Black Market Merchant

Chapter 117: Back at the Damn

Chapter 117: Back at the Damn

That evening everyone had eaten the last bits of food that were available to them that Lisa and Sadie had collected. The rabbit and two squirrels Lisa brough back from her trip were a big help too. Though it was not much, there was still enough food to go around for all of them to feel full. It was after this time that Lisa decided to speak to Zane about the new volunteers and if he truly was going to remain loyal to her, in spite of working with the ERM.

Everyone had gathered around the fire sitting on wood boxes and telling stories of neat or silly things they had done. The sun had gone down not long ago and it's burning glow still illuminated the horizon. Up until now everyone had been getting along well.

Lisa stood up and stretched. "Well, it's getting late now and before I go to sleep, Zane, I need to speak with you."

Zane looked at Lisa questionably, but didn't say anything. Lisa's expression gave him no hint as to what she wanted. Getting up he patted the back of his pants, "Alright boss."

The two of them left the fire and walked out onto the dam. There was a light warm breeze blowing, which was a nice change from the chilly air they had been having. Zane was feeling a bit nervous, because Lisa hadn't said a word to him the whole time. When they reached halfway across the dam did Lisa finally turn to face him. Even in the dying sun light he could tell from her seemingly glowing grey, scowling eyes that she was serious.

"As you know, I went to meet with a new client during the last few day." Lisa said as she started to explain. "The client was on the eastern side of the river, where you came from. While I was there, I learned that the fight between the East River Militia and the Black Rats is over. The Black Rats lost."

Zane let out a heavy sigh and hung his head. "Well, that just sucks. I spent a lot of my life working in that gang. Made a lot of good friends there. Hard to really imagine that it's all over."

"Perhaps some are still alive, but just in hiding?" Lisa suggested. Thinking to herself, Hmm, he seems to be taking this well.

Zane looked up and shook his head. "No. Everyone I was friends with definitely didn't make it." He then went on to explain how the battle proceeded from his point of view. How the Mech, being piloted by Dilly, destroyed the building they were on and how they were all killed. He shuddered slightly retelling the moment what the one man was crushed underfoot by the Mech.

"So that's really why you want to fight Dilly." Said Lisa thoughtfully. "You didn't strike me as the type that wanted to fight someone just because you lost."

"Ya, that's the real reason." Zane replied softly.

"So that being said, are you still sure that you want to work for me?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" Zane replied after a moment pause.

"Would you still work for me if you knew that my, or should I say 'our', client was the East River Militia?" Lisa asked slowly. She watched him carefully as there was no telling what he might do.

Zane appeared to have a conflicted emotion appear on his face. His forehead crumpled into several waves and his eyes darted aimlessly at the pavement below. It was several moments before he could reply. Eventually he seemed to have come up with a reply.

"I am not so sure. They are my enemies and Dilly is on their side. I don't think that sits right in my mind." Zane replied. His voice sounded tense.

"That's completely understandable." Lisa said giving a nod. "But what if this was an opportunity?"

Zane looked at her curiously. "How?"

"Well now that I have connections with them it would be very possible to set up a Match Fight with Dilly verse you. After all, that is why you are becoming a Match Fighter. If you were to leave now, you would not only be losing a place to work and live, but that opportunity as well. You want vengeance and this could be it."

Zane took another moment to think things over in silence. During that moment it appeared that a thought came to his mind. "Wait, you said that those guys by the fire were volunteers and the client is the ERM. Does that mean they are with the ERM?"

Lisa expected that he would catch on eventually. "Yes. They are part of the ERM. However, it seems that they don't recognize you."

"Seriously?" Zane remarked in concern as he turned to look in their direction. "Why would you let them come here? If they find out who I am then it could put me at risk! They captured and killed lots of our members before that fight. I could be next!"

"Calm down. I won't force you to stay or leave." Lisa softly said holding up her hands. "It's your move at this moment. Just remember what I told you before. You work for me and I will make sure that my employees are safe. I will keep them from harming you. Remember, youre my lucky guy and that luck won't run out just because things are getting hard."

At that moment, the moon came rising from behind Lisas head as it climbed over the forest, big and majestic. The pale orange, white glow of its light illuminated everything around them and brightened the darkness. Zane looked at Lisa's now clearly glowing grey eyes and in them he saw confidence, sincerity and a certain something that he couldn't quite point out. However, he felt like she could be trusted.

He started to feel kind of embarrassed hearing her words. Zane laughed to himself in thought, "Wasn't it the guy that was supposed to protect the woman? Why am I so pathetic?"

"I-I guess I can try sticking it out a little longer. I don't like training with Sadie, but it's definitely going to make me stronger." Zane replied as his voice struggled to find the words. "So, what should I say if they ask more about me?"

