Blood demon leveling

Chapter 154: Level 8

Chapter 154: Level 8

Mike walked along the main street of Heilmark, well walking would not be the right word Slaughtered would be more accurate, yes he slaughtered along the main street of Heilmark, to be more precise he led a beachhead, he was on the front of the fight between the non-humans and the humans, next to him was Julie and above him was an orb of blood that was so massive and concentrated that it blocked out most of the sunlight below it, the only light that escaped from under the orb of blood was sparks and reflections from the weapons that flashed, sounds where more present than light as screams of the injured and the whines that the blood puppets let out as they killed their former comrades, Mike himself was at the front of the fight, farming experience from the mostly level 5 soldiers that tired fruitlessly to kill him, as Mike stabbed a soldier in the neck and swiftly pulled out the knife as the blood splattered out he muttered


As he swung the hammer and turned a soldiers head into paste he muttered


As he punched a soldier in the chest shattering his heart with one blow he muttered


As he fired off a [Blood boiler] and the poor soul it hit vaporized he muttered

"406... "

Julie that was beside him quickly asked as she cleaved a soldier in half

"Didn't you skip one?"

"407, no that was a double kill"

"Oh, I see, I better pick up the pace then... 402"

This continued for a while until the beachhead reached the lord's mansion, by now the defense of Heilmark was but a fleeting dream for the humans, still, they fought on, Mike showed a sinister smile, he knew that they knew about the raids he had conducted, and thus they knew what was to come, thus they fought on Even though the battle was already lost, and they were correct to fight as the hatred of the non-humans had to be repaired, tooth for tooth, blood for blood

'This is turning out to be perfect A long war is the best outcome...'

As Mike slashed the head of another soldier he suddenly felt it, he had felt this feeling before and quickly sent a mental message to Julie before he took direct control of a few elite Wind spirits and summoned his wings before he took flight and flew Towards the temple


Mike roared as he landed in front of the temple that was filled with people, it was common sense that the temple was holy ground, and thus across races, bloodshed was forbidden on this holy ground. The temples thus became the place where civilians would flee to once the gates were breached, frightened screams sounded out as Mike landed but soon it became quiet as the people there opened a path for him, they were mostly level 3 and below, they knew what his wings represented, only the foolish, the ones with nothing to lose Or the young and brave would block his way, Mike narrowed his eyes as a young man blocked his path, but quickly sent a mental command to the Wind spirits he had brought with him, one of them walked in front of Mike and showed a friendly smile to the youth before she grabbed him and dragged him outside the temple before she Well ate him alive, and not in a sexual way, no she ate him alive, bite for bite He only breathed his last after he had begged for his life for a good 3 minutes, 3. Long. Minutes

"As I said, move or die"

This proved to be a rather well-received threat, at least Mike didn't hear any whining or complaining about it, in fact, it seemed that one elderly had died of shock from watching the ordeal, now unobstructed Mike walked into a prayer room and shut the door behind him, with a dozen level 7 Wind spirits standing guard outside the door he put his hand onto the crystal ball that soon displayed his stats

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 35

Level: 7

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic: Blood domination] [Elder blood bestowal] [Wings of Blood]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: 500.000.000.000 / 500.000.000.000

Level up Y/N?

Mike showed a smile and moved his finger over the Y and pressed it, then he felt the exhilarating feeling of growing stronger all in an instance, only this 'fix' was far greater than any he had ever felt before, Mike showed a smile as he flexed his hand a few times to judge his new strength

'2,5 No 3 times as strong'

And that was just an estimate, he didn't know for sure how strong he was before he fought someone who he could go all out against

'Now I am one step closer to killing Jane'

Mike showed a slightly sinister smile as he put his hand back onto the crystal ball that soon showed his new stats

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 35

Level: 8

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic: Blood domination II] [Elder blood bestowal] [Wings of Blood] [Blood reading]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: 0 / 1500.000.000.000

"Neat [Blood reading] and what looks like an upgrade to [Blood magic] huh Well, I have things to do before I can play around with my new skill'

Mike exited the prayer room after he waited for the crystal ball to reset, once he stepped out of the room he found all the Wind spirit's bowed down as they spoke in unison

"""""Congratulations master"""""

Mike nodded as he spoke

"Well then, let's get on with it"

Mike walked out of the temple followed by the Wind spirits that had guarded him under the watchful eyes and scared eyes of the people that took refuge in the temple, then once he was out on the street he cracked his neck before he simply and lightly jumped over to the next street over

'Jep I am definitely stronger now Let's see exactly how much'

Mike crouched down before he jumped with all his strength, in a matter of seconds he cleared the rooftops, and over the next few moments he cleared the city walls before he reached just under the clouds before he began to feel the gravity take hold over him, Mike didn't panic he simply used the height he found himself at to get a look at the situation in the city below, he was clear of one thing, there wasn't any level 8 people in the city besides Hannibal

'Well then let's end this'

Mike descended with the help of his wings before he smashed down onto the pavement sending up dust before he yelled


s he yelled he let out his overwhelming amount of pressure, Hannibal saw what he was doing and let out his pressure too, a few moments later the battlefield fell silent

The slaughter that the humans were expecting never came, instead, they suffered an equally terrible fate, men women and children were all enslaved, every single one of them, then they were transported back into non-human lands, this took a couple of weeks to arrange, just according to Mike's plans, he even purposely slowed down the process of escorting the slaves to give the humans more time, as for why?

'Well, that's because I want the humans to band together Which they will need some time to do'

Mike wanted to escalate this war, he wanted very much to set the entire continent alight with the flames of war, something which he would do almost anything to achieve

'Well for now we prepare for a skirmish My servants tell me that the humans have started to move'

The next day Mike woke up as usual and woke up Julie, then without informing Hannibal he sent a mental message to all 1600 Wind spirit's that then dropped what they were doing and gathered in the central plaza which Mike floated above, soon Julie also arrived, and just as Mike was about to order the match Hannibal showed up

"...Are you moving your forces lord Mike?"

"Yeah, we'll hit the city to the north"

Hannibal knew that this would leave his forces vulnerable to attack, but he knew that he had no authority to force him, so he simply said

"Godspeed, lord Mike, lady Julie"

"Yeah, we'll be off now Time to start the hunt!"

The WInd spirits let out a roar of excitement, then the horde began moving out of the city before they headed north, Mike set up a matching formation which had level 7's in the front searching and swiftly eliminating enemy scouts, this was very unusual for this world as normally the level 7's would be kept in reserve as the elite and not be worked at all, after all once level determined one's status

'...This should get us relatively unnoticed to the next city And without the pesky Dwarfs, we can slaughter the whole city without a problem'

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