

The old man dodged my blow. No matter how low my agility is, there’s no way a wizard could dodge it.

It wasn’t even luck. Hoo-hoo! The old man’s movements to avoid the consecutive attacks were smooth, like a mysterious martial art movement, and it was enough to make me flustered.

“I guess you didn’t know”


“Magic is a discipline that developed in war. That is why all ancient magicians trained in close combat. So that they could protect themselves in melee combat.”

If the magician Nimiral can do martial arts, what are we going to eat and live for? I thought that as I approached him a little closer and tried to close the distance.

The old man who I expected to be at a loss approaches me instead and reaches out his hand. And then… the moment his hand gently rests on my stomach… bang!

I feel a shock as if something is exploding inside. It is not like I am casting a spell or feeling a large flow of magical power.


What the hell is this? It breaks through my anti-magic power that even activated Dragon Mode? ‘···So easily?’ My mind went blank for a moment, but it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on.

Because so much time has passed and I have forgotten about it for a while, it was a ‘technology’ that I clearly knew about.

[You probably know this technique, right? Didn’t our bodies touch temporarily? At that time, I connected the circuit and completed the magic using your body as a medium.]

[Ah, so that’s why my anti-magic power didn’t work.] Even if you say it like that, I don’t really understand the principle. One thing that’s certain is that in the battle with Baekho Lee, the old man ignored the ‘anti-magic power’ and dealt damage.

‘Okay, so close combat isn’t easy for a wizard, right?’ Blood is flowing down my throat, but it’s not like it’s a big deal.

However, we decided to distance ourselves from each other, judging that we needed some time for maintenance.

‘It’s a bit disappointing that I couldn’t catch it even after using up all the stacks…’ But there was no rush. I did make one of the Lek Aures incapacitated for battle.

“Mr. Aureus···!”

Well, it seems like he’s still alive, so I think he’ll get healed and come back soon.

‘I should have caught one on the first turn.’ The situation is not good. And Baekho Lee, who knows that, stops his normal attack for a moment and talks to me.

“You see? I told you that no matter how much you struggle, it won’t work.”

It’s not over yet, you know,

“So let’s just stop here, okay? Just tell me what you talked about with that old man. Not to anyone else, just tell me. Then I’ll end it here, okay?”

I smiled as I watched Baekho Lee play as if he had already won.

“It seems like the story is getting longer······”


“Are you a little tired?”

I’m still not there. “The character has cast [Soul Dive].” “Soul power is regenerated in proportion to the consumed soul power.”

Whether it’s a street fight or a fight in the ring, a jungle or the ocean or any other world, there is one truth that never changes:

“Behel—raaaa …

In the end, the one who stands until the end wins. ***1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes… The battle continues after that. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes… Rolling on the floor and spitting up blood. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours…

I passed out for a while and woke up feeling a burning pain. It took 4 hours, maybe even more.

It passes so slowly and yet so quickly, like a teenager who has already passed.

“Ugh··· Ugh··· Ugh···”

Not only me, but I can hear hot breathing coming from here and there.

“Baron… Can’t we stop now…?”

Rex Aures, who has returned after being away from battle several times, earnestly asks me to guard the ruinologist.

“Even the Baron has his limits······”

Well, usually the one who says something like that is the one who is at the end of his rope. Jaina also adds a word while looking at me from afar.


A short, rambling, almost tired-of-it kind of way.

“Aha··· ha···”

Baekho Lee, who was confronting me, also opens his mouth while wiping away the beads of sweat.

“There was definitely a corner of me that I believed in. I never thought it would be me…”

Even in this situation, the guy kept laughing and wondering what was fun about it.

“I guess it’s not that far away?”

I guess he liked the fact that I became so strong.

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