Blood demon leveling

Chapter 149: Raiding

Chapter 149: Raiding

Day 452 since the ascension of the Wind sprit race, Mike returned to the surface from a dungeon, he stretched and looked up at the sun, he had just finished a casual 3-month dungeon run, his appearance was a little changed though as both his eyes, that is the whites of his eyes had turned blue on both of his eyes, there was also other small changes like his age seemed to have been slightly reversed, but that was all, so, all in all, no big changes to the outside, the changes on the inside, however, was significant as he had neared 100% elder blood in his veins but it seemed that had reached critical mass and was unable to increase it anymore at the moment

'Ah Sunlight, how I've missed you'

After spending a non-significant amount of time basking in the sun Mike made his location know on the mental network and contacted Julie, quickly learning that she already had returned from her dungeon run a few days earlier, so he quickly returned to the city and met up with her after taking a shower, after spending a night together Mike announced his next course of action to her

"I'll go raiding along with the five dragons and the Wind sprits that can fly in a few days, want to come with?"

Julie thought about it for a few moments before she nodded

"Yeah sure, it's been a while since I've gone wild But where are we raiding?"

"In the human lands, we'll burn down a city and then pull back into the forest As for the reason why Well you'll see"

"Okay This sure does remind me of the old days where we knocked over towns back home"

"Yeah How young and weak we were then"


Time possessed and soon it was time for the raid, Mike was currently in the process of Shall we say hyping up the crowd?

"---We'll tear the flesh from their bones, burn down their homes, and kill their young!"

Yells of excitement sounded out in front of Mike, where a strike force of about 400 Wind sprits was gathered, on their backs were wings, they had various shapes and forms but one thing was the same all over, they were a sinister vermilion color, above them, the five dragons flew around sending out roars of excitement as they weaved in and out of the clouds, Mike looked at them in front of him and showed a smile as a red light flashed in his eyes and he raised his fist and as his wings of blood appeared behind him, he yelled

"After me!"

Then with him and Julie in the front, the whole raiding team passed through the portal and appeared on the other side in a quiet forest where they flew forwards towards their goal with a very fast speed, the only sound was that of the sound barrier being broken as they speed across the no-mans-land, soon the walls of a city came within view, Mike narrowed his eyes as a red light flashed through his eyes and a half-transparent vermilion colored barrier appeared around him, this was one of his new spells which he had finely come around to find out how to use, then he flapped his wings and sped up before the barrier turned less transparent as he poured mana into it, then he simply rammed right into the closed gate that simply exploded into debris and splinters which leveled the first few houses inside the gate with a deafening bang which woke the sleeping city up with a stir, the first thing that happened was those who could fly flew into the air to observe the situation, this was in line with Mike's strategy as every thing above the walls suddenly got hit with five dragon's breathes and got turned to dust, Mike showed a smile as he yelled

"Close the cage!"

This was a signal for the 400 or so Wind sprits to circled around the walls and close off the gates, effectively trapping everyone inside the city

"Put on the lid!"

This was a signal for the dragons to move in a guard above the city in case anyone that could fly was alive still

"Now Let the festivities begin!"

Firstly came the guards, they were under level 7 so Mike simply chanted

"[Blood domination: blood puppets]!"

The guards suddenly went limp before they picked up their swords and spears and turned around before they began hunting after the city people they were sworn to protect, the new spell which Mike had just used was an evolved version of his old [Blood craze] spell which had a few advantages over the original spell, firstly it was instantly cast, affecting all below level 7 with 100% efficiency sending the subject into a craze where they would hunger for blood and raw flesh

"All the while keeping their consciousness intact! See that one is starting to cry as she's eating that child..! Or what's left of it anyway..."

With that done, Mike jumped op onto the wall and looked at the carnage below with a smile on his face, cries of pain and horror filled the city below him, he sat down on the wall and looked on for a bit before Julie joined him and sat down beside him, she snuggled up to him like they were a couple watching the sunset but soon she frowned slightly as she heard cries of pleasure and quickly asked Mike about it

"Why do I hear moaning down below?"

Mike shugged

"Because I supplied them with a powerful pleasure drug so they could You know"

"**** men?"

"Yeah, basically"

"Huh And why did you do that?"

"Well you wouldn't know since you are a woman but the Wind spirits have been giving me some Very hungry looks"

"Ah Well, then it's good that they get some of that pent up lust gone"

"Yep Puls we need to resupply the population somehow Not that they are capable of dying anyways"

"Well that's true, saves me from slaughtering them too"

"...Just don't go overboard"

"Sure Mike~"

As the hours passed the screams of pain and terror (and sometimes pleasure) gradually died down, so Mike called it and sent a mental message to all his servants

"We're pulling out"

At once all 400 servants dropped what they were doing and summoned their wings, and flew into the air before they began heading north all at once

The next day travelers and traders arrived at the sacked city of Glem much confusion followed on who had attacked the city as there were no survivors capable of telling exactly what had happened, most of them were traumatized and kept saying some about the five dragons in the sky watching them, this was quickly dismissed as nonsense as dragons had not been seen in the human lands for a very long time, (other than the one-off unconfirmed account here and there of course) so it remained a mystery for some time until reports came that another city had been sacked about 4 months on foot away from the first city And then another 2 months on foot away from the second city, it was finally then that the pattern formed: All three cites were within flight distance of the non-human lands, from there the security in the cites that bordered the non-human lands on the east continent got strengthened, but from there no other attack followed Until reports of another three attacks in the south continent followed a few weeks later, it was then that the humans knew: The non-humans had started their assault again after about 50 years of peace

Mike received a mental report from one of the non-evolved servants he still had in the human lands and showed a smile, things were finally moving as he wanted, the blame was put on the non-humans further inland, no one suspected the Wind spirits for the attacks so it was unlikely that they would see any large attacks in the upcoming conflict

Another month passed, in a border city on the non-human side a person was currently walking towards the walls of the city of Helem, they were a member of the Fire iron race and was named Carl, Carl had lived in the city of Helem all his 237 years of life and was a member of the city guard, he was currently on his way to work at the walls, but he wasn't in a very good mood, the reason why he was grumpy was that his wife Helia had found his stash of booze when he retired last night and had proceeded to drink it all, not a single drop was left of his 1000 years aged vodka which he was saving for the birth of his firstborn

'Humph Maybe I should get a divorce, all she does is drink and drink'

When he arrived at the walls a friend of his called Kasper walked up to him looking oddly serious, Carl picked up on this and asked

"So neither today too huh..?"

"Yeah We haven't had any human merchants in a week now"

While the non-humans and the humans hated each other there were exceptions such as merchants that sought profit everywhere, as for the reason why it was bad that there had been no merchants for a week now was simple, something was stopping them from leaving the human lands

"What about returning merchants from our side?"

"Still none"

"Shit Looks like trouble is brewing"

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