Blood demon leveling

Chapter 99: Highway battle

Chapter 99: Highway battle

The auction proved to be more than Julie could handle, no correctly speaking Galvin proved to be more than she could handle as he constantly tried to flirt with her, there was even a time that he tried to cop a feel, this proved to be the end for dear Galvin as he was drained of blood by Julie then and there, thankfully they were in a private box and the demonic servants acted quickly and disposed of the guards from the house of flame

"...Shit, we're leaving"

Julie then decided to make a hasty retreat from the scene of the crime and quickly left Mort on Serina along with the demonic servants, though their exit was noticed by the house of the flame that was Shall we say less than pleased that their young master had been killed, Julie contacted Mike though the servants and asked for backup, but alas three days into their escape the forces form the house of the flame caught up and surrounded them on the road, as the encirclement closed in and the leader shouted something cliche about getting revenge for their young master and exterminating evil Julie's mind raced, then at that moment all of the demonic servants suddenly spoke out in unison

""""I have control"""

Julie gave a sigh before she glared at one of the servants and asked

"Can't you just say you're here to help normally Mike?"

""""Nah, I prefer this way, plus I get to quote one of my favorite novels""""

Dealing with Mike suddenly having taken control over the four demonic servants simultaneously Julie gave a sigh before she drew her sword and lamented the fact that she had fallen so hard for such a weird guy

"Whatever Mike Can I go full power this time?"

""""Yeah as long as we kill them all it's fine, well it will probably leak anyway but that's fine too""""

"Can't you just speak normally? It's kind of creepy hearing you all around me"

Julie had a feeling that the four servants showed thin smiles under their helmets and suddenly had an urge to kick Mike when she saw him again so she snapped at him

"Come on Mike take this a little serious! There's three level 6's and at least a dozen level 5's!"

""""I can see that Give me a moment.""""

Suddenly Henrich stomped his foot and a wall of stone rose around them blocking sight to the approaching enemies

"The evildoers are hiding, quick spells!"

The spells soon blasted the rock walls, destroying them with impunity revealing the people inside that seemingly had not moved from their previous positions, one of the three level 6's gave a scoff as his mana churned instantly reaching near 300 circulations per minute as Icicles appeared around him and shot off with breakneck speed instantly skewering the 4 demonic servants and Serina, only when they hit they passed through as if nothing happened, or something did happen, the 5 targets seemed to move as if they were a shimmering mirage before they dissipated leaving behind empty space


The three level 6's were positioned in a triangle in the encirclement, something which they would soon regret as the four demonic servants appeared changing towards one of them seemingly trying to break the encirclement, Maire muttered

"[Heat illusions], [Charm]"

A pink glow appeared in her eye that even shone through her helmet, the light dazed the level 5 soldiers as all of them suddenly showed lewd smiles and tired to grope the air, at the same time another 4 demonic servants appeared out of thin air, like a mirage on a hot day, the level 6 they were changing, a young handsome man wearing a robe scoffed

"More illusions, trivial!"

Then he tapped his staff against the ground as his mana churned, instantly eight fire pillars appeared swallowing the demonic servants along with the illusions, one of the other level 6's yelled quickly

"Idiot! None of them are real!"

The yell proved too late however as the smallest of the demonic servants appeared right in front of him and slashed out, panicked the mage blocked with his staff to which the small demonic Ninja Lina showed a thin deadly smile beneath her helmet as she yelled

"[Demonic weapon devour!]"

The staff the mage was using to guard his life instant were swallowed by some kind of black mist before it went directly to the void, thus the dagger passed right though where the staff had been a moment ago and stabbed the young mage directly in the right eye socket instantly ending his life as Lina, the now 16-year-old girl twisted the oversized dagger around before she twisted her body and kicked the corpse flying, then she went into [Stealth] much like Elina and Rebecca

"Shit, go all out kill the slut!"

"On it!"

One of the remaining two level 6's, a swordsman closed the distance towards him and Julie by kicking off the ground, or at least he would regret for the rest of his life that he did as when he attempted to take his 3rd step the ground opened up like a maw and swallowed his leg all the way up to the knee before the ground closed with countless sharp points instantly digging into his leg near severing it at a few places, Kathy that appeared form her [Stealth] ended his pitiful scream by stabbing her oversized dagger down into his skull and giving it a twist as she muttered with a smile

"[Helltrapper]... I will forever be thankful for this gift, master"

The last level 6, an elderly man in full armor faltered before he turned and attempted to flee, Julie, however, had other plans as she yelled


The shadow below his feet seemed to come alive before it latched onto his legs stopping him momentarily before Maire appeared in front of him muttering as her eyes glowed pink


The elderly knight turned sluggish as Marie blew a kiss at the elderly knight, at the original spot(next to Julie) appeared Henrich that yelled


With his yell did his entire forearm ignite as it instantly glowed red hot, then when it had wound up enough he muttered


With a flash of light he disappeared and reappeared right behind the elderly knight before he instantly punched right through his back with his red glowing arm as his hand emerged on the other side it held the elderly knight's still-beating heart that then was swiftly crushed it with a splat before he pulled his arm out, at the same time Lina appeared above the elderly knight that was in the process of breathing his last and landed on his shoulders before she stabbed her oversized dagger into the top of his head and gripped his head with her feet before she jumped off his shoulder ripping his head and most of his spine clean out of his body before she threw the spine-head into the air as the spine-head accented it eventually reached its zenith before it began feeling the gravity and eventually fell to the ground, consistently at the same time as the last level 5 soldier fell

""""And that's that, come home soon baby girl I miss you""""

Julie was just about to scold Mike as she felt the control he had over the servants lessen, after puffing her cheeks for a few seconds they eventually deflated as she gave a long sigh

'What's wrong with Mike, he's usually not that chatty Don't tell me the training he is going through is something insane!?'

Julie had a bad feeling and after the group tanked up on blood and Serina ate some bodies the group quickly left the battle scene and hurried towards Berm

At rightly the same time Mike opened his eyes, he was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the inner courtyard, the first thing he did was raising his shaking hand and wiping the blood that flowed freely from his nose before he cracked his neck

"Well then, time for me to get something to eat On me"

Mike rose and walked towards the dining room, on the way there he ran into Michal the previous lord of the city, he looked like something urgent was happening and he quickly spoke to Mike

"Master, there's a problem"

"Tell me

"Earlier a letter arrived Declaring war against the city of Berm"

Mike showed a thin smile and muttered

"Well, that's earlier than expected"

Below is the status of the four demonic servants that were in battle earlier in the chapter and if you're wondering what novel Mike referred to earlier then it's Starship commander trapped in a fantasy world written by my twin brother! Be sure to check it out, it's awesome!

Name: Lina

Class: Demon Ninja

Age: 16

Level: 5(6)

Skills: [Throwing] [Stealth] [Demonic weapon devour] [Poison] [backstab]

Magic type: Light

Name: Marie

Class: Demon seducer

Age: 33

Level: 5(6)

Skills: [Charm] [Dagger that slays in bed] [Heat illusions] [Boneless flexibility]

Magic type: Heat

Name: Kathy

Class: Demon ranger

Age: 28

Level: 5 (6)

Skills: [Helltrapper] [Detection] [Maskman] [Stealth] [Tracking]

Magic type: Wind

Name: Henrich

Class: Demon mage

Age: 34

Level: 5 (6)

Skills: [Blink] [Staff proficiency] [Hellmagic] [Overcharge] [Dark conjuring]

Magic type: Earth

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