Blood demon leveling

Chapter 84: Karma

Chapter 84: Karma

Mike walked to class with Karl while asking some questions about class, while he did he found out that Karl had been a student at the academy for about 3 years, the two of them clicked rather well but when Karl suggested that they should go drinking later tonight Mike politely refused

"I am here to study, after all, I have to review Maybe some other time when I am caught up?"

"Sure thing Mike"

In reality, Mike wanted to know what Karl's motivation for getting to know him was, if it was in order to secure a greater discount for his father's company then that was fine, but if his intentions were more like that of Hector's then there would be a problem

'I am still not used to the low value of a life in this world Or should I say high sales value?'

Mike shook his head and asked Karl

"So what does your father deal in?"

Karl showed a calm smile as if he had anticipated this question

"Mostly goods for nobels, so all kinds of high end goods"

"I see Then does he know the nobles of the capital?"

"Sure, those are his most loyal customers after all"

"In that case, I would very much like to meet him and buy some information"

"In that case, I can mention it in my next letter to him"

"Thanks Karl"

"Don't mention it, I owe you for the discount after all"

The two of them sat down in the classroom and prepared for class that started soon after, Mike was busy taking notes, he felt some gazes on him during the class but nothing major as he acted calm and steady while taking notes with full focus, what he didn't know was that one of the other students were drawing a picture of him instead of taking notes, the drawing managed to capture his focus and determined gaze and the artist himself was quite satisfied with it and thought 'Those girls will pay a fortune for this' Mike, of course, didn't know the events that this drawing of him would put in motion if he did he would no doubt try his absolute best to destroy the drawing for the sake of his private life.

Soon class were over, Mike left the classroom with the 3 servants, Karl and his one servant, an aged butler that gave Mike slight pressure

'No doubt a level 5 His father's company must really be something'

"Let's get something to eat Mike, I'll treat you"

"You don't have to, I'll just eat a free meal"

Karl stopped for a moment before he gave a nod and a teasing smile

"Well you are an uncultured adventure after all, it makes sense that you would take a free meal Or so would others think about you"

Mike gave a nod and spoke with a calm smile

"Thankfully I was born with the ability of not giving a fuck about what others think of me But hey, if you really want to treat me then on second thought I won't say no"

"Sure then let's get some of that good food"

Soon they found a place to sit down and began eating, while they ate a way too handsome fox beastman walked over, Mike recognized him from yesterday as the one that had given him the warning about his choice of seating

"Hello Mike, Karl"

Karl gave a long sigh before he asked

"What do you want Kelvin?"

Kelvin sat down in front of Mike with a clam smile on his face and looked at Mike for a bit before he began speaking

"There's this rumor going around saying that Mike is bad luck and just touching him will bring you disaster, after all the guy you slapped twice yesterday died in an unfortunate accident later that same day"

This was the first time Karl heard about this so he was a little surprised and looked over at Mike that calmly chewed his food before he spoke

"I happen to not be of this world, in other words, I am a demon In my birth world, there's this thing called karma, if you do something good, then good karma surrounds you and good things are more likely to happen, likewise, if you do something bad then bad karma surrounds you and bad things are more likely to happen I figure that what happened to that spoiled noble brat yesterday was karma acting out like she tends to do"

Kelvin showed a calm smile as he gave a nod

"Karma huh That's a good one I will definitely use that one in the future, that is if you don't mind Mike?"

"No problem, do as you like But do remember Karma's a bitch"

Kelvin looked at Mike for a moment before he realized that Mike was joking and gave a laugh as he stood up from his seat

"That was a good one, well then I'll see you around Mike"

"Not if I see you first"


Kelvin walked off while chuckling, Mike went back to eating for a bit before he asked

"So who is this Kelvin guy?"

Karl gave a sigh before he spoke simply

"He's a playboy, plain and simple Or that's what I thought but from listening to your conversation it seems that he has some brain"

"I see, well he seems like a nice guy at least As long as he doesn't set his sights on Julie that is"

Karl showed a smile

"So that's your girlfriends name?"'

"Yeah, she will be joining us here at school as soon as she hits level 5"

"I see Can't wait to meet her"

The rest of the lunch went by uneventfully as Mike and Karl chatted about this and that, before long it was time for the next class which once again was common spell practice, Mike sat on the ground with his legs crossed and focused on his mana circulation, he had already confirmed several points that seemed to be unique to him, or that is to say to the [Blood magic], he was eager to try them out but figured that he would need to be away from the academy

'Would not want to accidentally fire off a wide area spell that caused blood to freeze or something like that Maybe I should buy some slaves? Nah that's too expensive, I would rather test my spells on monsters Besides It seems to be that time again'

Mike opened his eyes and stood up before he walked over to Elina, Rebecca, and Snow before he asked Elina and Rebecca

"How is it?"

Elina and Rebecca exchanged looks before Elina spoke

"We can endure for About two more days"

"I see Well then let's leave the city tonight then, I need to tank up and test some spells too"

""Yes master""

Mike closed his eyes for a moment before he activated his [Blood control] skill and sent a message to Serina that was outside the city living in the wild before he went back to practicing common spells. After the class ended Mike went to the magic item research club where James was busy drawing on the blackboard, so busy in fact that he didn't notice when Mike and the girls arrived, Mike kept silent and sat down silently as to not disturb him, it was only a few minutes later that James noticed something and turned away from the blackboard

"Oh Mike, I didn't hear you come in at all"

"Well I am an active adventurer so that's to be expected, I'll take it as a compliment"

James showed a calm smile, then Mike remembered something and asked James

"Oh right, does one need special permission to leave the academy grounds?"

James looked a little surprised before he shook his head

"In normal cases yes, but you are a little special given that we can't teach you any attribute spells I assume you are going out to practice your spells?"

"Yeah, I would not want to fire off a deadly spell by accident, so I am thinking of finding some monsters to test out my spells on"

"I see In that case, I'll tell the administration that you should be allowed to come and go as you please When do you plan to go out?"

"Tonight, I'll be back tomorrow morning"

"I see, what about transport?"

"That's already handled"

"Okay, then Well let's start the club then"

Mike spent a couple of hours learning about magic items before the other members of the club arrived and then they continued to study 2 of the 13 demon armors for a while until Mike suddenly looked towards the door and gave a slight smile and stood up

"Well then, I am going now James"

"Sure, have a safe trip"

The others looked a little confused and soon Karl asked

"Where are you going Mike?"

"Out to test some spells on some monsters"

"I see, when are you returning?"

"In the morning"

Mike looked around at the group and noticed that Hilia seemed a little pale and showed a thin smile before he spoke to her

"Hilia, don't worry she won't bite"

"I-Is she tame?"

"Yeah somewhat, she won't attack anyone without my orders"

The other people in the room looked confused with only Mike's servants knowing what was going on

"You have sharp senses HIlia If you want to be a adventure come to Tursk and look for the bloods, I promise we'll take good care of you"

Hilia gave a nod before James finally asked

"What are you talking about Mike? Who is it that won't bite?"

Mike gave a smile and called out


Then right behind Mike a giant wolf appeared out of thin air shocking the other students, servants and the one professor alike

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