Blood demon leveling

Chapter 113: Hitting back

Chapter 113: Hitting back

Mike didn't talk about the illusion with Julie

'I don't want to worry her about this'

Over the next few days, Mike returned to the void in his dreams he would spend what felt like weeks at a time gazing at the person that floated in between stars and planets, they were still sleeping so peacefully, Mike wanted to reach out and wake them up so he could ask what exactly was going on but he always stopped right before his hand touched their face, as Mike was slowly going more and more insane by his dreams an elderly man in his 70's was walking down a hallway, he had just gotten out of bed and wherever he went in this building people would stop and bow to him as he walked past, soon he arrived in an audience hall, he walked up the stairs to the elevated thone and then he sat down on the thone, he was the archbishop a level 7 [Paladin] that had gotten the skill [Holy bestowal] which allowed him to forcefully ensure that a person's class would be that of a [Paladin] though a ceremony

"Let the day begin"

As the archbishop spoke out the people in the room stopped bowing down and began to prepare the audience room for the day's hearings, unfortunately, someone could not wait so long as a level 5 [Paladin] walked into the room carrying what looked like a person covered in bandages, mummified even, she brought the mummified person up to the stairs where she kneeled down after placing the mummified person in front of her

"Esteemed grandfather"

The archbishop's smile widened a little more when he heard her call out, then he searched his memory and soon identified the person that was knelling down

"Yelle, my granddaughter, why have you come here, I remember your post is in the south?"

"Yes, esteemed grandfather I have been guarding one of the silver mines in the south But a few days ago I had a visitor My daughter"

Yelle lowered her face as she struggled not to cry as she continued

"Her jaw had been shattered and she was likely to have been crippled, only She Killed herself a few days after she arrived, a letter lay beside the blood-soaked bed telling me about how a non-human had shattered her jaw with one punch..."

The archbishop felt himself getting enraged so he took a few long breaths before he asked

"That can't be all?"

"No, it's indeed not all My daughter drew a picture of her attacker on the back of the letter It looks to be one of the one's that massacred villages 3 years ago"


Yelle presented the letter before mana slowly guided it up into the air as it floated over towards the archbishop and landed in his hand, he took a few long breaths before he red the letter and then flipped it over and saw a drawing of Well Mike's face, the slowly a pure white flame burned the letter to ashes as the archbishop spoke

"Take a force of 20 level 5's, 60 level 4's and hunt down this dirty non-human once and for all"

"Yes esteemed grandfather!"

"Now go, bring back the head of the dirty non-human that have dared to challenge my authority!"

Julie wasn't feeling good, she could tell Mike was hiding something from her, he would have this far off look in his eyes when he woke up, at first Julie thought he was thinking of his old world but after it persisted for over a week Julie got more and more concerned, she would, of course, support her husband if he asked for it but the problem was that he didn't ask for help, in fact, he didn't talk about it at all

'What should I do..?'

Julie found herself acting timider than she expected, she just could not help but worry about Mike, one night Mike woke up and ran to the toilet before he puked

'Alright this has gone on for too long now'

Julie looked at Mike that was ached over the toilet and walked over before she gave a sigh and knelled down and stroked him on the back

"Mike You have to tell me what's going on at some point You know that right?"

"I know I just don't want to concern you with this"

Julie narrowed her eyes before she spoke in a slightly cold tone

"Oh, so it's just something that has you puking in the middle of the night and takes up most of your thoughts when you are awake? You're right it sounds like nothing after all"

"...Ouch Well, I guess you're right Alright I'll tell you about it"

Mike spent the next half hour telling Julie about his dreams, about the person that he saw in the void and the weird feeling of submission he got when he looked at them, their talk, however, was interrupted when Mike suddenly stopped talking before he narrowed his eyes dangerously

"What is it, Mike?"

"We have company, a group of about 80 [Paladin]'s are approaching the city"

Julie showed a smile

"Well then, let's go out and meet them"

Mike and Julie quickly wore their armor and left the inn, as they walked down the empty streets more and more spores formed up behind them, then the former grand elder of appeared behind Mike and spoke

"Master, mistress, we are 51 in total, besides the 10 which still are guardian the bloodhound we have all gathered"

"Good job Nicole"

Nicole the former grand elder of gave a nod and walked back to the head of the pack, Rebecca asked next

"Master, can we go wild?"

"Sure I don't see why not, just leave one or two No, I have an idea leave a dozen level 5's Be ready to go on my signal"

"Yes master"

Mike and Julie walked out of the gates and stopped a few meters from them, then the two of them waited, they didn't wait for long however as the group of [Paladin]'s soon showed up, they were all on horseback, the one leading theme seemed to be a woman in her 40's she held up her hand which signaled the other's to stop as she glared at Mike like he had killed her daughter

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"You must be Mike You are truly bold to return here after having fled to Thera, Well foolish more likely"

The woman [Paladin] drew her sword and pointed it at Mike

"Surrender and I will leave your corpse intact!"

Mike showed a clam smile before he ever so slowly began laughing, laughing hard


Mike held his stomach as he laughed before he all of a sudden stopped laughing before he spoke

"Surrender and I'll consider making your deaths painless"

Yelle, the woman [Paladin] narrowed her eyes slightly before she raised her sword but just as she was about to signal the start of the attack Mike yelled


Yelle was dumbfounded for a moment, but only a moment as her instinct's quickly warned her to get down and down she got as a shard of rock flew right over her head and embedded itself into the head of another [Paladin] behind her, this wasn't all, many different kinds of spells flew out from behind Mike hitting the [Paladin]'s hard, instantly reducing their numbers by at least 20, as the [Paladin]'s confusion was still high the spores and the demonic servants attacked, Julie also summoned her sword and went into the fry, Mike breathed a deep sigh and opened his hand which the knife soon fell into, then he kicked off the ground instantly disappearing from the view of the [Paladin]'s, only reappearing when he deathly wounded one or two of them at a time, the rampage was short-lived however as the [Paladin]'s soon were defeated

A few days after the battle a horse caring an unconscious ridder rode into the capital, the ridder was soon identified to be Yelle, granddaughter of the Archbishop, she was heavily wounded, worse yet her armor seemed to have taken hits from fire magic and had fuzed to her skin, making treating her near-impossible, she was placed in intensive care and about a week later she woke from her coma and with hatred in her eyes she demanded to see the archbishop personally to give her report, she walked into the audience hall supported by another [Paladin], when the archbishop saw her he showed concern and got up from his elevated throne and floated down until he stood next to her and supported her waving off the other [Paladin]

"Yelle My child, what happened!?"

Yelle was about to begin speaking when she suddenly coughed up blood and kneeled down on the spot, then she spoke

"I have"

"You have?"

"...Been burdened with"

The archbishop laid her down on the floor as he realized that this was probably going to be the last words of his granddaughter, and how right he was, suddenly her expression twisted as she yelled with all her strength


In the next instance formations under her armor that had been tattooed directly onto her skin lit up as her mana suddenly went berserk, a moment later the entire cathedral was rocked with a massive explosion that collapsed the main audience hall onto itself, a few moments later the entire capital city was hit with as many as 11 more expositions

"And that's why you don't fuck with the little guy Well a little guy that knows how to turn people into landmines anyway"

"What was that Mike?"

Mike showed a smile as he leaned back in the carriage before he spoke

"My plan worked, the archbishop is no more"

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