Blood demon leveling

Chapter 209: Helia

Chapter 209: Helia

Mike, Julie, and Beel looked towards the front, there they saw it, the three guardians of the wheel, they had just arrived in this section of space via a portal, Mike saw the screen in front of him and spoke

"This is Disappointing"

Beel nodded

"Yeah, well then, that one is the most annoying to deal with"

Mike nodded and spun the knife around a few times before he nodded and spoke

"Then we nuke that one first"

In front of the group of demons were the 3 guardians of the wheel, only they had not noticed the demon group, they were all focusing on making a portal to the demon controlled planes, that is to say, they had their backs wide open, Mike stopped spinning the knife around and focused on the one Beel said was most annoying to deal with, the true body was that of an old man with long withe beard clad in a white robe, Mike kicked off and disappeared from view, the moment he did the true body of the old mand twitched before he hurriedly moved to the side, still the knife was instantly buried in his back piercing his heart, at that moment the other 2 guardians noticed something amiss and reacted by summoning their weapons, the girl summoned her twin shortswords and slashed out towards Mike while the last guardian, a true body that looked like a handsome young man summoned a spear and slashed out towards Mike, Mike twisted his body and used the old man's true body as shield against the two attacks before he kicked the true body of the old man aside and disappeared form view, the young man called out

"Shit! Ancestor are you alright!?"

"I am fine, where is the attacker!?"

The girl guardian quickly scanned the surrounding space before she pointed and yelled

"Over there! 3 demons!"

The ancestor turned and looked over before his face twisted into a nasty look and spoke

"William, focus on making the portal, Marie and I will clean up these demons!"

The young man nodded and turned his back to the 3 demons again and put his hands on the blur in space again before he closed his eyes once more, then the 2 guardians moved away from the portal towards the group of demons, once the 2 groups stood head to head the ancestor spoke

"Demons really are like rats, they multiply so fast Marie, take care of the two hatchlings, I'll take the old one"

"Yes, ancestor!"

The one called Marie looked at Mike and Julie with obvious disdain before she brandished her twin shortswords and charged at them, meanwhile, Beel opened her hand and a black as night bow appeared in her hands, the ancestor took a stance before a long quarterstaff appeared in his hands, then he spoke

"I've sealed you once, demon! AND I WILL DO SO AGAIN!"

Beel scoffed before she disappeared from view, the ancestor quickly spun his quarterstaff around and blocked a couple of arrows before he trusted out with the staff and out shot a few dozen shockwaves that hit Beel's arrows as well as attempted to hit her, however, none of the ones targeting Beel found their mark, the ancestor showed a nasty smile as he yelled

"[Holy descend]!"

At once the ancestor sprouted white feathered wings on his back as a golden halo appeared above his head, Beel narrowed her eyes slightly as the speed of the ancestor increased drastically along with his strength, she was effectively put on the defensive at once, meanwhile, once at Mike and Julie's side, the two of them were benign pushed back by the girl guardian that seemed more like a berserker than an angel at this point as she rapidly swung her twin shortswords at Mike and Julie


Mike used the knife to defend while Julie used her [Hellsword], the situation seemed despreate for Mike's side as the last guardian didn't even need to join the fray and was still focusing on making the portal to the demon controlled planes, the girl guardian showed a nasty smile as she used a skill


She instantly disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared behind Julie and stabbed out towards the back of her head with her twin shortswords. Mike appeared in front of the twin shortswords however and blocked the blow with his body, the twin shortswords passed through his chest and stomach before the girl guardian ruthlessly kicked him aside and she spoke

"One down!"

Then she rushed at Julie that let out a sorrowful scream as the rage seemed to cloud her actions as she charged at the girl guardian with her [Hellsword], Julie let out a flurry of slashes at the girl guardian and managed to push her back further away from the place where the portal to the demon controlled planes was being opened, meanwhile, the ancestor managed to corner Beel as he laughed


Beel looked battered and was obviously in bad shape, then suddenly she showed a smile and began laughing before she yelled

"That's far enough Julie, Mike do it!"

