Blood demon leveling

Chapter 180: First class

Chapter 180: First class

When Mike arrived at the city 3 days later he didn't even bother to land he simply began churning his mana at full speed in the air, after about 30 seconds the city lord came flying into their and appeared in front of Mike where he humbly spoke

"What can I do for you lord?"

"...If you kill yourself now I can spare your city from destruction"


Mike sighed before he spoke again

"The assassin, that was you, don't bother trying to explain You sure are bold to send an assassin after someone under my protection"

The city lord paled before he quickly attempted to run, or rather fly away, only he found himself unable to move, he could only look at Mike in horror, Mike then flew upwards a little so that the city lord and the city under him was in a straight line, then he used a drop of his own blood on the shield as he spoke

"[Elder blood bestowal]!"

From there a beam of destructive energy fired out of the face of the shield and annihilated the city lord along with the city below him, Mike snorted before he put the shield back onto his back and flew back towards the academy

3 days later Mike arrived at the academy and landed in a courtyard inside the academy, some guards came and checked his teacher ID before he was let through, Mike then walked directly to the mess hall and got some food, well a lot of food, it was after all the first time he ate in 6 days, then he made his way back to his room while greeting the students and teachers that spoke out to him on the way when he arrived he locked the door behind him before he sat down and began to meditate

"And Here We Go"

With those words, Mike woke from his meditation and cracked his neck before he jumped to his feet and stretched, after that he took a quick shower and got dressed in his teacher uniform, then he got out of his room and made his way towards the mess hall where he ate in peace until a person sat down next to him and greeted him

"Good morning Mike"

"Oh, Noel Ready for class?"

"Yep Though don't expect much, I am not as well versed in close combat as you are Mike"

Mike nodded, then he spoke plainly

"Yeah, though I can tell that you received some sort of martial arts training in your youth from the way you distribute your weight"

"That's True, though I'll rather not talk about it"


Mike returned to his meal and Noel began to eat hers too, when Mike finished eating he sat and waited for Noel to finish eating, then when she was done Mike clapped his hands and spoke

"Well then, shall we?"

"Sure, let's go"

Mike walked in front while Noel walked a few steps behind him, soon the two of them arrived at the courtyard that was reserved for Mike's class, the area was filled with students that were ready to take his class, Mike took off his robe and walked into the middle of the courtyard before he spoke

"I won't waste your time with idle chatter, observe"

As he finished speaking the students quieted down, then Mike began making the sets of movements that challenged his power through his body, there were some whispers when he started, but when he changed the first part of the movements through his body and the stone floor cracked beneath him they all stopped speaking, Mike made two sets of slow movements before he breathed out deeply then he cracked his neck before he made the same movements while he churned his mana at around 100 circulations per minute, this time he made them at his own normal speed which was about 2 times as fast as the first two times he had demonstrated the movements, the ground shook slightly in a rhythmic fashion, before Mike then kicked up his speed of movements, then he stopped before he spoke

"Under no circumstances will any of you be making these sets of movements without my oversight Let me demonstrate why"

Mike breathed out deeply before he made the movements in a slow manner, then in the middle, he deliberately made a mistake, loud snaps sounded out before his skin raptured in multiple places, quickly his shirt and pants were died red with blood, Mike seemed rather cool about though as he spoke

"My 4 of my ribs have fractured, my spine has been forcefully disconnected so I can't really feel my legs"

Then he looked down at his legs and spoke

"Though it looks like my right shin has been shattered from within, then there the organ damage, my lungs are pieced with bone fragments from my ribs and my guts are a mess---"

Noel was pale as was most of the students that watched Mike as he continued

"---Most of my muscles have torn on the right side of my body Overall this is a 6 out of 10 on the scale of pain [Drink]"

Loud snaps sounded out again as Mike's bones were forcefully reset, then using blood magic the fresh blood that stained his clothes floated out before it formed an orb that twirled around his hand a few times before he bit his finger and the blood entered the cut, then he spoke again undisturbed

"Now then I understand that some of you may feel scared, to practice these sets of movements now But I can assure you all that as long as you don't intentionally make any big mistakes you'll be fine, of course, those of you that are scared shitless may leave now"

Mike waited a few seconds, a few students left the crowds but most stayed then Mike nodded before he spoke again

"Now then, line up in two equally long lines!"

The students quickly lined up, Mike then walked into the middle of the courtyard and sat down before he spoke

"The first 20 from each line walk forwards into the courtyard and spread out with an arm's length of space in between you all"

The students were the elite youth so naturally, they found it easy to follow Mike's instructions, then Mike spoke again

"Now begin making the movements! I'll correct any small flaws that are made, though if you are tired of living please make an intentional mistake, don't worry I'll twist your head off before you feel any pain..! Now start!"

Mike closed his eyes and corrected the mistakes of the 40 students that made the sets of movements in front of him, as soon as they finished one set most of them sat down on the floor heaving for breath, some persisted until they made 2 sets, a few continued to 3 sets and only two continued to 4 sets, that was Mel and another male student with short black hair and two odd-colored eyes, one blue and one red, Mike opened his eyes and looked at the two of them approvingly before he spoke

"Good, switch out with the next 40"

The male student gritted his teeth before he shouted out in a low tone

"I can still continue!"

Mike narrowed his eyes and spoke

"I said switch So you switch, besides any more and your body will break, that would be an 8 on the scale of pain"

The male students gifted his teeth before he nodded and walked off the stone tiles with slow steady steps, Mike made a mental note of his looks before he spoke again

"Next 40 steep forwards!"

By the end of the about 180 students, only 4 lasted all the 4 sets, Mike made a mental note of each one, the first one with black hair and odd eyes and the last two that seemed to be a pair of twins, one male one female, they both had blue hair and eyes and seemed used to physical exercise after the students had performed the first set of exercises Mike taught them basic hand to hand combat, it was a mix of traditional boxing and a few other martial arts, then the tired students made their way back to their dorms to shower after Mike let them off, then he turned to Noel and asked

"Want to give it a try too?"

Noel stood and taught for a bit before she eventually nodded, then Mike mercilessly made her do 6 sets before he let her off

"You don't want to be outdone by your students do you?"

"...No but---"

"No buts! If you got enough strength to argue back you have enough strength to do another set!"

Mike laughed out loud as he eventually let Noel go after she finished performing 2 sets more, Noel glared at him resentfully as she limped back to her dorm room

"Well then, the first class went well won't you say, Principal?"

The aged principal descended from above, he had been watching Mike's class from the sky

"You drill your students hard Though I can tell it's for their own good"

"Yeah, weakness will only get you killed, or worse"

"You sound like you have experienced worse..?"

"Yeah Though I'll rather not talk about it"

"That's fine as long as you have the students best interest in mind"


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