Black Market Merchant

Chapter 133: Helping

Chapter 133: Helping

Lisa was feeling a bit guilty after agreeing to Hannas plea. Hanna wanted to work with Gillian inside the Mech quite badly and yet it was her own responsibility to keep Hanna safe. She couldnt help but think of what John and Mary going to say about all this? They were undoubtedly going to try and refuse; after all, Hanna is still an underaged young teen. However, now was not the time to dwell on these thoughts. She was now in the middle of sparring with Zane.

Zane had been slashing and jabbing at her countless times with his Tigger Claws and each time been repelled by the absent-minded Lisa. The two of them had been going at it, outside in the Powerhouse buildings afternoon shade, for nearly twenty minutes. Everyone, except for Hanna and Mr. Yates, were watching the two spar. Hanna and Mr. Yates were having a more in-depth discussion as to what really might have happened with the strange connection Hanna experienced and what Hanna actually understood about the Mech.

Lisa wished she could be listening in on the two of them, but Zane needed equal attention. As the spar continued, Lisa could easily tell that Zane still needed extensive training. His strikes were slow, directionally sloppy and his movements were often wasted; expending extra energy that could be used to fuel additional attacks or deal with counters. Since Zane was fully human, Lisa understood that he needed to learn the importance of energy conservation and that he needed to clearly work on his stamina.

Zane felt nervous and awkward the whole time they sparred. He had seen how Lisa had fought before and knew that if she wanted to, Lisa could take him out in one swing. Lisa's speed was far greater than his own, even after removing those annoyingly heavy training weights Sadie made him put on. He tried keeping his distance and threw out wide slashes and occasionally used an upper cut. However, from all the training he had undergone with Sadie, even he could tell that his movements were sluggish by comparison.

"Come on Zane. You have hardly made me take any steps backwards to avoid your attacks." Lisa jeered while effortlessly knocking Zane's right jab away from her. Zane stumbled forward as the expected impact of his attack was not felt hitting her properly and being mixed with him being tired, added even more stumbling. Seeing his bent form and exposed back, Lisa pushed down on it with her free hand and pushed him flat to the ground at her feet.

Lisa let out a sigh and shook her head. "Take a break. Unlike your opponents, they will not let you rest. You need to work on attacking me seriously or you won't be able to when the time comes."

Zane complied and stayed laying on the cool cracked asphalt for the time being. "What is with these women around here?" Zane thought as he tried to catch his breath. "I thought it was just Sadie that was the devil, but Lisa is just as bad! The intensity of her skills and power is even more terrifying up close."

"Here Zane, I got some water for you." Sadie said coming towards him with a cup of water.

Zane grunted as he sat up onto his knees to gratefully take the water.

"From what I saw, you are definitely going to need more work." Sadie continued speaking while watching Zane drink. "We can work on getting your stance and footwork properly adjusted. Since you are using Tiger Claws, your attacks should more closely resemble boxing mixed with arcing strikes and slashes. So far you have only been merely flailing around and occasionally making a proper strike, though not at the best of moments."

"That's why I can block and dodge you so easily." Lisa added listening in. "Your actions are too wide and slow. Which leaves you open for counters and faster, more direct, attacks from your opponent."

"Exactly." Sadie said nodding with agreement. "Your stamina and strength will come in time, but your stances need to be fixed now. I have some videos saved on my tabloid that maybe can be of use. I'll show them to you later and we can work from there. Until then rest."

"Alright." Zane said putting the now empty cup down from his wet lips. Brushing back his dark brown hair off his brow, Zane got up to follow Sadie and Lisa back towards the building. Those that were watching started to disperse or talk among themselves.

"Lisa, what are we going to do about food? There is almost nothing left to eat. Everything we brought and you already had, is gone." Wayne said leaving the others and coming her way. Following behind him was Eva, who was mostly recovered from the climbing injury and only had a faded bruise now.

"Did you check all the traps that were set in the woods?" Lisa asked stopping to speak to them.

"Yes, and only one had a rabbit in it. I think the area has already been hunted too much. We either need to go farther upriver to set traps or find a new way to collect food." Wayne continued.

"It's too bad we can't go to the market or docks and buy food. With nothing to trade with it just won't be possible." Eva added.