The ancestor's expression only just managed to change, he suddenly remembered why the ceasefire was made, it was because he and the other male guardian could not take down Beel even if the two of them went all out, he had been blinded by the promise of victory and glorious conquest, just as an expression of regret showed on his face Mike that had been playing dead yelled


The ancestors face twisted in anger and regret as his true body withered as it was drained of blood, at the same time Julie exploded with power as her speed doubled and pushed back the girl guardian that yelled in panic


Then Mike attacked her from the other side while Beel rapidly fired arrows at her, within a few seconds the girl guardian was reduced to a sorry state, Mike slashed out with the knife aiming at the girl guardian's neck, she desperately blocked with her shortsword, a loud clang sounded out as the shortsword went flying, coordinated with Mike's attack came Julie's [Hellsword] towards the girl guardian's neck, she tried to block with her remaining shortsword, however, an arrow hit the shortsword and sent it flying out of her hand


Julie's [Hellsword] went cleanly through the head of the girl guardian, parting it in two at eye level, only now did the last guardian manage to pull his attention away from the portal to the demon controlled planes, he looked towards his two slain comrades and summoned his spear before he Tired to escape, though he was quickly hunted down by Mike and Julie, Mike slashed his legs while Julie hacked into his shoulder and parted his upper body, Mike breathed a deep sigh and muttered

"It was never a fair fight, to begin with"

Julie summoned a flame that burned the 3 mangled corpses into ashes before the two of them turned to Beel that had a happy smile on her face as she muttered

"Finally peace"

"---Anyway I don't expect much from Wait a second It's finally over..?"

Mike paused before a look of happiness showed on his face, the new recruits that sat in the chairs below wandered what their new demonic instructor was suddenly so happy about, after a few seconds Mike took out a cellphone from his pocket before he dialed a number, then after a few seconds he spoke into the cell

"Hey, old buddy, old pal... Roan Dalton, I need half a ton of blood, guts, and flesh"

The fresh recruits of the 26th class of the demon academy didn't believe their ears, Mike took the cell down and spoke to them

"Something's come up, The start of the academy will be pushed back a week"

Then Mike summoned his wings and flapped them hard flying into the air

Julie paused before she showed a very happy expression on her face as she muttered

"It's finally over"

"What's over mommy?"

Julie snapped back and showed a smile as she picked up her 4-year-old daughter Helia into her embrace and gave her a kiss between her budding horns, Helia was a little tall for her age and had vermilion red skin like her mother, she was Mike and Julie's only child, she was a bright child that listened to her parents, though she was little sheltered as the only thing Julie loved more than Mike was her, that and they were still living deep within the Rocky mountain natural pack, the only other children she had met was the granddaughter of the former president Roan who was named Lily they played well with a couple of times a month, Julie quickly dressed Helia some thick clothes outdoor clothes

"Where are we going, mommy?"

Julie showed a smile and kissed Helia on the forehead before she spoke

"We're going to see daddy and grandma"


"Yeah your grandma Beel"

Helia had heard about her grandmother Beel many times so she lit up when Julie confirmed it, though she quickly looked down again, Julie knew what she was thinking but still asked her all the same

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Will Grandma Beel really like me?"

Julie showed a warm smile and hugged Helia close

"Of course she will don't worry about that, your such a sweet child Helia Now let's be off"

Julie stepped out of the cabin and summoned her wings before she flew off towards the edge of the natural pack

Mike arrived at a slaughterhouse in a city not far from the natural pack there he found Roan standing at the entrance, Roan had aged a bit over the 26 years Mike had been an instructor at the demon academy, but thanks to Mike's help he was still healthy, the two of them had forged a great friendship so when Mike said he needed the half a ton blood, flesh, and bone Roan had brought up a slaughterhouse close to the natural pack and rushed over to speak with Mike in person

"Hey Roan"

"Good day Mike"

The two of them shook hands before Mike gestured for them to walk into the slaughterhouse as then after Mike had pilled the 'bio-material' into one large room Roan finally asked

"So What's all this about?"

