Black Market Merchant

Chapter 127: Mech

Chapter 127: Mech

When Lisa and Gillian came inside the Powerhouse building the little girls swarmed them. They bombarded Lisa with questions and concerns for the boys still outside. It took her a few moments to calm them down, assuring them that everything was alright now.

"Those boys are safe now. The gangsters left them alone and the boys are now long gone." Lisa explained. "As for what was going on, they spotted those big machines on the other side of the dam and wanted to know more about them. Now let me ask you all something, why are you all here?"

"We wanted to show the others the view from the dam and stuff." Rachel replied.

"Also, we have some more questions to ask you." Clair added. "Especially Hanna."

Lisa looked over at Hanna, who nodded nervously and fiddled with the suede covered locket around her neck. Noticing the dark green and russet jewelry around Hanna's neck for the first time, Lisa felt curious.

"Well, I am happy to try and answer them." Lisa replied. "As for those that want to see the dam, I am afraid that is going to have to wait. There is a dangerous power line running across the dam to the Mechs. I don't want anyone out there until the job is finished."

The girls looked crestfallen hearing this. Especially the two littlest girls. Seeing this Lisa couldn't help but feel bad for them. After all, they came all the way out here and ended up in a frightening situation, only to be told to wait.

"Don't worry it shouldn't take too long and it's not like the view is going anywhere. Until then let's answer those questions." Lisa said trying to cheer them up.

Meanwhile Sadie was listening nearby on a chair by the table. Hearing that everything was alright she decided to go back to training Zane. Zane at the moment was sitting on the bottom steps of the stairs and looked completely worn out. Lisa also noticed that Sadie was leaving and recalled that she was supposed to be sparring with Zane.

"Sadie, let Zane rest up for now. Remember I'm going to try sparring with him and he can't do that if he's exhausted." Lisa called out.

"Fine, I guess I can wait." Sadie said giving a sigh and turning to go back to her seat. "I just really want him to be prepared. Theres just not enough time to get him into a condition Im satisfied with. Can't keep having Nicky be on my case all the time."

"I understand but he so tired looking. Rest is important to training too." Lisa pointed out.

"Thanks boss!" Zane called out giving a thankful looking grin. Sadie gave him an annoyed sideways glare and he immediately averted his gaze.

Lisa chuckled seeing that Sadie had such an impact on Zane. Whether it was a good thing or not, only time would tell. She then turned back her attention to the girls. "Now, what are these questions you all had to ask me?"

"What's a power line for and why is it dangerous?" Anna-Beth blurted out quickly before anyone else could reply.

"Anna-Beth, couldn't you wait for Hanna to ask her question first? That why we are here in the first place!" Clair said hugging the little girl from behind and cupping a hand over the little girls mouth playfully.

Being slightly smothered by Clair's hand, Anna-Beth murmured, "Sorry."

"Go ahead and ask already, Hanna." Clair said still cuddling Anna-Beth.

Hanna nodded and took a step closer to Lisa. At the same time, she started to carefully untie the knot at the top of the locket. "So, Mary and John took me to visit my parents grave a few days ago, because I just had too. While we were there, they gave me this locket from my parents."

Hanna carefully slipped out the gold and platinum locket from the suede cloth covering. Seeing it, Lisa was slightly taken by surprise. She had not expected to see something so expensive and rare out here in this wayward town. The locket was definitely not something that local residents would own, meaning that Hanna's parents were former rich people or thieves. Judging from how well-mannered Hanna's behavior was, it was likely the former option.

Hanna quickly opened it to proudly reveal the picture and inscription inside. "If you read here, you will see that it says, 'Tharsis Royal Hospital'. Where is that? I figured that since you traveled a lot that you might have an answer."

Lisa was still admiring the lockets design but stopped hearing the strange hospital name. Her eyebrows furrowed deeply as she pondered. "Tharsis, that's a unique name. I can't say that I have heard of anywhere like that. At least not in America. Did your parents ever talk about where they came from?"

"Not really. They mention that they used to live somewhere nice and far away, but nothing specific." Hanna replied shaking her muddy red hair.

"Well, sorry I wasn't much help." Lisa replied patting Hanna's shoulder. "I'll keep the name in mind and if I hear anything, you'll know right away."

"Thanks." Hanna said slightly disappointed. She then started to put the locket back into its pouch.

"Now you asked, what a power line was, right?" Lisa said turning to Anna-Beth.

From then on Lisa took turns answering the other girls questions. Most of the questions were simple and Lisa hadn't any trouble answering them. However, the answers she gave seemed to only bring about more questions. The question about power line led to Lisa explaining what electricity was. Then to why the machine needed it. To then explaining what the machine was and how it could move with electricity.

"You girls really need a formal education!" Lisa finally exclaimed. "So many questions about things that used to be common knowledge. I'll mention to Nathan about building an education program."

"You mean like us going to school?" Clair asked curiously.

