Black Market Merchant

Chapter 142: Three Angry Tomatoes

Chapter 142: Three Angry Tomatoes

Queen needed to regain her footing in this fight, the ploy she had displayed was unbecoming of her skill. Being constantly pushed back, knocked down and getting disarmed so early in the fight made her look horribly pathetic. Her fight with Golem had gone much better than with these three Irish fools. However, she had no time to think about these things. Connor was pounding away at her so furiously, all she could do was roll away on the ground like a stupid tire, meaning thinking was out of the question.


Queen smashed her back into the stage fence, coming to an abrupt stop. Her vision was spinning, but she could still make out Connors foot coming right for her face!

Queen desperately raised her arms up to block the kick. Connors foot pounded into her hard like an ox stomping at a sack of grain. He laughed maniacally as he kept stomping on the cornered Queen.

"What a wasted effort it ended up being, drawn out from our comfortable mansion to fight you! Simply was not worth it." Connor laughed looking down at Queen. "It looks like all the talk about you being dangerous was just hot air! Ha-ha!"

"Gah! Looks like it was useless for me to take the Power pill as well." Patrick shouted as the pills effects took hold. Then he too lumbered heavily towards the pinned down Queen. "Let me join you anyway. I have to repay her for dislocating my arm!"

The pills strange Inducement ability also caused their skin, being very pale as Irish tend to appear, to continue darkening increasingly red. A lot like a tomatoes skin ripening overtime. Just like his brother, Patrick's body had swelled unnaturally, causing his muscles to expand tightly against his reddened skin and gnarly blue blood vessels had nearly come bursting out of him.

"Awe, it's over now?" Sean moaned turning away from his so far fruitless pursuit of the black metal case to watch his brothers beat on Queen. "I wanted to at least try it out."

Through the gaps in her defense, she could see Patrick was closing in on her. It was now Queen found her chance to think curled up in this hopeless fetal position. Her prosthetic arms and legs were enough to absorb the heavy kicks raining down on her and protect her face from major damages. Yet it was strange, as she looked at Patrick Queen noticed that everything around him looked hazy.

"Why is it so dusty in here?" Queen thought absorbing another hit from Connor. Looking at the destroyed stage flooring she continued in though, "Was this caused by Connors punches breaking up the stage? Hmm, if so, I have an idea. I can't just lay here acting all pathetic, might as well try it."

The crowd was quickly getting bored. They were expecting something far more exciting. Not to watch a nameless start up Match Fighter get pummeled by her three seniors in this dangerous sport. Their feelings were being vocalized now by boos and trash talk.

"Come on! Get up and fight Queen. You're wasting my bets!"

"I knew she had only won by a fluke! I never should have bet on her!"

"End this farce! It's all been rigged!"

"Smash that trash! Boo!"

Benny and Wayne were sitting on the edges of their seats. Both were anxious and enthralled by the fight going on before them. They paid no mind to those around them. Sadie was gripping the fence and desperately calling out for Queen to fight back and get up. She could not hear anything anyone was saying.

The crowds jeers continued, however, and Hanna alone just couldn't stand it. They were being so mean and cruel towards her. They didn't seem to see her as a human being but an object to bet on. This was an eye-opening occasion to the young girl. Until now she had thought that the gangsters were the only cruel ones, but now seemingly regular people were doing the same as those gangsters. Humans are cruel by nature.

"This world truly is a horrible place. Where is the compassion my parents taught me? Don't they have any?" Hanna sobbed in thought anxiously watching Queen curled up on the floor. "If only I could do something to help! But what can I do? I'm so little and useless."

However, Hanna's thoughts were suddenly distracted by what happened on stage next. The boos from the crowd turned over into cheers. Queen had started her counterattack.

Queen waited until Patrick was just about to join in beating her with Connor. Connor's back foot was now close within her reach, taking note of this, Queen made her move just as he raised his other foot for another stomp. In a sudden burst of motion, Queen lurched outward and sent a punch aimed at Connors ankle.

Caught by surprise and unable to avoid the attack, the blow to his ankle knocked Connors foot off the floor to lose his balance and tumbling down. Then without waiting a second, Queen sprang up from the floor like some four-legged beast and leapt straight at the fallen man. She mounted on top of his chest and went to start throwing punches. Connor defensively tried grabbing her arms as she struck down at him and tossed his head about to avoid the swings.

Patrick was unsure how to react now that the tables had turned. He wanted to grab Queen and rip her off his brother, but at the same time, if he did that Connor was going to throw a fit and complain that he had embarrassed himself by getting helped. So, he ended up just shuffling awkwardly around the two grappling Fighters waiting for a solution to present itself.