"You remember the day we met right?"

Roan nodded

"Of course"

"Mike drew some runes on the floor with blood before he spoke a little awkwardly

"You remember how I said that I was sacrificed to a demon god right?"

"Yeah..? Don't tell me"

"Yep, you're going to meet that demon god in a bit, well technically I am a demon god too but"

Roan looked as if he had suddenly gotten a headache and muttered

"Alexander is not going to be happy about this"

"Well he'll come around"

The Alexander they spoke so casually about was the current president of the united states, soon Mike finished drawing the last of the runes then he opened his hand and the knife appeared before he made a small cut on his finger and a drop of blood flew out and landed on the 'bio-material', then he spoke

"I summon you my kin, I summon you Beel to this mortal plane!"

The runes began shining in red light, then it happened, the 'bio-material' began squirming before it gathered together as it let out steam, Roan covered his nose as he looked on while Mike wore a calm smile on his face as the steam covered the entire room, soon the steam was suddenly drawn into the center of the room where a figure appeared, clad in a black-as-night dress, with two goat-like feet and goat horns on her forehead, Beel and truly descend on Earth, Mike walked over and greeted her with a hug as he spoke

"Welcome Beel"

Beel showed a smile and hugged Mike tight for a bit before she looked over at Roan and asked

"Who is this, Mike?"

"This is my friend, Roan"

Roan seemed to wake from his daze and bowed as he spoke

"It's an honor to meet you, Lady Beel"

Beel showed a smile and nodded as she spoke

"Since you are a friend of Mike you can just call me Beel"

"Yes, then let me be the second to welcome you to Earth, Beel"

"Thank you, Roan"

Mike, Beel, and Roan walked out of the slaughterhouse, and just as Mike was about to speak up he heard a yell from above


Mike instantly went into overdrive as he summoned his wings and flew into the air and caught Helia that came falling from above and quickly scolded her

"How many times have I told you not to jump from your mom's arms while she flying?"

"Sorry daddy~"

"You don't sound very sorry young lady, this calls for a tickle round~"


Soon Julie descend from the sky, once she saw Beel she ran over and hugged her tight as tears appeared in the corner of her eyes she spoke

"Beel Welcome to Earth"

"Thank you Julie dear"

Mike finished tickling Helia before he turned to Beel and pointed at her and spoke

"That's your grandma, Beel"

Helia looked over at Beel and after a bit, she shyly called out

"Grandma Beel"

Beel showed a smile and walked over before she patted Helia on the head and spoke

"What a cute child you are, what's your name sweetie?"

Helia's face lit up before she responded

"My name is Helia! I am 4 years old"

"My~ you sure are a smart girl"

Beel held out her arms and Helia deftly climbed over in her embrace as she began telling Beel about her favorite food and such, as they were talking a helicopter came flying and landed about 20 meters away from the group, a couple of men in black suits stepped out and began to unload some equipment, one of them walked over and greeted the former president and Mike

"President Roan, Instructor Mike"

Mike showed a smile and greeted him back

"Hey John, how's life treating you?"

"Life ain't so bad, I work for the pentagon now"

"I see Guessing you're here about the new mana signature"

"Yep that I am"

John was a former student of Mike's demon academy, he looked over at Beel and spoke

"I'll go ahead and assume that's the new signature"

Mike nodded before he spoke

"A word of advice, treat her with the same amount of respect you treat me, I might be a demon, but that's a demon god right there"

John nodded before he patted Mike on the shoulder and asked

"Could you get her to visit a mana registration place?"


"Yeah, or as soon as possible"

"Don't you have a mobile kit with you?"

John shook his head before he spoke

"Even I with my limited talent can see that she's a monster No way the mobile kit can measure her mana potential"

Mike laughed before he nodded and spoke in a slightly teasing manner

"What makes you think that the non-mobile kits can measure her mana potential?"

"A-A-Ahahah Seriously..?"

