Blood demon leveling

Chapter 158: 1 vs 7

Chapter 158: 1 vs 7

As Mike and Julie stood on the wall and looked at the approaching human army Mike pondered out loud

"...I wonder if I can take it all down by myself?"

Julie that stood beside him thought for a moment before she asked

"That's about 5.000 men you know? About a fourth of them seems to be flying too"

"Yeah To be precise it's 5.123 men and there's currently 2.642 flying with the possibility that there's more that are above level 7"

"How do you know their exact numbers?"

"I counted them Just now"

Julie suddenly looked tired as she sighed

"Of course you counted them How high spec is your new body?"


Mike flexed his free hand a few times before he answered

"About twice as strong But that's not the real improvement if I focus I can slow down my perception of time to about a quarter, so my processing power is a lot better than before, my senses also seem to have been ramped up to 22 from 1, Oh and my tail can do this"

Mike's tail suddenly seemed to grow longer as the spaded tip of bone also grew to the size of an axe head, a triangle bone axe head that was sharp enough to cut through stone

"Oh Then why don't you go ahead, I'll follow along with the soldiers"

"Sure I'm off my love"

"See you in a bit darling"

Mike gave Julie a quick kiss on the cheek before he jumped down from the wall and landed on the ground, briefly stopping to put up a half-transparent barrier before he kicked off the ground instantly forming a sonic boom before an instant later he charged into the enemy's ranks, from where Julie stood she only saw a red streak of light across the open ground before it smashed into the human army breaking the front lines like a rock being thrown into water, the heavy infantry that made up the font simply formed ripples outward from the impact as they were blown away

"Not so heavy after all"

Mike continued charging through the walls of soldiers, he wasn't slowed down at all and a few moments later he emerged on the other side of the army, where their supply train was located

"Well don't mind if I do"

Mike drew the knife which glinted under the sunlight before he began reaping havoc among the supply train of the human army, speaking of the human arm they were still in total confusion, and the chain of command had not yet been restored, if this was a fistfight between two people the human army would still be fumbling around on the ground after receiving a left hook to the chin from Mike that now were busy going through their wallet while taking pictures of their credit cards before snapping them in half.

When the army finally reorganized itself a painful 10 minutes later Mike was about half done with smashing up their supplies and siege engines, the human army seemed to have given up on their supply train as the command to begin firing spells rang out, Mike showed a smile before he summoned his wings and flapped them once disappearing from view in an instant, leaving behind a sonic boom


It was unclear who yelled but all looked up, they only caught a glimpse of a red streak that passed through them and landed in the middle of the human army, the best-protected place was breached so easily, there seven figures stood and watched Mike with horror, they were the seven level 8's, one of them, a young woman could not compose herself and drew her sword as she charged Mike alone


An elderly man saw this and quickly yelled

"No Nicole, come back!"

The one called Nicole only felt a gust of wind before she looked down and saw her own headless body, she wanted very much to scream

"That's the first"

Mike balanced the head of the woman on his tail tip before he threw it into the air and punched it shattering the head into a bloody mist before he tilted his head and asked

"Who wants to be next?"

The ordinary soldiers backed off, leaving room for the seven remaining level 8's to duke it out, the elder from before yelled out

"He's strong..! We need to take him together!"

"Yeah, no shit gramps, he did in Nicole!"

Mike sighed before he released his blood lust and asked again

"As I asked before: Who wants to be next?"

The six level 8's felt overwhelmed by Mike's blood lust, the elder turned to Mike before he spoke, or rather asked

"...Who, or what are you..? I've never seen a non-human like you before"

Mike showed a slight smile before he announced in a voice that was heard by the entire human army

"Hear me and tremble in fear, I am Mike, humble servant of our fair lady Beel!"

One of the younger level 8's showed a sneer as he spoke

"Tremble in fear he says Tell me, non-human scum, can you co---"

"That's the second"

A tremble went through the now remaining five level 8's as they turned towards Mike that now balanced another head on the tip of his tail, the victim was naturally the youth that had called Mike a 'non-human scum'

"I'll have you know that words like that hurt, well probably not as much as getting your head severed Oh well"

Mike shrugged before he threw the head into the air and caught it with his right hand and looked at the remaining five level 8's as he showed a dreadful smile he asked once more

"Who wants to be next?"

The elder felt a cold sweat before he realized what Mike was doing

'This is bad, he's breaking our spirit I have to do something'

The more he thought about the more sure he felt that this was the case so he used a skill

"[Rallying cry]!"

The skill was a support skill that boosted his aliases mental fortitude and managed to calm them down before he kicked off the ground as he yelled

"We need to hit him all at once!"

Mike's smile widened slightly before he opened his hand and the hammer flew up and landed in his hand, then with a quick backswing he swung the hammer towards the charging elder that had raised his shield as he yelled

"[Stone skin], [Shield bash]!"


The hammer and the shield met as Mike yelled out before a sizeable shockwave spread out pushing back the regular soldiers a few meters, with the shook wave the elder was pushed back four steps but to his horror, Mike remained standing in the same spot with the knife ready as 2 level 8's attacked him from each side, their coordination was excellent, but alas they stuck empty air as Mike kicked off the ground and retreated backward, as he did arrows came flying after him from another level 8, Mike scoffed and caught one of the arrows with his left hand right in front of his eye socket while he deflected the rest with his tail

"...Is that all?"

"I am happy you asked!"

The last level 8 that had yet to attack fired off a fire spell which he had been preparing as the others attacked Mike, Mike scoffed and bit his finger and dropped a drop of dark red blood onto the hammer as he spoke

"[Elder blood bestowal]!"

Then he threw the hammer at the giant fireball, under the stunned gazes of the people watching the hammer opened up like a maw and sucked in the entire fireball before it flew back to Mike that stroked the hammer as he asked

"...That's all right..? Then it's my turn!"

Mike summoned his wings and flapped them as he kicked off the ground, he went straight for the mage whose head went flying the next instance, though it had not been costless as two deep cuts on Mike's arm and leg showed up a moment later, the two swordsmen had almost managed to intercept Mike


One of the swordsmen cheered along with the watching soldiers

"He's injured, finish him!"

The elder felt something was wrong but nevertheless still pushed along with the two swordsmen, Mike blocked the two swords with his hammer and the knife, then it happened, suddenly swords pierced the two swordsmen from behind, it was the two headless bodies that had risen and attacked their former allies in the back at this critical moment, Mike smiled and muttered

"[Blood domination II: Blood puppets]"

The surrounding soldiers lost their cool and began fleeing in terror as Julie attacked with the Wind spirits, only the level 8 elder stood back and sighed

"We really underestimated you Mike was it? Will you hear an old man's last request?"

Mike nodded with a calm smile on his face, then the elder spoke again

"Finish me with your strongest attack! So my children may know that their father fought with pride!"

"Sure, it'll cost you though"

Mike bit his finger and dropped a drop of dark red blood onto the knife that let out a scream of excitement before a scythe formed out of red energy, the elder roared and raised his shield as he charged Mike that slashed down with the scythe as the red energy hit the shield, the shield came alive and suddenly closed itself backward chopping off the elder's arm before Mike passed him by and left a slash on his neck and muttered


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