"Not entirely true just yet." Lisa replied smugly. "All the rabbit and squirrel pelts Ive saved up until now can be traded for food. Perhaps enough food for a few days. However, in the meantime let's try finding another means of getting food. I suggest fishing the lake or some area of the river."

"Fishing?" Wayne replied scratching his head. "Isn't that going to be hard to do? If we could fish the river the ERM wouldn't need to be so pressed for food. It's just that there are no fishing gear or nets that we can use any more."

"For now, yes. But I might know where to look." Lisa said pointing south. "Outside the southern gate there are plenty of storage units that look to be almost entirely un-looted. There has got to be items in there we can use to fish with or maybe trade for fishing gear."

"Really? The storage units here are untouched?" Eva remarked. "On our side of the river there probably isn't a single door in town that has been broken, picked or opened."

"I guess the people here aren't that desperate." Lisa said giving a shrug. "In any case, let this be your teams next priority. After the Mechs and crew are settled in on the other side, then we can go search the units."

"Sounds good boss." Wayne replied.

"Until then, Eva, get the pelts ready to carry. We will go to the market tomorrow and find a trader." Lisa said turning to leave. "Wayne, let's get the other guys ready to finish up cleaning the area up and clear out some of the junk in the Powerhouse building."

"On it." The two replied and hurried off to do their tasks.

Lisa then turned her attention to the six girls still chatting about all that had gone on today. A lot had happened, and a lot of questions had been made, rather than answered. Lisa approached them and sheathed her foldable dull black blade once again and placed it back on to the magnetic belt on her waist. Seeing Lisa coming to join them Clair was the first to approach.

"Lisa, can you explain exactly what's going on with Hanna? We tried asking her more about it, but Hanna doesn't seem to know either. I tried listening to Mr. Yates and Hanna conversation, but the words they are using are completely unknown to me." Clair asked with her voice filled with concern. Hearing Clair ask this the other girls all quieted down to hear Lisa's reply.

Taking a quick glance past the girls Lisa could still see Hanna chatting with a very excited Mr. Yates. Lisa cleared her throat and tried to give a proper reply. "Well, my guess is that Hanna found a way to learn from that Mech and for some reason Hanna knows how that big machine works now. I never heard of something exactly like that ever happening before. However, there are some amazing people out there in the world that have some crazy and odd talents. Perhaps Hanna is one of those special people."

Lisa could still see the doubt and confusing look on Clair's face. "Don't worry about her too much, she's a strong girl." Lisa continued. "Instead of worrying, you should feel excited for her! These past few weeks have been hard on her and now something strange happened that turned out to be a good thing for Hanna, and so now is a turning point. Look, Hanna is smiling and acting like she has found something new she likes. Perhaps you all should try supporting her and try doing your best to learn about what Hanna is going through. You all are her friends, right?"

Clair looked back at Hanna and thought for a moment. She saw Hanna grinning as she appeared to be explaining something to Mr. Yates. Inwardly she felt kind of guilty for not wanting to help Hanna as her friend in the first place. "You know what, you are right! I should help her." Clair finally said.

"Ya, after seeing her drive that Mech, it kinda of made me want to learn to drive one too. I can't let Hanna have all the fun!" Rachel added.

"I should try to learn about those technical things she knows too." Clair said sounding more confident. "After all, I do like learning new things from books and I think they mentioned a manual that has all those things. I want to learn more too!"

"I want to help Hanna too!" Rosy shouted.

"Me too!" Anna-Beth added jumping around.

The other two girls, Jillian and Tilly, didn't say anything, but their facial expressions said that they wanted too as well.

"That's great to hear!" Lisa replied giving a grin. "First, we need find out if your parents will even allow you all to do this. I can even guess that they don't even know you are here. I also now must vouch for Hanna for the Weathers to let her come and work on the Mech. If she can't do it than all of you definitely can't help her properly either. However, before all that, I need to make sure that you all get home safely before dark. Wouldn't want there to be more scary gangsters waiting around outside to cause you trouble."

The girls calmed down hearing about their parents and the gangsters. It seemed to them that helping Hanna out might possibly end up being kind of difficult. Especially if their parents said no.

"Don't worry Lisa. I'll come and help ask them to let Hanna come." Clair replied. "Your right though. We do need to get home soon. Come on girls let's get ready to go."

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