Born a Monster

Chapter 516 - 516 Expendable

516 Expendable

As I may or might not have said, the results of our skirmish increased Xeno’s standing among the Kamajeen immensely.

At me, they cast knowing smiles, kicked dirt into my path, and other disparaging actions. Nothing that could be seen by a neutral party as breaching hospitality, or even needlessly cruel. But if there had been any room for doubt, that room was set on fire while being torn apart by rampaging centaurs with magical mauls of deconstruction.

Except for the one guard, who said, “Your presence is requested at the khan’s tent for dinner tonight. I recommend you bathe.” at least people weren’t verbally expressing their opinions. But I got the message.

I did take the opportunity to bathe and dress in clean clothes. <1 >

Then I set my [Formal Diplomat] title, double checked the bonuses, and made my way the khan’s cluster of tents.

“I notice the children are nowhere in evidence.” I said.

“Wives do not speak to strangers, even at formal meals.” one of the guards said. I noticed there were six of them, one with their back to each of the corner tent poles.

“My apologies.” I said.

“We guards,” he continued, “are also not supposed to speak with you. However, take a seat on that pillow, and we’ll forget this … incident... ever happened.”


Incident? I’d been told their names just a month ago. I’d forgotten them in that time, but still, rude.

If I had done anything to merit such treatment, I remained unaware of it. Merciful gods! Had the Kamajeen always treated me this way, and I just not noticed?

That seemed... horribly unlikely.

And it had dire implications, if true. Fortunately, I didn’t have too long to ruminate over memories of my social interactions with the tribe before other guests began arriving.

I had thought myself fortunate that nobody had demanded my weapons, but it seemed that nobody else was being disarmed, either. People made chit-chat and sipped on teas (mine was a fine nettle, complete with crunchy vegetation), with smiles made with thin-pressed lips.

How had I not noticed such details before?

[Sense Motivation is a sub-statistic of Charisma.] my System informed me.

I managed not to choke on my tea. Most of my life, I’d relied on my perceptive senses. Well, and in turn Magical, Divine, Mental and sometimes even Chi senses... and others, as I’ve said. But, for someone whose gains in Social classes had been so dominant, I just hadn’t USED interpersonal senses that much.

I’d also been unaware of the unfocused stares directed at myself and Xeno, that indicated people were using reticules upon us. I’d just always assumed that was rude, but if others were going to do so...

[System Group invite from Xeno.]

<Accept. >

<What are you DOING?> Xeno sent. <That is rude.>

<You must have noticed them doing so to us.>

<Not the khan, and not people near him. Put it AWAY.>

I dismissed my reticule. I did, after all, have a diplomatic Title equipped; no sense in damaging that over a few fairly obvious bits of trivia.

<Oh. > he sent. <Do you have any System documents can send me?>

<Can you receive document bundles?> I asked.

<Document bundles?> he asked, momentarily looking at his system while speaking to the man seated to his left. <I can now.>

<System. Copy all files marked Kamajeen in the title and transmit to current System Group. Execute now.>

[Processing.] and it began sending the copies. Notable people. Customs. Maps of the camp, both old and new. Guard rotations. Pretty much everything that I’d seen or heard or learned during my time with them.

<Six MINUTES to transfer all of this? You’ve been busy. Did you just send me the mental equivalent a shrug?>

<I’m sorry; was that not obvious?>

But then there was an intrusion from Ahimsa, the man to my right. A man who ostensibly was a veterinarian for the Fadaan (the riding lizards), but mostly he wanted to talk to me about newly born hatchlings... in a way that insinuated that I, also, was young and did stupid things.

I just blinked. If he’d been trying to reduce my serenity score, he’d just have to settle for the six points of sanity damage and a [Confusion] status.

“No, I don’t think I’ve seen a single riding lizard with horns.” I told him.

“Some of the children have them.” he said. “Some call them dragon horns, but they look more like ram horns to me. But they always lose them in puberty, as they become adults.”

“Oh.” I said, “That’s because...”

“I can’t figure out why it happens that way.” he said. “Whether it’s just part of growing up, or...”