Connor was clearly the larger of the two and Queen was struggling to keep her mount on him. He kept tossing his hips and torso upward to knock her off and tackle her down instead, much like a bull trying to toss its rider off. Queen fumbled desperately to free her arms up from his grasps and strike at Connor, while at the same time avoid being hit back by him. Her focus was mainly on Connor, so Patrick's indecisiveness worked out into her favor.

She pressed hard downward at Connors red and muscle strained face with her right hand. Then his grasp on her slipped up and she found her chance. Throwing her right shoulder forwards and elbow down, Queen landed a blow to his head. Her elbow immediately broke the skin right above his left eye, causing a mini red river to spew out from him. Invigorated by the hit, Queen threw out another one, striking him again in the jaw.

Bleeding, gasping for air and clearly angry, Connor fought back and threw his own punches at Queens sides and face. Using his left hand to try and stop her ground and pound attacks, his right hand did all the attacking. Yet this wasn't working. Queen leaned heavily forward and tried pinning his head on to the stage and block his breathing.

Seeing this, Patrick had to intervene. He roughly grabbed Queen by her left arm and long hair and yanked her off Connor. He lifted her high above himself and prepared to smash her like a sledgehammer. His bulging red arm muscles looked like fiery hot bars of molten iron, powerful and dangerous.

As soon as Queen was being torn off Connor, she immediately focused her attacks onto Patrick. As so as she reached max height above Patrick, Queen kicked straight down and booted him across the side of his face. His neck bent down awkwardly as Queens boot struck. Stunned, Patrick faltered and relaxed his swinging movements.

Feeling him loosen up, Queen strangled his arm and twisted her weight towards the stage behind Patrick's back. The momentum caused the two of them to collapse onto the stage like a chopped tree. Queen had braced for impact and was ready for her next move upon landing. Grasping his wrist, she pulled back hard onto his arm while pinning his arm at the shoulder with her interlocked feet. She had him in an arm bar now!

Sean was startled to see his two brothers quickly fall in these sudden turns of events. He started to take a few steps towards them to help, but then remembered that he needed the Power pill to get stronger. As he was now, fighting the infuriated Queen would be unwise.

Queen felt a slight popping jolt and heard Patrick once again scream out in pain. She had broken his elbow now! On the other hand, Connor had recovered and though bleeding and one eye blocked by wet blood, he hurriedly got up to fight. Seeing Queen breaking Patrick's arm on the ground, he clasped both hands together and went to smash Queens exposed head!

At the last second Queen flicked her head aside and he smashed a hole into the stage, yet again, just behind her. A large plum of tan dust rose up from the nasty two-handed attack.

Inwardly she smiled. "Yes, keep doing just that!"

Queen then let go of the wailing reinjured Patrick and quickly got into her feet. Looking at Connor standing up from his Donkey Kong like smashing attack, she could also see out of her side vision that Sean was going for the black case. She instantly got worried.

"I got to stop him! Two of these guys are hard enough for me to deal with." Queen thought. Dashing away from Connor she sprinted at impossible speeds at Sean.

"Get back here!" Connor yelled giving chase.

Sean had finally grabbed the case! He opened the lid and was about to swallow the last pill. Then, pow! Queen slammed right into his back like a pro Rugby player tackling a newbie to the game.

The blue power pill went flying high into the dusty air. The two collapsed in a tangled mess onto the stage to then rollover once. Sean had the wind knocked out of him and his mouth opened agape trying breath. Just as he tried desperately sucking in air, the Power pill came falling back down towards him.

"Ack! Gah!" Sean sputtered as it landed right into the back of his throat!

Queen failed to stop him. Now all three were going to be powered up!

"You wench! Take this!" Connor bellowed out in his foghorn voice.

Being unable to attack Queen with his axe or risk hitting Sean, this time he grabbed Queen by her legs and with an inhuman like massive burst of strength, chucked Queen like a rag doll. She went flying across the stage and into the fence on the opposite side with a painful looking impact.

"You are going to suffer before you die!" Patrick wailed clutching his once again damaged arm.

"Gah, I-I nearly choked to death!" Sean sputtered. "Im mad now."

"Quick, lets get her before she gets up!" Connor yelled charging for the fallen and crumpled Queen.

These three angry tomatoes now seemed to have the upper hand over the course of this Match and were closing in on Queen being full of excitement. However, Queen was not done yet. Not only was she far from being tired and beaten, but Connor made a mistake throwing her here. She had landed right on top of where her katana lay!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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