"Yeah, I said it before, that's a true demon god right there, well her mortal body at least"

After a bit, Mike finished talking with John and the group that arrived via helicopter left again, then Mike walked over and spoke to Beel

"Beel, do you mind if we changed position?"

"Hmm..? I don't mind, did that man that arrived in that metal beast need something of me?"

"Yeah, you can see my memories right?"

"Sure, should we move to that place now?"

"Yeah it's best if we get going soon"

"Okay Mike, then let's go"

Beel moved Helia to her left hand while she stretched out her right hand and opened a portal in front of her

"Wow~ Grandma Beel what's that?"

"It's a magic spell dear, now let's go"

Beel walked through the portal, Julie quickly followed after her, then Mike gestured to Roan

"After you mister president"

Roan took a deep breath before he walked into the portal, then Mike followed after him

On the other side of the portal was a Parking lot, next to a rather new building, this was the closest mana signature measurement center to the Rocky mountain natural pack, that siad it was still half a day's drive away, Roan looked a little astonished when he thought about this, but having been the president of the united states his nerves was that of pure steel so he quickly sighed before he followed after the four demons that were already making their way towards the building, soon they passed to lobby, thanks to Roan's authority, and Beel was lead into a room where he mana signature would be measured and logged so she could be tracked by satellite, Mike, Julie, Helia and Roan waited outside and soon the process was over, then Beel was lead to another room where her mana potential would be measured

"---So when are you bringing Lily and her parents by again, Roan?"

"I want to play with Lily soon~"

Roan showed a smile and just as he was about to answer the power in the building went, he remained calm and soon power was restored, this process repeated itself a few times where the power would go out for a few moments before it was restored, then after about half an hour Beel came walking down the hallway, she looked pleased with herself, like a child that had found a new toy, she spoke to Mike

"Mike you didn't tell me your world had such fascinating things! I will study the so-called 'science' of this world"

Mike showed a calm smile and asked

"How did the measuring go?"

Beel tilted her head slightly before she spoke, sounding a little uncertain

"Erm they said that it was not measurable after the 6th instrument was what was the word again Overloaded?"

Mike nodded before he spoke

"Well then we're done here, let's head home"

Sometime later the 3 demon gods mortal bodies appeared on a prime world, they had moved the mortal bodies from the prime world where they had freed Beel's mortal body, right out of the portal they were met with the demon general candidates that were kneeling down in front of them, Mike looked over them and spoke

"You all have done well in enduring As you were informed the last battle was an astounding victory, the wheel of reincarnation is now slowly being dyed in our color and in a few million years this entire plane of existence will be truly ours"

The demon candidates let out energetic roars, Mike stood, hand in hand with Julie and after a bit he nodded, Julie squeezed his hand and asked

"So What do you want to do now Mike?"

Mike looked into Julie's eyes for a bit before he began telling her his plan for the future...

-The End-

Zad1333 here... well, well, well So it ends, yes I know The last part of the ending may seem a little rushed, guess I am still bad at making endings, there are a few things I want to say before I let it truly end

Firstly thank you all very much for sticking by the story until the end, there's a lot of things I would change if I were to rewrite this story, mostly about how Mike and Julie got together... Yes I've read all those 'This is so forced' comments and I mostly agree with them

Another thing I want to mention is how the story seemed to mellow out during its duration, that's because I, as a person, have mellowed out a whole lot When I started this story I was filled with anger which this story became the outlet for, I am now in a much better place and I have certainly learned a lot from writing this story both as a writer but also as a person and that's mostly thanks to you guys, leaving comments or supporting me with power stones, or just simply by reading the story... seeing the reading statistics go up over the curse of the story have filled me with a lot of happiness, so truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart

Well, that's the heavy stuff out of the way, now for the future, I guess I should start off with telling you all that I will be posting a 'About Volume 2' in the auxiliary chapters of Reincarnation fo a living god on the 5th of June 2021 that will detail the release of the 2nd volume of that story... so look forwards to that as that will be my main project for the foreseeable future

That's all, once again thank you all very much for reading and I hope to see you all in the 2nd volume of reincarnation of a living god!

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