Blood demon leveling

Chapter 206: Assault

Chapter 206: Assault

"What bad taste"

"...Agreed, this sure is something, I've never seen anything like it in fact"

Mike and Julie looked upon the giant cathedral from a distance, they had the sun on their backs so they weren't worried about being spotted, for the time being, Mike nodded before he spoke

"I'm going to destroy the right tower, will you take the left, my love?"

Julie grabbed Mike by the neck before she spoke in a slightly tired voice

"Don't you feel Beel's mortal body BELOW the What was it you called it again?"

Mike nodded before he spoke


"Yes that's it, thank you, Mike We can't just bury Beel under several tons of marble bricks"

Mike paused before he nodded

"Good point But then what do we do?"

"We Infiltrate?"

"...I only non-humans as slaves though"

"Good point We Storm in?"

"That's a good plan, use wide range spells and avoid the supporting parts of the structure?"

Julie nodded before she opened her hand and summoned her [Hellsword], then she spoke

"Marble don't burn right?"

"No, it melts into a molten rock at 500 plus C so turn up the heat"

"Good Let's go then"

Mike patted Julie on the shoulder before he spoke

"Be swift about it though, we don't know how long it will take for the enemy mortal body to call in their true body If all 3 of the guardian's true bodies arrive here we'll be in trouble"

"Got it, let's go!"

"After you, my lady"

Julie charged forwards, Mike followed after her, they both flew straight towards the cathedral, it had its stained glass windows pointed towards the east so naturally moments later Mike and Julie crashed through the two of the windows instantly alerting the guards outside and the followers inside the cathedral that attacked them at once, Mike deployed his aura and used a spell at once

"[Blood moon]!"

A half-transparent white orb appeared floating above Mike, then the inside of the cathedral turned into a hellscape as the orb seemed to command a rather strong suction force that pulled the blood right out of the people within a 50 meters radius, ghastly howls echoed on the inside of the cathedral as the people unfortunate enough to be standing close enough to Mike's spell were robbed of their blood, at Julie's side however there were no screams as she deployed her aura and used a spell

"[Heat wave]"

There were no screams, the people within the radius of the spell simply turned to white ash as the marble stone floor began glowing under the intense heat, the furniture wasn't spared either as it also turned into white ash in an instance, from there Mike and Julie split up, they each moved to their ends of the cathedral while disregarding anything in their way

Mike soon found the stairs down to the lower levels of the cathedral, he moved swiftly through narrow corridors as he moved towards the presence of Beel's mortal body, he encountered several strong looking fighters on the way, but none of them managed to resist the [Blood moon]'s allure and were quickly turned into dried corpses, soon he reached a spot that seemed to be the nearest place to Beel, after moving around for several minutes to find a way further down he sighed and took out the hammer just as Julie appeared and spoke

"I feel her below too"

"Got it, let's see how sturdy the foundation is It's hammer time!"

Mike raised the hammer and with a thunderous roar the hammer hit the foundation of the cathedral shaking the entire cathedral with a single blow collapsing one of the cathedral's unfinished towers in the process, on the third blow however both Mike and Julie felt a strong presence wake on the upper levels of the cathedral, Mike looked over at Julie and nodded to her, Julie nodded and spoke reassuringly

"Don't worry, I'll stall her, keep hammering"

Julie kicked off the ground and broke through the roof, after breaking through several floors she appeared in the cathedral's main hall that was over 200 meters across, there she came face to face with a girl wearing a white priest garb with bright blue eyes and back-length blonde hair, her height only reached around Julie's chest, still, Julie could feel enormous strength from the small girl, furthermore, Julie saw that her eyes glowed with a faint golden glow, then Julie showed a smile and spoke

"There you are, guardian"

The girl nodded before she spoke with a clear voice

"How dare you break into my cathedral, demon"

Julie narrowed her eyes and then she disappeared from view as she instantly summoned her wings and charged at the girl that opened her hands before a pair of white twin swords appeared in them, Julie slashed out with an overhead swing with her [Hellsword], the girl blocked by crossing her shortswords, a loud clang sounded out inside the cathedral that shattered the stained glass windows, the girl spoke

"This won't do"

Then she summoned whited feathered wings and launched a flurry of attacks at Julie with her twin shortswords pushing her out of the cathedral, Julie let her be pushed back as it worked well for her, after all, she only needed to distract her target, that said she still slashed out with her sword with the intent to kill as she yelled


Julie slashed out at the girl, at the same time the girl's shadow moved and came alive as it sprung up and tried to bite its fangs into the girl's feet, however, the girl wasn't a literal deity for nothing as she aptly used one of her swords to deflect Julie's slash while she used the other to cut apart the shadow under her, it was then it happened, the ground shook again, the girl narrowed her eyes as she looked towards the cathedral before she spoke

"There's two of them..? No matter {Angle halo] I'll deal with you first"

As the girl used a spell a white halo appeared, floating above her head, Julie felt a chill as the halo appeared and when the girl went on the offense she didn't directly block her blows, instead, she skillfully deflected the first blow as her intuition told her to, as the shortsword and the [Hellsowrd] made contact Julie widened her eyes, she felt that the blow was at least twice as heavy than before, the girl's face suddenly contracted as she made a nasty smile as she yelled

"What's wrong, DEMON!?"

Julie was quickly put on the defensive as she was forced to deflect the accurate and fast flurry of the twin shortswords, seeing as the direct sword approach didn't work Julie deployed her [Hellfire aura] to the max and used a spell


"[Holy aura], [Bastion]!"

The girl quickly deployed her own aura and used a defensive spell a white shield materialized out of nothing in front of her, then 'something' hit it and it was set ablaze and quickly melted, or rather evaporated into nothing, then another boom sounded out as the ground shook again, the girl clicked her tongue before she decided to push the attack as she used a skill


Instantly she disappeared in a flash of light before she reappeared behind Julie and slashed out with her twin shortswords, Julie collapsed her poster and only just managed to dodge the slash, as she instantly summoned her wings and flapped them hard propelling her forwards, away from the girl that quickly used her skill again


Julie felt a chill go down her back as she dodged to the side, the girl that had reappeared at her side slashed down with her shortswords and served Julie's right wing before she kicked off the ground and rushed after Julie that was in full retreat while she regenerated her wing, just then another boom sounded out again as the ground shook once again, the girl stopped before she looked back at the cathedral and spoke

"...Why is it not coming to help this one..? Don't tell me! [Flash]!"

The girl disappeared from view again and reappeared some 30 meters away from where she rushed towards the cathedral, then suddenly Julie appeared in front of her with a calm smile on her face, none of the previous panic from before was shown as she spoke to the girl

"Seems like you figured it out~"

"Move aside!"

"Why don't you make me~?"

The girl's face twisted into one of pure fury as she rushed at Julie and slashed out at her with both the twin shortswords, but just before they made contact Julie disappeared from view, the girl felt a chill and only just managed to raise her right shortsword to block a heavy blow that came from Julie's [Hellsword], Julie that was finished holding back her speed disappeared from the girls view again as the ground below where she had just been standing cracked from the sudden acceleration as she rushed and let out a flurry of slashes towards the girl as she yelled

"What's wrong, GUARDIAN!?"

Hey y'all it's zad1333 again, just a heads up, the next chapter (209) will be the last, I've decided to do a long-ish chapter to round it up nicely, if I make it by Wednesday(The 2nd) then great, else it will be out Friday(The 4th), I'll take all the time I need to finish this up nicely

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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