Black Market Merchant

Chapter 137: McMathers

Chapter 137: McMathers

McMathers entered a command into his personal luxury hover ships control system and set it into auto pilot mode. Minimizing the displayed holo-projection of the controls McMathers then sat back into a plush white captains chair with a sigh and laid his cane comfortably across his knees. The already airborne hover ship then started gliding seamlessly towards its destination.

"This old body won't be getting any younger." McMathers muttered to no one. "However, I can go on for another twenty years if I feel like it, he-he! JEB, bring me some wine."

"Understood, Master McMathers." A human like, monotonous robotic voice replied. Then from behind McMathers came rolling next to his chair, on a single large round polished brass orb, was a humanoid robot dressed from the waistline up in a butlers uniform. The robot, JEB, was carrying a bottle of wine and glass perfectly balanced on a spotless silver tray. "I take it the meetings went well?" JEB asked as he went to pour the fine red wine into a crystal glass.

"They went well enough." McMathers replied taking the half full glass from JEB. "Take a note, 'When dealing with the metal smiths on east side Moab, don't offer them a smoke.' Now add the note to their profile.

JEBs yellow eyes lit up yellow twice hearing the command start and upon finishing recording the note. "Task completed." JEB replied still in the monotonous male voice. "Added to: Eastern Metal Moab files. Is there anything else to add or that I may get for you?"

"No, that will be all." McMathers replied absentmindedly sipping on the wineglass. JEB then started rolling noiselessly away on his big brass colored ball and back to his place to wait for his masters next command.

"Ah, crap! I knew I felt something wasn't right." McMathers shouted angrily.

McMathers then grumpily leaned forward and reached under his expensive white suit and around to his back hip. Then he pulled out the source of his discomfort, a pure silver .50cal Desert Eagle pistol. Casually he tossed the big, gorgeously engraved pistol onto a flat black square on the wall next to him. The black square was apparently magnetic, and the gun sharply snapped onto it, like a spider clinging on its web.

"That's better." McMathers grumbled sifting deeper into his chair.

He then went back to silently starring out of the front window that sleekly sloped downwards from overhead all the way to the pointed cone tip of his ship. Watching the parched, canyon dominated earth glide silently by far below was one of the few pleasures that he enjoyed while being alone. There were very few times now, it seemed, that he could enjoy himself in solace like this. There was just so much going on in his business.

McMathers luxury hover ship was far superior to most others of its kind. The astral projection cells on the ships undersides were updated with the best aerial stealth tech that he could get his hands on. Even some of the worlds military's own tech paled in comparison. Its radar deflection was also nothing to scoff at either and if satellites still orbited around the earth, you could bet he had away to hide from them too.

From within the ship no one could guess that it possessed all these capabilities. The ships interior was spotless white, and all the trim was shinny chrome colored in design. Though only able to carry no more than ten passengers at a time, the hover ship was quite spacious. A person would be able to walk around freely as the ship cruised at speeds faster than sound, without any resistance from inertia. The magnetic fields created by the hover ship not only repulsed the ship away from the ground but neutralized the inertia too.

Today he was going to return to that wayward town, The Damn, and work on his new pet project. Dealing with the bureaucracy of Moab City, managing underground trade networking, stuffy politics from multiple governments and unrelenting business opponents were really starting to get to the aging man. The Damn was just starting to show signs of promise to him and it all started with that duo, Zane and Lisa. They sparked some interest in the old mans mind and after hearing how Lisa was planning to build up the town, an idea slowly came together.

Why not setup a branch of his operations out there? The town was secluded with no existing government influences, it has workers seeking job opportunities and hopefully someone that could work well for him, Lisa. It already seemed like she was capable of working in his line of work as a black market merchant! Now he only just needed to find a way to convince or force her to work for him.

At first, he thought of using her need for cash to put her into debt and then have her work it off. Then he realized that that was too small a plan. Just getting one or two competent workers was not going to be enough to fulfill his ambitions. There was a better option. That East River Militia would likely fill those needs and Lisa would be his way inside.

Just then the crumbing town of The Damn came into view. McMathers sat up in his seat and smiled ominously. The nose of the hover ship tilted forward and started to float high above the town to rotate clockwise around the towns perimeter. He then let out a snicker as he spoke aloud to himself, "I'll build up my own trade city, like Moab, to produce all my products and become the most powerful black market merchant in the world. All those little, poor, useless people below will become cogs of my empire!"

He reached out his wrinkled, open hand and at the towns crumbing structures and pretended to clutch it tightly. This town will soon be mine!

After thanking Liz for agreeing to be a part of her trade, Lisa and the other three headed away from the market. They were hopefully going to meet up with Benny and Hanna not too far from the Mad Dogs compound wall. As they all were in a hurry, no one spoke along the way. Not that they could try speaking anyway, as Lisa's walking pace was nearly at jogging speeds.

