Blood demon leveling

Chapter 101: War

Chapter 101: War


Mike woke up with a set before he called out in annoyance


"Forces are approaching the city, they have breached the first outer line!"

Mike sat himself up and gave a sigh

"Oh right, the war declaration how many are there?"

"About 5.000"

"And their top level?"

"Several level 6's"

"I see Well then"

Mike stretched before he poked the still sleeping Julie on the cheek until she awoke

"What is it Mike?"



"That's right war, war never changes, just like their shitty Creation Engine..."

Julie stared blankly at Mike for a moment before she gave a sigh

"...If you're going to fool around then I am going back to sleep"

"A force of 5.000 is approaching the city, with several level 6's among them"

"I see We should properly handle that"

Both Mike and Julie got dressed, then Mike opened his hand and the knife flew over and landed in his hand, Julie similarly opened her hand and a blue flame appeared and quickly grew in size as it took the shape of a one-handed longsword that then materialized from the flame, the long-sword had a blackish-blue hue around the edge of the blade that got darker the further towards the center of the blade, the sword was double-bladed and had no guard and overall it looked like a gladius, only the blade was longer than a normal gladius at around 80 centimeters long, Julie stroked the blade slightly before she swung the longsword around a few times and gave a nod

"Let's go Mike, my blade is thirsty"

Mike showed a smile and spun the knife around as he walked out of the mansion, Julie walked beside him as numerous strengthened to level 5 guards joined up behind them along with the 8 demonic servants, Julie looked around before she asked

"Where's Serina?"

Mike quickly answered with a smile

"She's attacking their supply train as we speak"


"Yeah I figured since they brought so many supplies for a long siege we should take them off their hands"

"Who are they anyway and why are they attacking our city?"

"Hmm I wonder why?"

"Wait, you don't know Mike!?"

"Well I never actually read the war declaration, it's still sitting on my desk Don't look at me like that, I was busy training"

Julie gave a long sigh before she commanded

"Elina go get the letter"

"Yes mistress"

Elina went into stealth and sped back towards the mansion, meanwhile Mike suddenly stopped walking and made a few hand signals which made the about 50 evolved level 5 guards spread out in a single line standing on either side Mike, Julie and the demonic servants, Mike stood and spun his knife around with a blank look on his face, a few minutes passed before Elina appeared next to Julie and handed the letter to her, Julie took the letter and opened it before she began reading aloud

"Erm let's see here 'We, the united north-west noble alliance declare war on the city of Brem'... Then there's something about their justification Something about killing someone named Geroge at the academy Oh this part is good 'God is with us and our rightful conquest of Brem and the extermination of the demon Mike!' This part is good too '-Surrender is your only option at this point, if you bow down to our forces and admit your wrongdoings we will grant you a swift death' or so they say Mike?"

Mike showed a smile and gave a nod

"Yup No need for prisoners this time you can all go wild"

The six or so blood zombies let out hungry growls, Julie however kept her appearance dignified as she stroked the hell blade almost as if she was soothing an overexcited child, soon the approaching army came wthin view, rows after rows of soldiers fanned out with a group of important-looking people in the middle of the group, Mike narrowed his eyes slightly as he then stopped spinning the knife around, a messenger approached on horseback when he was about fifteen meters away from Mike he yelled

"Surrender! You have no chance of victory, if you surrender you will be granted a swift and merciful death!"

Mike showed a smile and spoke

"You're talking an awful lot of shit for someone within stabbing range"

The messenger flinched slightly before he yelled back or at least he tried to as his dignified yell turned into a scream midway as Mike hit him with a blood boiler spell then his body exploded in a bloody mess and as pieces of the messenger still rained from the sky Mike kicked off the ground followed closely by Julie and the rest of the servants as they changed at the army of the north-west alliance which still stood 5.000 strong, when they had covered about half the distance between the two forces the enemy forces seemed to have woken up from their daze and sent a volley of arrows flying towards Mike and the others, at the same time the foot soldiers charged forwards


Mike narrowed his eyes slightly as he spun the knife around and griped it in backhanded grip before he easily swiped the arrows that would have hit him out of the air as he continued his charge, Julie also swiped the arrows in her path out of the air with ease, so did the demonic servants and the level 5 guards, arrows weren't really a threat to them, unless they were fired by a high level [Longbowman] or something like that

'Here they come, how nice of them to present fresh blood bags to me first'

Mike felt his heart rate speed up as he neared the enemy foot soldiers that were charging at him, only the sounds of footsteps entered his ears as he glanced to his right and saw Julie looking forwards with a bloodthirsty smile on her face as her short red hair fluttered in the wind, then after admiring his soon-to-be wife for a few moments he turned his gaze forwards again as his eyes went cold, then the two sides clashed, Mike jumped and kneed a the front row soldier right in the face shattering his skull as he fired off a few Blood crazes off into the enemy lines to cause confusion, likewise, Julie let out a blue flame that surged through the enemy soldiers reducing them to ashes in mere agonizing moments, the demonic servants also fired off wide range spells that tore into the enemy foot soldiers tearing them apart, instantly the air was filled with screams of pain and sorrow as well as the smell of fresh blood, at the enemy command the group of five level 6's narrowed their eyes as they watched what was unfolding on the field until one of the older ones, a [Berserker] wielding a cloud sword on his back spoke

"This is bad"

Another one, a [Water mage] nodded in agreement as he added

"They are all at least level 5 even the rank and file soldiers"

The [Berserker] nodded

"We need to disturb their formation or soon our losses will out weight our gains"

The youngest member a [Fencer] gave a nod as he spoke

"We can't have that I'll take the woman with the red hair, any objections?"

No one spoke up so the level 6 [Fencer] drew his sword and disappeared from view as he kicked off the ground, the level 6 [Berserker] gave a sigh and spoke

"I'll back him up"

Then he also kicked off the ground and disappeared from view momentarily before he reappeared in the midst of the battlefield following after the [Fencer]

'Here comes the first guests'

Mike of course noticed that the group of level 6's had made their first move, unfortunately they made the wrong move, if they all had taken to the field in the first palace they might have had a change

"Julie! Just like we planned!"

"Got it Mike!"

Mike instantly converted the blood floating above his head to small spikes made of very hard blood crystals, then he muttered

"Let's clear the playing field a bit"

Then without caring for friendly fire he shot them out in a cone in front of him mowing down soldiers in a 30-meter cone in front of him, then he suddenly kicked off the ground narrowly avoiding an ice lance that landed where he just had been standing, after showing a rude hand gesture in the direction where the [Water mage] stood Mike joined Julie in fighting off the [Fencer] and the [Berserker] that were pushing her back at the moment, Mike slid over the ground under the backswing of the [Berserker]'s cloud sword as he slid past him he left a cut on the side of the [Berserker] that let out a roar as his cloud sword suddenly accelerated and slashed down on Mike that twisted his body to the side but still weren't able to completely dodge the sword as it slashed into his side and sent him flying back, the [Berserker] showed a smile

"One down"

Julie showed a bright smile

"You think too little about my husband-to-be"

"Heh, if you want to marry a corpse then go ahead"

At that moment a voice suddenly sounded out over the battlefield


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