Yes, I knew what was going on. They were choosing classes that didn’t need the horns, and therefore losing them. I only tried to tell Ahimsa this twice before giving up for the night.

“Great khan Asheph ibn Harran ibn Pesh.” Xeno suddenly asked. “I was wondering if I might make a simple request.”

“Ah.” the khan said. “Perhaps you might tell me the nature of this request?”

“To be honest,” he said, “it regards the disposition of my countryman, whom I am led to believe is a captive.”

“While this is true,” Asheph said, “It is inappropriate to mention his ransom before the third serving of this meal.”

“What my khan means to say,” Venkatar said, “is that when you are served hot vegetables with strips of meat over them, that is the proper time to make your request.”

“Oh.” Xeno said. “Then please, there is no rush in this matter.”

And suddenly, Ahimsa wanted to talk fishing, specifically fishing lures. It was like he was just trying to keep me talking.

[You have succeeded a Charisma/Sense Motivation/Sense Bluff/Sense Bluster check. Target is attempting to [Delay] and [Distract] you.]

Great. Thanks, System. I might never have figured that out on my own.

Wait. Old me might actually NOT have figured that out on my own. Was my System actually set up to help me? Okay, maybe some crippled version of me, but to help?

It wasn’t beyond belief. What had my highest age ever been, six? What were some six year olds like? Would they benefit from having a System like mine?

“Can YOU think like a fish?” Ahimsa asked me.

“I don’t recall doing that,” I said, “but with the number of fish I’ve caught and eaten, at some point I must have.”

“What do you think those fish over there are feeling?” he asked, indicating one of several small glass containers filled with fish (and, of course, water).

“Claustrophobia.” I said. “Their world has become tiny, and overcrowded. I imagine they’re slowly [Smothering].”

He chuckled. “Such empathy. Don’t worry, they will be eaten as part of tonight’s fifth course. So interesting, how beasts can be eaten and nobody even considers how the meal feels about it, don’t you agree?”

[You have resisted a strength four emotional compulsion [Fear].]

“What I find interesting is that your khan has promised me hospitality within the limits of his camp, so long as I behave myself as a guest would. Please, if you would, Ahimsa, tell me in what manner have I not behaved myself?”

“Your very presence,” Ahimsa replied, “is an affront to our people, our khan. Everyone from our warriors to our mothers to our fathers to the lowest of servants in this camp hate you.”

He kept his voice down, but each of his words was clear.

“And this aura you say I exude...”

His eyes shifted from side to side. “I didn’t say that. Not...” His eyes unfocused. “Why do you not exude that now?”

“I’d have to guess.” I said. “But I’d guess Titles. You see, sometimes my System changes my Title without consulting me. Other times, it’s triggered. For example, I am a Truthspeaker; I literally cannot lie to you.”

<System. List current Title.>

[Truthspeaker.] my System replied.

<System. Title. Set. Diplomat.>

[Title Set: Diplomat.]

“It took me some time to realize what was happening.” I said. “But my Title as Titanspawn causes people to rage against me. Something stokes their hatred and fear. And it’s my fault, for having not realized that was what was causing people to desire my death.”

I bowed my head toward the front of the table. “For this unintended transgression, I am genuinely sorry. You have my word, I just didn’t think I was the problem.”

“I find that dubious.” Venkatar said. “You behaved yourself while among my family... most of the time.”

“Peace, Venkatar.” Asheph said, raising a calming hand. Then he brought up another hand, and clapped them. “The time for the third serving has come early. Let it be brought to the table, and let us discuss when our guest is departing. Xeno of the Uruk warriors, what are your thoughts on this subject?”

Xeno sat upright, his smile...

Oh, crap. What had I missed?

“You have offered Rakkal the return of...” he waved a hand in my direction. “unharmed, in return for sixty coins of gold.”

“This is known.” Venkatar said.

“Here is Rakkal’s counter offer.” He placed a small pouch on the table. “Twenty gold coins, and I’ll kill him tonight.”

<1 > For those with three or more social classes, I recommend an ability called [Wardrobe Change] by my System. The ability to instantly swap between clothing sets and not spend hours chasing after clothing thieves by a river has been an immeasurable improvement to my quality of life.

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