"Hmm, just say that you lived in this town and I hired you because you were helpful to me." Lisa said allowed in thought. "As long as you compose yourself and don't reveal that you used to be a Black Rat, things should be fine."

"I'll try." Zane replied.

"Good man. I am glad you are choosing to stay. Besides, you still owe me for helping you out." Lisa said patting him on the shoulder. "What exactly did you do in the Black Rats anyway? It couldn't have been much, otherwise they would have known you on sight."

"Well, I guess it really doesn't matter anymore." Zane replied giving a sigh. "I was in charge of the southernmost area of the town by the bridge. My job specifically was to make sure that the Skull wouldn't cross the river or old bridge and attack us from behind. That area was very sparsely populated, so it's not too hard to imagine that they wouldn't know me."

"What about from the fight? Could someone recognize you from then?" Lisa asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"I don't think so, except for Dilly. I was mainly acting as support and shooting from the rooftops." Zane replied shrugging.

"Hmm, well that's good. Hopefully, your guess will be right. Don't worry, whenever someone else comes from the ERM just stay out of sight best you can and keep training. Things will work out. Just trust me." Lisa said walking past him to head back to the building. "Come on, its time to go to sleep."

Zane nodded and followed after her slowly. Though he had his doubts, there wasn't much left for him to do. He had to make this work out. Suddenly, Lisa stopped walking and he nearly bumped into her.

Lisa turned halfway around to glare at him. Suddenly her eyes now no longer held the same helpful and encouraging feelings they once did. Now they were as cold as ice and seemed to be peering into his soul.

"You won't try to seek vengeance for what happened on them, will you?" Lisa asked and her voice almost sounded like it had a low growl in it. "If you were lying this entire time, I will make sure that you pay. I won't let anything mess up my plans, that includes you or anyone I know."

Zane gulped. He had seen her fight and how strong she was. There was no chance he could actually consider crossing her. "No, of course not! I'll do exactly as you tell me." Zane managed to say.

The cold expression immediately disappeared, and a friendly smile returned to spread on Lisa's face. "That's a good choice. Remember who you work for."

That night was a long one. Though he agreed to work alongside the volunteers from the ERM, he couldn't sleep knowing that potential enemies were right next to him. Since Lisa let him make first pick as to where to sleep, he picked a couch and pushed into the corner closest to the door. This way he could keep an eye on them, just in case. He probably only got a few hours of sleep and before he knew it dawn had come.

As soon as he managed to get off the couch and go down the stairs, he found Sadie was already waiting for him.

"Well, look who's sleeping in. Come on, get on your training gear. We got a full day ahead of us!" Sadie said giving a cheery smile.

"She's the devil and trying to kill me. She's more dangerous than the ERM." Zane whined inwardly.

Frank Sellers was finally arriving at his last stop, The Damn. The trip had gone really well. Everything had sold for more than he expected in Moab City and they didn't run into any trouble with bandits or the Sun people. After first delivering a few goods to the Skull he immediately headed for the northern most docks controlled by the Mad Dogs. It was here that he was going to dock the boat. The Mad Dogs had much better food and beer in their taverns than the Skull would be willing to offer.

"Alright Gaston, let's go see if we can find miss Queen and if she still wants to make those purchases." Frank called out to his big comrade.

"Ok." Gaston grunted in agreement shouldering his heavy weapon.

"She wanted to buy construction materials and metal." Frank continued speaking as they left the boat in the crews care and headed down the ageing, wooden docks. "I wonder what kind of metal Queen wanted specifically? Seems like everyone here is trying to sell metals."

Gaston didn't reply, but simply followed closely behind. He was used to listening to Franks rhetorical questions and comments. There was no need to reply to something he didn't know the answer too.

"This Queen sure sounds like an interesting person." Frank said finishing his own thoughts.

A teenaged boy just so happened to be walking by and heard him say that name. The boy stopped and tapped on Frank's arm.

"Hey mister, did you just say Queen? Like the Match Fighter?" The teen asked.

"Yes I am. Do you know her?" Frank asked slightly startled by the teens sudden questions.

"I do." The teen replied. "If you pay me a small fee, I can go get her or even take you to meet her."

Frank looked at the scraggly boy with suspicion. "How do you know her and that you are not tricking me?"

"Oh, I am not tricking you sir." The teen replied giving a laugh. "Queen has come to my grandfathers shop a few times and I had to deliver goods to her place. It's not too far from here."

Frank sighed and took out two quarters from his pocket. "You'll get these when you actually take us to her. Deal?"

"Deal. Now follow me. Oh, my name is Tom by the way." Tom answered motioning for them to follow him further north along the dock.

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