Black Market Merchant

Chapter 239: Sample (4)

Chapter 239: Sample (4)

What are their numbers? Hawkins shouted behind him.

The Assistant Officer shook his head. The software is still running a sweep of the area. The current number is over six hundred and still rising. Assumption is a thousand drones in all.

Thats all I need to know. Hawkins replied. Are the group B units in place?

Nearly there. A soldier on his left reported. Thirty seconds until they reach the designated position.

A brilliant series of flashes drew Hawkins attention back to the window screen. Some of the Swarm drones had nearly caught up the rearguard of the unnamed units and began blowing up in order to trip up or cause the AI systems shockwave damages to slow them down. If any single one of the unnamed units was lost now, then the entire AFR operation would ultimately be found out.

Before Hawkins could react to the situation, A-1s Leadership AI activated evasive procedures. Just like before, four of the units began launching smoke grenades ahead and behind of them in the creek bed. This would block the drones views of them to potentially cause them to crash or stall out before giving up the chase until the smoke cleared. However, this was a double-edged maneuver. By launching the smoke ahead of them the unnamed units would also be subject to the loss of thermal visibility and subsequently be slowed down in their escape.

This was where the human soldiers manual Override Dive would come in handy. The human eye was still more adept with making out what routes were safest to take in a foggy, or in this case smoky situation. The technology existed to be able to handle this situation in real time, but it was a feature too bulky to adapt to the AI memory or to install the equipment into individual robotic units of human-like size.

Cover fire incoming! The soldier overseeing group Bs movements called out.

From overhead, noiseless waves of red bolts rained down into and around the creek bed to destroy numerous Swarm Drones. Though the additional firepower helped to cull the Swarm drone's numbers, it was not enough. Being in the confines of the winding creek was also proving to be a hindrance rather than a help to the unnamed unit's movements as well.

They are going to be targeted by the artillery and tanks if they come out from the creek now. Hawkins thought to himself. The units have thermal masking material installed in them, its a standard for human-sized robotics, so they will be manually targeted by the tanks. Also, at this distance the travel time for the rounds might be enough for evasive maneuvers to work. Lets try it.

Fire a round of flairs above the creek to scramble their sensors further and prepare to move on open ground. Hawkins ordered as he submitted these new commands to the unnamed units. Dont travel in a straight line or bunched up. Also, have the group B units split so one half can target the tanks or artillery attempting to target the units. Letting them go untouched would be a waste of an opportunity. At this rate we are going to be in the clear!

Flairs blasted off upwards into the azure sky above drawing the attention of the Swarm drones nearby causing many to detonate prematurely. Following not far behind the unnamed units jumped out from the swirling smoke and onto the rocky desert before scattering for the hills. They hadnt taken more than a dozen paces before the Moab City tanks zeroed in on their movements.

As Hawkins guessed spreading out the unnamed units was the right move. Explosions tore up the landscape as the unnamed units weaved about heading further up into the hills. The unnamed units in B group retaliated and began laying cover fire on the Moab City tanks positions. The tanks were forced to retreat from their positions and take cover behind the sandy slopes. From there the tanks only resurfaced to fire two rounds, plot out the positions of the fleeing units, and relay the coordinates to the distant artillery who joined in to try and take out the unnamed units.

The attack helicopter was also forced to fall back as numerous laser impacts threatened its flying stabilizers and hull integrity. Additionally, the Swarm drones had already fully deployed from its cargo bay and there was little else it could do on this battlefield. Circling back, it returned to the city defenses where the other two attack helicopters had already returned.

The Swarms drones numbers were falling increasingly faster as the distance between them and the group B unnamed units decreased. The AIs in the unnamed units were able to better track and counter the fast-flying drones. One by one the unnamed units from group A joined the group B defensive line and aided in firing at the drones. Only A-14, A-2, and A-8 continued beyond the defensive line to secure the captured materials. Even under the constant bombardment of the tanks and artillery, the unnamed units were able to remain entrenched well enough in the uneven, rocky hills and ravines until the tanks lost visuals on all of them.

Not long after this achievement the high-speed chase reached an end as the last of the drones was smashed into bits. The AFRs unnamed units finished traversing the hilly landscape and made it back to the LZ to load up into the Light Class Robotics Transportation hover craft right away. Once airborne the Moab City defenses were helpless to pursue even if they wanted too. Of the sixty unnamed units that were sent back twelve had been disabled, seventeen others damaged, but not even one unit was left behind. It was an undeniable victory for the AFR.

Zacharia sat down in an unoccupied office chair nearby and smashed his fist on the desk disheartened by the loss. This was a disaster! If only we had put in more funding to increase are militarys attack abilities, we could have been able to better pursue those blasted robots. Like a jet fighter or even missiles would have been enough.

You know we cannot do that. Mayor Bakersfield sighed. The International City State Conglomerate Accord (ICSCA) explicitly limits our military capabilities beyond protecting our borders. Increasing our military is a clear violation and could lead to sanctions.

The mayors lead secretary cleared her throat and added. Besides, the financial repercussion and need to increase taxes to pay for the military would not be supported by the people of the city.

That as well. Mayor Bakersfield nodded with agreement. The city is still handling the riots in the lower districts, and we dont need any more reason to add fuel to those flames. It is better that we focus on studying the Hoard others corpse and prepare ourselves for the future.

I know all this. Zacharia said waving a hand above his head dismissively. Let an old man wonder. Though what abut the idea of becoming our own nation? We wouldnt need to deal with the ICSCA then.

If only we could. Mayor Bakersfield answered. Even if the Union recognized our claims to nationhood the American Fascist Regime or even the Texas Coalition would not like having a new threat on their horizons. They could easily orchestrate an embargo on us and squeeze our food imports until we begin to starve. They then could use this as an excuse to takeover us under the guise of providing humanitarian aid.

The lead secretary then picked the conversation from there. Also, we wouldnt be able to compete with them anyway. The trade flowing through our borders is limited to mainly banking, medical, and technology studies. Being in the ICSCA means we have lower regulations and can provide a tax haven to the rich seeking income asylum.

Even if we did discover groundbreaking results from the Hoard Mother corpse, that still might not be enough to provide us with enough means to solidify us as an economical trade prospect with foreign nations that might aid us in defense against the Regime or Coalition. Mayor Bakersfield said and he was about to say more when Zacharia stood up.

Alright, alright. I give up. You political types are so chatty its making my ears hurt. Zacharia then turned to go towards one of the circular rooms many exits. Ill be taking my leave to do check over of the units damaged in the fight. Perhaps I can find clues as to the identity of the attackers.

Alright, good luck. Mayor Bakersfield replied. I guess Ill go face the board and tell them of the loss we incurred. I am going to end up with a headache from all the arguing thats about to happen.

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