Blood demon leveling

Chapter 184: Raid

Chapter 184: Raid


"Kill him!"

Mike sighed before he made a twisting motion with his hand and several snaps sounded out around him, then he began humming as he walked on towards the center of the huge castle, elsewhere in the castle several other figures landed, two of those figures was Mel and Lucy, carried down by Charles, when they landed Mel had formed armor of darkness around herself and fired off several arrows of darkness as she landed at the nearby guards and knights, Lucy that was with her jumped off Charles and in one motion she drew her sword as she slashed out at a nearby knight with her strength and the sharpness of her sword she easily cut him in half before she showed a slight smile on her face as faint darkness could be seen in the depths of her eyes, Mel cowered her as she walked from knight to knight and cleanly cut them down one by one until the courtyard turned silent, the armor around Mel's face disappeared like smoke before she gave Lucy a quick kiss on the check

"Nice work babe"

Lucy breathed a sigh before she showed a smile

"Thank you"

At that moment a figure landed in the courtyard, it was a winged knight, that instantly slashed out a Lucy, clearly, this was one of the elite knights that Nicolai had talked about, Lucy raised her sword and only just managed to block before she was sent flying back, Lucy slid over the ground in the courtyard as Mel yelled

"Lucy! How dare you!"

Before Mel could fire off an arrow a figure swopped down and instantly turned the elite knight into a bloody paste, with a swing of their war hammer, it was Gas, he looked over at Lucy before he nodded and spoke

"To think you could actually take a swing from an enraged level 8 My name is Gas, welcome to the family"

Lucy showed a smile before she nodded, meanwhile Gas licked the blood splatter around his mouth off before he muttered

"Needs some salt"

Another place in the castle Alexa was laughing loudly as she swung around a pair of nunchucks that was already covered in blood, her target, an unfortunate maid was reduced to a bloody pulp under her slightly rhythmic blows, every blow was meant to harm, not kill as she hummed under the full helmet the humming ended abruptly before she spoke

"Oh she broke?"

What was left of the maid fell to the ground before Alexa's eyes scanned the surroundings and found a person standing in the middle of the courtyard, ti was Maxwell, he clapped his hands twice before he spoke

"That was a nice melody"

Alexa nodded her armored helmet before she asked

"Want to hear another?"

Maxwell nodded as he followed after Alexa while his cape fluttered locust flew out and began feasting on the corpses, soon they arrived in another courtyard where what appeared to be mindless ghouls were feating on fresh corpses while Lucy sat in the middle of the courtyard, she turned her head to Maxwell and Alexa when they arrived and spoke

"I've cleared this area And form the sound of it Alexander has cleared the next area already"

Alexa nodded once before she walked on, Maxwell spoke to Lucy

"Well then, let's move on, we must not disappoint the General"

Lucy showed a smile and stood up from the lust salve she was sitting on before she walked with Maxwell further into the castle, on the way they meet up with Mel, Lucy, and Gas that too had fought their way to this point, as they greeted each other a door was kicked down and Nicolai appeared, the sword in his hand was covered in blood, as was his armor, a frosty expression was on his face, from the door Alexander emerged too, he had a smile on his face as he saw the other demons and spoke proudly as he clapped Nicolai on the shoulder

"Our General has found a real mean piece of work here, honestly even I am impressed"

Nicolai looked ahead and pointed his sword towards the deeper ends of the castle before he spoke

"My sister's room is that way"

Alexander showed a smile before he spoke

"Well then let's all move, shall we?"

Elsewhere in the castle, Mike walked through the hallways with his arms behind his back, around him was a half-transparent red barrier, suddenly he stopped walking before he bent his body slightly to the side dodging an arrow that went clean through his barrier

"Well, that's rude"

Mike kicked off the ground but before he could make it to the archer someone else did, a cold glint shone out as a sword parted the elite knight in half before a leg came swinging and blew the two parts of the knight into a side room

"Oh, hey Julie"

Julie waved her hand before she walked over and took Mike's arm with a smile on her face as she cuddled up to him, a smile formed on Mike's face for a moment before he looked ahead and spoke

"Here comes someone that can't read the mood"

"Sure looks that way from the circulations per minute it's an angry level 9, must be Nicolai's dad"


Mike sighed as he drew the knife, soon a figure emerged from the end of the hallway, it was a slightly intimidating man in his prime, around him was several elite knights that radiated killing intent when they spotted Mike and Julie, the king spoke in a clear cut manner

"Intruders? Kill them"

3 elite knights rushed forwards, Mike made a grasping motion as he deliberately breathed in a strange way as he spoke

"No, I am your father"

Then 3 snaps sounded out in the hallway before the 3 elite knights hit the floor, then Mike looked at the king and spoke

"You have to do better than that"

The king scoffed before he asked

"Why are you assassins here? Who paid you?"

Mike shrugged before he spoke

"You'll see the face of your death soon enough buddy boy"

The king scoffed again before he gestured for the rest of the elite knights to attack, the 8 knights rushed forwards towards the pair as they used various skills to enhance themselves, Mike patted Julie on the head as she let go of his arm then he cracked his neck before he spoke

"Maximum effort"

The stone floor under Mike cracked as he kicked off the ground while drawing the knife as he slid over his hand cutting the skin on the inside of his other hand which he used to grasp the hammer while he drew it, the next instance it went flying ahead of him as it opened up like a maw and chomped down on the head of the first knight, meanwhile Julie also moved as she also kicked off the ground wielding her [Hellsword], with two slashes of her sword 2 elite knights fell to the ground, cut in half, meanwhile Mike had slit the throats of another 2 elite knights bringing the total left down to 3 before Mike and Julie reached them a door they passed in the hallway suddenly broke into pieces as Alexa went flying through it stabbing one of the knights in the chest with a viper spear, after her followed Alexander who wielded his twin swords and cut another knight into 3 pieces with an overhead swing of his swords, the well besides the last knight suddenly shattered as a war hammer went through it before it hit the last knight in the chest sending him flying back past Alexa and Alexander landing at the feet of the king who's eyes violently twitched, he knew how many resucrses he had spent on those elite knights, and now they were all dead, beaten in an instance, a parir of white wings quickly appeared behind the king before he flapped them and flew up through the roof seaking to escape

"Alexa, Alexander!"

""Yes General""

The two quickly summoned their wings and flew up through the roof after the king, Mike sighed before he used [Drink], which drained the blood from the knights he had killed in the hallway, the other demons soon arrived in the hallway along with a person Mike didn't know, she stood and clutched Nicolai's arm while she looked at the corpses on the ground fearfully, Mike sighed again before he spoke

"Remove the corpses"

"""Yes General"""

Mike walked over to Nicolai and kneeled down in front of him as he spoke to his sister

"Hey there, what's your name?"


Mike nodded, Jean was a young teenager about 12 or 13 years old and there were visible similarities between her and Nicolai, Nicolai spoke as he knelled down

"Please forgive any offense from my sister General, she's young and doesn't know better"

Mike nodded and stood up before he looked back just as a figure crashed through the roof, it was the king, he was battered and bruised and had a slightly fearful expression on his face as he thought

'Who did I offend who carries this kind of forces..!?'

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