Rounding the last turn, Lisa was relieved to see that Hanna and Benny were already waiting on them. However, John was also with them. Lisa really hoped that John wasn't still too worked up about the conversation they had last night. Thankfully, he didn't seem to appear all that upset and was casually leaning on a rusting blue car.

"Sorry we are late." Lisa called out to them.

"No worries. We just got here moments ago." John called back. "I am going to do the same as last time and stake out the entrance. I can't leave Hanna alone it seems for anything anymore."

"That's probably a good idea anyway. Things might get difficult in there, but nothing I couldnt handle." Lisa replied stopping to wait for the others lagging behind her to catch up.

Benny and Hanna came along side Lisa and John. "Do you have my disguise?" Hanna asked.

"Yes, here you go." Lisa replied. Then quickly reaching into her leather jackets pocket she pulled out the mask and took off her Yankees hat as well to give to Hanna. At the same moment everyone else caught up. "Well, now that we are all here, let's go."

The slightly larger group then headed for the compounds entrance. As they came closer, Lisa recognized a tall man once again on gate guard duty, Thompson. Thompson also quickly recognized her too and immediately appeared physically nervous.

Lisa noticed his easy-to-read expression and decided to smooth things over. "Hey there Thompson, seems like we are seeing a lot of each other lately. Did you decide to bet on my fight again today?"

Thompson's shoulders relaxed and his face un-stiffened. "Y-Yes, to both statements. I hope you do win because I put everything down on you. Those betting numbers are ridiculous!"

"Oh really?" Lisa said eyeing Zane. "Sounds like a good opportunity."

Zane understood her look right away and gave a thumbs up. He was definitely going to earn even more insane amounts of money now and all Lisa had to do was win. He could hardly wait to start betting.

"Well, I know you guys came before and things worked out fine. So, I am going to be trusting and let you all in again. Just don't screw this up for me." Thompson said looking over the group.

"Thanks." Lisa said letting everyone go in first as the other guards opened it.

"Oh, and sorry for showing up like we did at your place." Thompson said before Lisa entered.

"It's fine. You were just doing your job and no harm was done. Water under the bridge." Lisa replied patting him heavily on the shoulder as she went by.

Thompson was too much of an open guy, kind guy and was nothing like a gangster would typically be like. Lisa was getting the feeling that many of the other gang members might be like him. Perhaps they were originally people of this town and Lisa knew she could figure out a way to use this information to her advantage, somehow.

Wayne naturally was in awe of the area, but Lisa decided to let him be. Explaining the place every time to every newcomer was just getting old. Instead, she started off towards the Warehouse Arena's entrance. The crowds were already starting to form up in the illegal market area and around the kiosks and arena hallway.

"Alright Zane, you know what to do." Lisa explained taking out the cash rolled up neatly in her pocket. "Either find the same rich men as before or try your luck and find someone new. However, if the betting numbers at the betting booths are really that good, place the bets there."

"You can count on me!" Zane replied taking the money carefully. "Did you also bring my weapons this time too?"

"Yes, I did. The Tiger Claws are in my coffin right now. Sadie, you said he could do some sparring here later as well?" Lisa asked.

"Yep, in the facilities at the back of the arena. Rickshaw can hopefully give him pointers that I missed." Sadie replied pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Well, that's good. Alright, let us get going then." Lisa said starting forward.

"Queen! There you all are." A mans voice called out from the crowd.

They turned to see that it was McMathers coming their way. He had a friendly smile on his wrinkled face and a bit of pep in his old step. His cane tapped heavily on the pathway was he approached.

"I wish you luck in the fight." McMathers continued saying as he joined them. "I also hope my new betting man will be participating again as well?"

"Sure am, sir." Zane said giving a curt nod.

"Good, good. Now I don't want to hold you up so let's walk and talk. I have to speak with you about that agreement we had." McMathers said as the group slowly made their way through the crowd.

"Ah yes, Frank Sellers has agreed to the contract and things were not changed." Lisa replied. "It seems you know exactly the right prices to offer. Also, things with the dam and ERM are going smoothly. It won't be long before things will be well underway."

"Excellent to hear! I will be sure to speak with you more about this and the ERM after you win the fight. I will leave you to go prepare yourself. I see no need to rush things as they are now. I will also get the contract copies from you after the fight. Win for us!" McMathers stated turning to go towards the same hall and booth as before. The rest of the crowd was moving into the Arena stands along with Lisa and the others.

"Take care!" Lisa called back. Then she turned to look at the restored arena stage and chain-link fence in the arena's middle. She took in a heavy breath and let it out slowly. She could feel her excitement growing now. "Time to get things going and fight three on one!"

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