Blue Phoenix

Chapter 707: Celestial Sword

Chapter 707: Celestial Sword

“The Celestial Sword?” Hui Yue said stunned. He had previously considered the name of the sect quite a few times. He had wondered why exactly the sect was not called the Great Roc Sect or something along these lines, as he had never before heard anyone mention or talk about the Celestial Sword.

Even when he was traveling with Pei Ziqi the woman was completely ignorant of his theories about the reason for the sect to be named as such.

Hearing what Hui Yue said, Pei Tian snickered.

“Have you never wondered why we named our sect the way we did? Have you never considered why the Celestial Sword Sect is not the Great Roc Sect or the Great Wind Sect?”

Pei Tian was filled with righteousness as he spoke, and Hui Yue could not help but roll his eyes. Of course, he had wondered, but every time he had tried to get answers, no one had answered him.

Knowing that even if he stated this, his father would completely ignore him, Hui Yue stayed quiet and just wore a wry smile on his lips.

“The Great Ancestor became a constellation to protect us all from the future evils that might lurk in the darkness,” Pei Tian said seriously. His voice was low as if he was talking about a great secret, and although he had a big smile on his face, he kept looking left and right to ensure that no one listened in on their conversation.

“When one becomes a constellation, they allow for their soul to merge with the world they want to protect, the world they were the Crowned Sovereign of.”

“It is important that one is the Crowned Sovereign of the world before they try to merge with it,” Pei Tian warned him sternly, and he even lifted a hand and waved a finger at Hui Yue to make him understand that.

“When you are the Crowned Sovereign of a world, your soul and the soul of the world will intermingle. They will not merge, but they will get used to one another and coexist within the world.”

“This makes the soul of the world used to your soul, and it is not likely to reject it when the merge begins.”

“To become a constellation you have to leave your body behind, and then merge with the world. The soul is then split into two, the soul of the Earth, which is the soul of the world, and the soul of the heavens which is the soul of the constellation.”

“Together, those two, the soul of the world and the soul of the constellation, protect the world forever. The constellation’s soul will have lost it sentience because it has become apart of the world and only when the world or its Crowned Sovereign are in grave danger will the constellation step up and protect it.”

“When one becomes a constellation one sheds their bodies to allow for their souls to become one with the world. These bodies afterwards can then be used in whatever way one may want.”

“Some bury their loved ones in the worlds they have become one with; others use their bodies for specific items. The Great Roc’s body which was left behind was exactly made into an item.”

“Our father, the Great Roc, had a primordial body. He was one of the first creatures created in the whole galaxy. His might was astounding, and his entire body was a treasure unlike any that has been seen since.”

“Before he merged with the world, he told me and my brothers that it would be a waste to let his body just rest in the ground, so he ordered us to forge his body into a weapon.”

“This weapon was the Celestial Sword.” Pei Tian sighed as he spoke. The Great Roc was his father, and his own father’s body had been used to form this Celestial Sword. It was only natural that the sword would be the most sacred item in the entire sect.

“The Celestial Sword is the most outstanding weapon in the galaxy, many others have coveted it, but the truth is that one needs to be a descendant of the Great Roc to unleash its full power.”

“The sword is the same element as the Great Roc, and it contains the daos that father comprehended.”

“Father comprehended the major dao of wind, the major dao of fire, the major dao of darkness and the heavenly dao of the heavens.”

“You know as well as I do that when one comprehends a major dao, the dao becomes one with your body and soul. It fuses with every pore of your being, and this sword, having been refined by father’s body, also contains these daos.”

“If you comprehend the same daos as father did, it will boost your strength when using attacks that have to do with the dao of wind, fire, or darkness.”

“The sword has only been used once in the war against the demons eons ago. Since then it has been hidden away deep within the sect.”

“Some even think that the Celestial Sword is but a myth, a legend that people tell just to dream of a strong weapon.”

Pei Tian sighed and shook his head. “The sword has previously been used to slay demons, and it can be used to slay demons again, but although I think it will be a good idea to lend you the Celestial Sword, I don’t know if my other two brothers will approve of it.”

Pei Tian frowned suddenly and started pacing back and forth. He scratched his chin, mumbled to himself, and finally nodded his head.

“We will convince them otherwise!” he finally said. “You are the hope of the Celestial Sword Sect; you are already at a level where others will have a hard time standing against you, and with this sword, you will be impossible to defeat!”

Pei Tian had complete faith in his son, and his laughter made Hui Yue’s heart swell with happiness. He was truly happy that his father had such faith in him.

“Let us go at once!” Pei Tian said as giddy as a small child while he grabbed Hui Yue around the wrist and dragged him with him towards the patriarch’s mountain.

