Blood demon leveling

Chapter 81: First class

Chapter 81: First class

"You dirty non-humans don't understand, it's your blood that's filthy, like that of a mixed cur you will never compare to the purity of us humans!"

Mike twitched slightly before his mana began churning, he didn't know why but the remark that his blood was impure somehow rubbed him the wrong way, his eyes and horns gradually turned red like hot glowing metal as he slowly stood up and turned to the group of young nobles, the young noble that had spoken those condescending words took a step back in fear before he suddenly got embarrassed and spoke with slight fear mixed in his voice when he saw the number on Mike's jacket

"So what if you're level 5, my father is---"

Mike didn't let him finish and slapped him across the face knocking him down to the ground, silence filled the classroom instantly, Mike ignored this and squatted down next to the young noble and looked him in the face, seemingly studying his face as the youth suddenly exploded with anger

"You! I'll have you skinned for touching me you dirty no---"

Mike slapped him again, this time significantly harder than last time he even knocked some teeth out of the face of the young noble and knocked him unconscious, then he stood up and looked at the other young nobles that all looked at him fearfully

"The next time someone insults my blood I will respond by setting their blood alight"

Finished saying what he wanted he sat back down again as the classroom exploded with whispers once again, with his sharpened hearing he could naturally hear what they were whispering about but he ignored it and looked towards the blackboard waiting for class to begin

'Oh right'

Mike suddenly remembered something and made a few hand signals which made Elina give a bow before she suddenly disappeared from view and seemingly reappeared a moment later

'Hopefully, this takes care of things'

The young nobles glared at him with hatred and a slight amount of fear before they helped each other picking up their fallen (unconscious) mate and left the classroom, Mike went back to staring into space as he ignored the whispers around him, soon the classroom started to quiet down as an elderly woman wearing a professor robe walked in and stood by the black board before she began drawing the outline of a person while speak in a surprisingly loud voice that reached every student in the room

"---Now as you all know the power we all have inside us is mana, as soon as this mana becomes active or 'awakens' by a level up ceremony it will start to circulate inside the body carving paths through both the physical and the spiritual body, it's these paths we will talk about today, another popular term for them is meridians but in this class, I will refer to them as paths Now through which path the mana flows depends on the will of the user's aptitude. A fire magic user will have similar paths to another fire magic user, but not to that of a water magic user, the paths are determined by the points they flow through, some call these acupuncture points, but in this class, we will simply refer to them as points Now some of these points are shared by nearly all mages and we call those common points, now the astute among you will already know this but magic is made by circulating mana through these points and as such, there is a certain amount of magic spells which all mages can use"

Mike thought to himself for a moment before he raised his hand, the elderly professor pointed to him indicating that he could speak, then he stood up and asked his question

"So strengthening magic is cast by using these common points?"

The professor gave a thin smile as the other students began laughing at Mike, after the laughter subsided she asked Mike

"Is this your first class?"

Mike gave a nod


The professor gave a nod and looked at some papers that lay at the lector desk before she gave a nod

"To answer your question it's yes and no certain common and non-common points are blocked and have been observed to be unblocked at a level up ceremony, that's why a level 2 mage can't use strengthening magic like a level 5 adventure such as yourself can, likewise some spells are 'locked' until a fire mage reaches a certain level"

"I see Thanks for answering my question"

Mike sat down again as the class continued, from there the professor went over some basic spells and which points one should flow one's own mana through to activate the spells, including some strengthening magic which Mike so far had thought was one spell, but it turned out that there were different spells for strengthening different parts of the body, for example, if one wanted to strengthen ones right arm one could use a specialized spell to achieve 2x or even 2.5x power instead of strengthening the whole body and only receiving 1.5x power in the right arm, Mike felt that only a few minutes had passed when the central clock tower rang and signaled the end of the 2 hour long class, he looked down at the notebook he had brought along and saw that he had filled about 30 pages with notes and gave a sigh before he closed it and handed it to Rebecca that had walked over when class ended for her to carry, then a red light flashed in Mike's eyes as he asked

"How did Elina do?"

Rebecca gave a smile, a rather cold one at that as she made a few hand signals and lastly made a fist then stretched out her thumb and dragged it over her own neck, Mike gave a thin smile and a nod before he stood up and patted his stomach

"Let's go get some grub"

"Yes master"

Mike walked out of the classroom followed by Snow and Rebecca, on the way Elian appeared out of thin air and formed up on Mike, Mike gave her a thumbs up as they walked and Elina gave a nod, soon the group arrived in one of the canteens where food was served, there were several kinds of dishes to choose from but only a few of them were free and meant for servants, Mike didn't really care as long as it was edible so he chose one of the free sets and found a table to sit down at along with the three servants as they ate the group from before rushed into the canteen and began yelling something as they searched for Mike, when they eventually spotted him one of them yelled

"You bastard, I'll skin you alive you dirty non-human!"

Mike looked up at the group, he had no idea what they were so angry about (at least that's how he acted) soon one of the students pushed his hands forwards as he used a deadly spell, a fire lance appeared and shot towards Mike that was busy eating, Mike looked at the deadly fire spell as it neared him before he spoke in the last moment


Then a shadow from a nearby table stretched and blocked the fire lance right in front of Mike's face as the shadow swallowed the fire completely

"...Don't kill them"

"Yes master"

Rebecca rose from her seat and turned towards the group of angry students before she reached into her collar and pulled out a necklace, the necklace was a black gem the size of a finger, after she pulled it out she let it fall for a shot few centimeters before it was stopped by the string then she tapped it as she circulated her mana and shadow seemed to envelop her for a moment, when she reappeared she was covered in full armor, her full helmet seemed to depicture a screaming demon with horns, one of the nearby students that studied magic items muttered

"O-One of the ancient 13 magic demon armors!?"

Mike sipped his tea and gave a nod, he, of course, knew that was exactly what it was as for what the 13 magic demon armors was (besides a very cringe worthy name) it was simply, it was an ancient set of armor that was housed inside the dark special jewel which allowed for instant deployment of set armor, besides that the armor adjusted itself to the user which was a very convenient feature, out of the 13 sets Mike's adventure family owned 8 which they had acquired over the 3 years Mike were missing by either buying them at a very steep price or by killing their previous owners and then simply looting them, Rebecca didn't deploy the massive dagger or shield that followed as she had been told not to kill the students, she was, however, going to rough them up, one of the attacking students woken from his daze and fired a water lance at Rebecca


Rebecca watched the water lance fly towards her and stretched out a hand and simply snuffed the lance out by closing her hand around it, then she kicked off the ground and appeared in front of the student that had fired the fire lance and punched him in the gut, as she did a yell sounded out inside the canteen

"Stop right there!"

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