Blood demon leveling

Chapter 151: The siege of Jular

Chapter 151: The siege of Jular

"They're flying!"

Mike nodded before he spoke plainly

"They sure are Now if that's all you have to say then we have nothing more to speak about"

"Wait..! Give me a moment"

The dwarf in the expensive-looking clothes calmed himself for a few moments before he spoke again

"I am sorry about that little outburst, I have calmed myself, please bring the elder and we'll discuss the terms"

Mike sighed and for about 5 seconds he wondered if he should just kill them all, but then saner thought prevailed as he spoke calmly

"Are you daft? Or just plain stupid? I just literally just said that broke the Wind spirits curse, I am in charge here"




"My superior broke their curse and put me in charge, I mange the Wind spirits now"


The dwarf in the expensive-looking clothes sighed with relief, Mike's smile widened slightly, he had decided to make them believe he wasn't in charge here, this would make them overestimate his strength if they believed he had a stronger person above him (Which he kind of did)

"Then let's start the negotiations, what exactly is it that you want of us? Soldiers? Because we can't supply sodlieres to your war"

"....What exactly do you mean?"

Mike shugged

"I am saying that we won't supply soldiers for you to use as expendable pieces in your war, any and all Wind spirit army will be under my command and if I deem that it's an appropriate time to pull out our soldiers then I will do so regardless of the state of a battle, that's the first term"

The dwarf in the expensive-looking clothes nodded before he asked

"Do you have any other terms?"

"Yes I do, any and all payment we will receive from this war will be in the form of monster cores"

"That's Acceptable"

"Fine then why don't we discuss the main issue, how many Wind spirits do you need?"

After the first round of negotiations, the dwarf in the expensive-looking clothes went back through the portal along with his escorts, they would be reporting to the king of the Fire iron race which would decide to accept the deal, a week later the response came from the king and to Mike's surprise he had accepted the deal

'...Shit, I should have pushed for a better payment in that case'

Mike sighed before he muttered

"Well then, what's done is done"

Mike had promised the Fire iron race's king 400 level 7's and 1200 level 6's, he didn't bother with the level 5's and below, after all, who would harvest an apple before it was fully grown?

'That's perhaps a bad analogy After all, they are living and breathing beings, not fruits'

Carl knelled down, he was breathing heavily, it was the 16th day of the defense of Jular in the evening, the humans had just ordered the temporarily retreat of their forces

"Carl you alive!?"

"Yeah, I am good!"

Carl yelled to one of the other guards that also stood on the top of the walls of Jular, his name was James, and was the closest thing to a friend Carl had got in the short period of time he had been in Jular, Carl looked around, the top of the walls was a mess of blood, bodies, and gore. Carl stopped looking around and stood up before he swung his war hammer onto his shoulder before he made his way down the walls down to ground level, then he walked over to the barracks, or rather field mash hall with James and got some food, the dinner was quiet even though there were nearly 500 guardsmen and soldiers in the hall, most of them just looked at their food and wasn't eating, while others were forcing their food down, Carl and James were the only ones eating rather normally, as they were eating a person next to them spoke

"Hey, have you heard the rumor?"

Carl shook his head and so did James, this caused the dwarf to sigh before he spoke

"Well, it isn't exactly good news Fuck it, they say that we'll be getting reinforcements soon"

Carl raised an eyebrow and asked

"How's that not good news?"

The dwarf sighed

"Because it's the Wind spirits that are reinforcing us What are they going to do? Fuck the enemy to death?"

Carl looked over at James and the two of them shugged, they didn't have a good impression of the Wind spirits either though Carl was slightly optimistic about it as he spoke

"Well, some reinforcements are better than none"

"Yeah that's true I guess"

Both James and the other dwarf agreed after Carl was done eating he stood up and spoke

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow James"

"Yeah good night Carl"

Carl made his way back to his barracks, thanks to Hann he had received a room in the guardsman barracks where he could sleep instead of the tents that were sat up on the street where the regular soldiers slept

The next morning Carl awoke to the sound of a horn as usual which was the morning call, he quickly got out of bed and got dressed before he grabbed his war hammer and walked out of the room, after eating a light breakfast it was up onto the walls again where he stood ready as the sun rose, as it did the runes on the walls lit up as a transparent dome formed around the city and the esteemed level 7 soldiers took flight and spread out around the city ready to defend against the humans level 7's and in the middle of Jular city a lone figure flew up and floated in the air, he was general Hanibal of the Fire iron race, the only level 8 in the city, he was sent to match the level 8 human general who was leading the siege, the siege consisted of more traditional siege engines such as trebuchet and catapults but also magic cannons batteries which were already starting to wind up for the day's assault, and then it came the sound which Carl swore he could hear in his sleep by now, the horn that signaled the humans assault on the city followed by the roars of the attackers, but something proved to be different today, from the east something was spotted by the level 7 soldiers


At first, it looked like a swarm of red wasps, but as they came closer it turned out to be people, the swarm flew towards the city before it changed direction and with a bright red light in the front the swarm descended onto the siege that laid around the city with the red light in the front directly smashing a catapult by flying into it, Carl could feel his jaw drop as the shockwave hit him, then he let out a cheer unconsciously, he wasn't the only one, the entire city let out cheers as the red swarm ate its way through the besieging forces and finally broke the perimeter with the red light in the font that then flew straight towards the city and landed on the wall next to Carl, it was a man covered by a half-transparent barrier, he had horns and blue eyes and showed a smile when he turned to Carl, Carl found this smile slightly sinister however

"Hey there, can you tell me where general Hanibal is located?"

Carl took a moment to realize that it was him that the person was speaking to so he hurriedly responded

"Ah, yes, he's in the center of the city"

"I see, thank you Oh, and you have done a good job to defend until we arrived You can all be proud!"

After cheering up the soldier's Mike flew off towards the center of the city and quickly found the general, he was however stopped by a few elite soldiers

"Stop right there! Who are you?"

Mike sighed before he spoke sarcastically

"I am Santa, I've come with my 1600 elves bring you presents Who the fuck do you think I am, I am Mike the leader of the Wind spirits here to reinforce the city of Jular under agreement with your king"

The soldiers looked embarrassed before the general spoke from behind them

"Let him through!"

Mike flew up and stood side by side with the general that looked towards the battle currently ongoing outside the walls, Mike greeted him

"General Hanibal"

"...You must be Mike"

The two of them looked towards the front in silence for a bit before Hanibal spoke while he stroked his beard

"To think that the day would come where I would see Wind spirits flying"

"Well, things change And there's a first for everything"

"Hahahaha! That's true! That is true! Anyway, how do you want to handle the enemy general?"

Mike paused before he sent a mental message to Julie, then he showed a smile

"It's already handled"


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