Black Market Merchant

Chapter 161: Fishy Fishy (3)

Chapter 161: Fishy Fishy (3)

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked looking at him curiously. Is there something wrong with the items they sell?

Though its only my speculation from some rumors I heard. Freds father answered giving a shrug. The son and daughter-in-law of Mr. Ulster are likely river raiders that steal from ships in Moab City and store them back here in town. I also heard Mr. Ulster himself used to participate until he got injured. They arent the most trustworthy acting people from the docks either. Which only make the rumors even more believable.

That is an interesting rumor. Lisa answered. I will keep that in mind, but a rumor is a rumor. I am going to invite them along regardless, because there is just too many fish and I want as much of it gone as possible.

Fair enough. Franks father replied.

Lisa told John to finish leading the way to the dam and how to open the gate. Then leaving the group she split off to go invite the Ulsters. The warning Franks father gave her was not all that uncommon in any post-apocalyptic town like this one. Trust was a hard thing to earn and even the slightest reason to doubt someone was enough to ostracize them from any community. However, if the rumor were true, Lisa was excited to find someone that could potentially be of use to her.

If the Serum was being shipped out by boat, then it might be easier to steal it away from the town and pin the blame on someone other than herself. Though using people as her scapegoat wasnt her style, it would be a temporary solution and as long as they were never caught, then there was no harm done.

After returning to the Ulsters shop Lisa found the old man sitting on a crate watching the few rusty river boats floating by. His eyes held a faraway look and they looked almost sad. As if they were longing for something that was no longer within reach.

Not wanting to startle the aged man, Lisa coughed once as she approached. Mr. Ulster, how are you doing?

Hmm, oh, hello again. Mr. Ulster replied turning to look at her as he blinked twice to focus back on reality. I wasnt expecting to see you back so soon. Is there a problem?

No, no problem. In fact, I have two things to ask you. Lisa answered coming to stand next to him.

That so? Let here them then. Mr. Ulster replied.

I understand that from some rumors your son and daughter-in-law are raiding ships on the river. Now, before you get worried, I have no intention of blaming them but instead maybe hire them. Lisa said keeping her voice low.

Hmm, and if this rumor were true, not that it is, what would you want with them? Mr. Ulster replied stroking his thinning grey hairs on his head and keeping a straight face.

Just a small heist job, nothing potentially dangerous either. But of course, if the rumors are false than pay no attention to me. Lisa responded nonchalantly.

Very well. Mr. Ulster replied giving a small grin. What was the second thing you wanted to ask?

Do you and Tom want to join me and some others for a fish fry? Lisa said pointing over her shoulder with her thumb. You see, I and my employees managed to get lucky and catch a huge number of fish today from the river. So many that we cant eat them all and I dont want them to spoil. Theres already a lot of others I invited coming as well.

Fish you say! Mr. Ulster said perking up and then he hopped off the crate excitedly. Why didnt you tell me that first. Fish are hard to get around here and one of my favorite meals. Yes, we will come. Then he turned towards the shops doorway and hollered, Tom! Get out here. Were going out to eat.

When Lisa and the Ulsters arrived at the dam they found everyone to be having a wonderful time. Sadie and Eva had gotten several small fires lit and had already started grilling the smallest of the fish. Tayvon was just now starting to fillet the largest of the catfish and carp. Several of the parents had gathered around to watch him hungrily and chat. The kids were playing tag or some other game.

Tom. Mr. Ulster said nudging the young boys arm with his elbow. You have been cooped up in that shop to long. How about and you go make some friends with those kids there?

Naw, Im fine. Tom answered reluctantly. Kids are too dumb for me. Can we just get some fish and leave?

Dont be like that. Tom, you need to enjoy your youth more. You only live once. Mr. Ulster said giving a sigh.

Why do you think kids are dumb? Lisa asked overhearing them. She had already had a fish on a stick and was biting happily into the juicy white meat.

Kids arent interested in technology the way I am. They would just find it too boring. Tom replied nudging at a pebble by his shoe.

Oh, if they were normal kids, I would agree with you. Lisa answered taking another big bite. But they arent normal.

What do you mean? Tom asked looking up at her curiously.

Youll see. Lisa said giving a wink. Hey Clair, Hanna! Come over here for a second.

The two girls were being chased by Chase at the moment but upon hearing their names called, they stopped. Chase caught up to them and was about to tag them when Clair shooed him away, pointing towards Lisa. Disappointed to see that they were done playing Chase turned to go after Tilly who was the closet of the kids and chased after her.

What is it? Clair asked as the two girls joined the late comers.