Just as Pei Tian grabbed Hui Yue’s wrist, Hui Yue was shocked. Although he had no intention of removing his father’s hand, he noticed that the steel-like clamp of his father’s hand was impossible to move even for him.

Hui Yue simply did not have the strength to compete with his father, something that shocked him greatly.

Hui Yue was aware that he was very strong. He was ranked as one of the strongest experts in the galaxy, but his father was even more unfathomable than he imagined and his physical strength simply monstrous.

“Have you comprehended a heavenly dao?!” Hui Yue exclaimed shocked as he looked at his father, but Pei Tian just laughed but did not answer. Instead, he looked forward and said in an ambiguous voice, “We are the next strongest sect in the galaxy. If we do not have some strong practitioners, how do you think we managed to maintain our position since our great father left us?”

Hui Yue was stunned. He had never actually thought about the fact that the sect was as powerful as it was. He had never before thought about how powerful the strongest experts in the sect were, but now that he thought about the subject, it made sense.

What his father said was logical. The sect was truly a hegemon amongst the sects of the galaxy. To have such a position naturally meant that they had the power to back themselves up.

Nodding his head, Hui Yue’s face turned solemn. He had thought that he was amongst the strongest because he had comprehended as many daos as he had, but now he understood that although experts that had comprehended a heavenly dao were scarce, it was not impossible to run into them.

They were like a needle in a haystack, but although they were rare, they still existed. In the galaxy, there might be five hundred experts that had comprehended a heavenly dao, and although this number was small compared to the millions of immortals that lived in the galaxy amongst the thousands of worlds, it was still bigger than nothing.

There might even be Overlords other than Yama hiding in the galaxy as well. No one knew exactly how many Overlords had been born in this galaxy, but the majority of those that people had heard about had vanished. Some speculated that they had long since traveled to other galaxies, other parts of the vast universe.

Originally, Hui Yue had not felt the need to actually accept the Celestial Sword. He was very happy with his Sword of the Icy Tempest, and he felt that he himself was so strong that he really did not need the weapon.

On top of this, he was no swordsman. Although he used a sword as his favored weapon, he was not one with the sword, nor was he in need of a sword if he wished to fight. His combat ability would rise when he used a sword, but he was not useless without it. Therefore, he did not feel the need to take the sword away from the sect.

However, after realizing that although he had become strong and reached the upper echelons of strength in the galaxy, he was still far from being invincible.

“What did you say? The Celestial Sword?!” The patriarch was shocked when he heard what Pei Tian said. His eyes widened as far as they would go and a vein started popping on his temple.

Hui Yue could understand that the Celestial Sword was their most treasured item, but he had never expected that the patriarch would behave the way he did. He was always calm and collected. He always appeared to be above everything else and was merely looking down on the mundane world of every other cultivator.

Unfortunately, this time he had been thoroughly shocked. “Dear brother, I understand that you told your son about the Celestial Sword, and I can also appreciate why you did so. He has done much for us and does indeed deserve to know about it, but to ask for him to borrow it, that might be a bit too much.”

The second ancestor of the Celestial Sword appeared and spoke with a calm voice. Hui Yue looked at this uncle of his. He did not know exactly what he was thinking. The two of them had not interacted much, and they had not spoken with one another more than a few times. Every time the two had talked they had just exchanged pleasantries.

“Why don’t you explain why you think your son is entitled to borrow our most valuable Celestial Sword? You know what this sword is and how treasured it is. Brother reveres it, and for him to take it down from the pedestal where he has placed it would be almost impossible,” the brother continued, and Hui Yue frowned, something felt wrong.

“You have a point,” Pei Tian said with a nod of his head. “You all have heard the situation about the Blood Demons gearing up for a fight,” he continued to explain the current circumstances that they already knew about and finally turned to Hui Yue. “My son Pei Yue is going to go to the minor factions where the Blood Demons are causing problems and get rid of them all,” he said proudly. “He is going to attack them and wipe out the demons vanguard. No one else has thought about doing this, but it is a very easy solution and will cause them to lose quite a bit.”

“Ohh I see,” the brother exclaimed surprised and nodded his head. “That is indeed a brilliant plan, so simple but also something that others have not thought about doing. We would not usually get caught up in skirmishes amongst the factions at the lower levels of the galaxy, but to do that is indeed a straightforward way to deal with them.”

The brother continued to praise Hui Yue for having come up with such a good idea, and Pei Tian’s face glowed more and more in the dark. He was filled with happiness and contentedness, but Hui Yue did not feel happiness from the praise, instead, he felt slightly disturbed and worried. Something inside of him told him that there was something wrong.

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