"Yes, that's exactly it." Lisa replied.

"Only the richer people can go to school in Moab City. My mom says that education is just too expensive and too far away to bother with. Besides what do I need to know other than reading, writing and my numbers?" Clair asked.

"Far more than you realize." Lisa replied giving a faraway look. She then went on to explain, best she could, about why school was important.

Hanna, however, wasn't all too interested at the moment. Though she wanted to learn more about school, her mind was still thinking about Tharsis. Absent minded, she wandered over towards the big doorway of the building to look around. Gillian was also here doing the same and watching the Mechs across the dam.

Noticing the little girl coming up alongside him, Gillian decided to speak. "Good job giving me that warning earlier."

"You're welcome." Hanna replied softly. Then plucking up some courage she ventured a question. "So those Mechs are machines and you, I guess, rode them here?"

"That's right. I and two others piloted them here to be recharged." Gillian answered nodding.

"They look really amazing." Hanna said looking curiously at the big black and yellow striped mechs. Her dull green eyes sparkled curiously, "I have never seen anything like them before. Are they hard to move?"

Gillian let out a soft chuckle and looked down at the little girl. He immediately noticed the sparkle in her eyes and knew that look to be one that craved to know more. "Not really. From what I know, those are the easiest of Mechs to pilot. Would you like to see them up closer?"

"I don't know. Lisa said we couldn't go across until it's safe." Hanna replied. Though she said this she realized that she didn't know who Gillian really was and probably shouldnt go anywhere with him.

"That's understandable. I wouldn't even dare to touch that power line." Gillian remarked. "I am sure that Lisa will want to inspect them later. You can do it then."

"Ok, thanks and goodbye." Hanna said slightly nervous, but also happy to hear that she might still get to look at those machines. She then went back to join the others who were still talking with Lisa.

There was a moment where the other girls didn't have a question to ask and Hanna decided to ask Lisa another question. "Aunt Lisa, can we go look at the Mechs after they are done charging? Gillian said I could and that you might want too as well."

"That's actually an exciting idea. Sure, we can all go look at the Mechs and the view while we're there." Lisa replied.

Hearing this the girls all broke out into a renewed excitement. "How much longer do we have to wait? It seems like it's been long enough." Jillian asked impatiently.

"Hmm, not too much longer." Lisa replied. She then turned and called out to Gillian. "What's the ETA on that recharge?"

"Mr. Yates just switched it over to the second Mech. Hopefully less than an hour." Gillian replied and turned to come back inside.

An hour was slowly rolling by. The girls soon ran out of question nearly as fast as Lisa could answer them. If they had to wait any longer, they definitely would have gotten very bored. The dam and the surrounding ruined facilities were not anything children would be interested in.

Lisa told Sadie to give Zane his tiger claws back, so that he could get ready to spar with Lisa after everyone had gone. Though Zane was tired he was glad to not be training on the stairs anymore or doing body workouts. When Sadie brought the unique weapon and gave it back to Zane, the girls noticed and marveled at it. They all watched Zane as he performed some striking movements to pass the time while waiting.

Eventually Mr. Yates informed Gillian that everything was done charging. Hearing that it was a success, both Gillian and Lisa let out a collective sigh of relief. Each of them was glad that everything had worked out. Lisa turned off the transformer and the humming electrical noise it gave off finally stopped.

Tayvon and Willis had in the meantime left the other volunteers from their cleaning and started to re-roll the electrical line back onto the spool. Gillian went on ahead to the Mechs to check them over.

"Alright girls we can go see the sights now." Lisa announced turning around to face them.

The girls cheered and hurried outside to go to the dam. Everyone was enjoying the amazing sights of the lake and of the town far below the dam. All that is except for Hanna. She had her sights set on checking out those Mechs. For the first time in forever, she was finally obsessing about something other than her parents.

Hanna couldn't quite understand why she was so interested in these big hulking machines. She assumed it was because they were something new and exciting. However, she felt a strange familiar affinity to the metal machines, like seeing an old friend after so many years.

Hanna told Lisa that she was going on ahead to look at the mechs and Lisa agreed. She had her hands full keeping an eye on the other girls, especially Rachel and Anna-Beth. Those two rambunctious girls loved getting too close the dams edge.

When Hanna arrived at where the Mechs were, she craned her neck back to be able to see the closest massive mechanism. The ERM troops paid her no mind and just continued to lay around in the trees shade. Only Gillian noticed the little girl standing at his own Mechs foot.

Hanna tentatively placed a hand on the mechs lower shin and felt the sun warmed metal glowing on her touch. "Why do I feel like I know how you work and what you do? Even though I have never seen you before." Hanna murmured under her breath.

"Would you like to see the inside?" Gillian called out coming towards her.

"Yes, I think I do." Hanna replied without looking his way. "I think I need too."

Hanna had come to find an answer, but now she had even more questions.

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