Let me ask you something. Lisa answered. Youve been reading up on those mechs, right?

A little bit. Clair replied. Theres not a lot of books on them but I am still looking.

Good. Tom here, Lisa said gesturing to the teen next to her, Has a good background in technical work. Maybe he can fill you in on some stuff. Hanna, ask him about some of the parts from the mech that you cant recall properly. Maybe it will help you understand them better.

Sure! Clair replied looking at Tom with a cheery expression.

Tom was visibly nervous now. He wasnt expecting to suddenly be put on the spot like this. However, before he could weasel his way out of the situation, he saw that Lisa and his grandpa were already leaving to go join the rest of the adults. They had abandoned him with these two girls!

That was rather quick thinking. Mr. Ulster murmured to Lisa giving a chuckle. Tom is a good kid but always keeps to himself. Glad you did that to him.

Think nothing of it. Lisa replied swallowing the last of her fish in one gulp, then they joined the adults and Lisa waved to them. Hello everyone. Glad to see you all are enjoying the fish. Please, eat as much as you can and take some home later.

The adults all murmured in a thankful agreement and several of the more reluctant ones went to get a fish from the fires edge.

Now we are just waiting on a few more people, but we can get started without them. Lisa continued.

Oh, I knew there was more to this get-together than food alone. Jillians mother called out with a bit of annoyance in her voice. She had a heavy British accent, which was surprising to Lisa because her daughter did not. Then when her husband hushed her, Lisa knew why. He spoke like the locals around here did. Dear, dont go jumping to conclusions just yet. Let us hear her out.

Its nothing bad at all, in fact, all of you have something to gain from what Im about to suggest. Lisa replied spreading her arms wide as if to express her enthusiasm. I have been helping out John and Mary take care of Hanna after her parents were killed. I am sure most of you know about this by now?

Most of the adults nodded sadly.

The Marshals were good people. Its a shame what happened. Derricks father answered. He was a very tall and slim man, that looked like we could have played professional basketball.

Yes, it was. Lisa agreed. Now as I mentioned before, I am a merchant looking to rebuild the town through various means. One way is through these fish. I have found a way to collect large amounts of fish in a short while and as such provide more food to the town. I will need help, hopefully from some of you, in competing this task properly. I learned from the children that you all have particular skills that I will be needing and wish to hire you. From Malik I learned that you work on a transportation barge, correct? Lisa asked looking at a very dark-skinned man.

Yes, that is correct. I have been hired on occasion to transport items for the Mad Dogs. Though only as a crew member. Maliks father, James, replied flashing a bight smile. His skinny fingers were well calloused, and it was clear he worked with ropes a lot from the callouses positions.

If you were to captain a small vessel with fishing gear deployed in the water, could you do it? Lisa questioned.

It is possible, I may need to practice with the gear a few times, but driving the boat is no problem. James replied nodding.

Then when the time comes, and I have such a boat, can I count on you to work for me? I will pay you based on performance, but not in goods alone. I can pay with cash, like a real employer. Lisa offered.

Hearing that Lisa would be paying in cash sent a series of excited whispers among the adults. Though there were many skeptical looks, no one interrupted.

Yes, I would be more than happy too! James answered immediately.

Wonderful! Lisa said reaching a hand out to him. James took it and the two shook once. Now from Derrick I learned that you two have a small land transportation business? Lisa asked a couple to her right.

Derricks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan, were a nearly identical short, blond couple that always seemed to have pursed lips and look grumpy. This turned out to not be the case. They were a very lively couple.

Yes, we do in fact. Mr. Donovan answered hardily. Though its only a hand drawn cart, we both can get anything delivered in town promptly and without harm. We can even work over night if the moon is bright enough.

That will be more than enough. Lisa answered with a grin. On the days Mr. James here, works for me Ill need someone to transport the goods from the docks to here, and as you can see from the hill we are on, its not going to be a onetime trip.

Oh, that wont be a problem. Our legs maybe stubby but they are as tough as oaks. Mrs. Donovan answered in her husbands stead. I assume youll pay us in cash as well?

I will be. I will be paying everyone that works for me in cash and food goods. Lisa answered looking at everyone in turn giving the reply.

Ha-ha, thats good news and all. Franks father laughed as he sat to look at Lisa with a stern look. But what of the rest of us? We dont deal in transportation or work on the river.

Be patient. Ill have work for all of you. Lisa answered as something behind Franks father caught her attention. Well, for example, there is something related to your job coming towards the dam now.

Turning to look where Lisa was pointing, everyone saw three big Mechs lumbering their way.

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