Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 824 Gathering Faith By Doing Absolutely Nothing!

Chapter 824 Gathering Faith By Doing Absolutely Nothing!


Once we were done with the gym and we walked outside, I suddenly felt an odd feeling…

From within my surroundings, small particles of light started being absorbed into my body.


[You have gathered a decent quantity of Faith.]

[Your Existence is already defined and physical…]

[Faith has been repurposed into Domain Force.]

[Your Domain has been strengthened by +10%]


I gained Faith? But from where? What the hell?

I didn't know how that happened, but as I tried to expand my senses around my Domain, I didn't feel any sort of disturbances or uninvited guests.

Everything was doing okay; I just got this power… out of nowhere.

Or maybe someone sent it to me, somehow?


Once we returned back home, Mark just managed to catch up with us, and as I explained him about the Domain, we had some lunch.

"I see, so there are these whole Domain Quests and stuff too, huh?" Mark took it surprisingly well. "We'll have to do them, so you have hunted a few monsters from this world?"

"Yeah! I think we could do this right now if you got the energy. I contacted Rose and she said that there are a few spots in the outskirts' forests that have some monsters thriving." I explained. "SWORD is trying to contain them from entering the city, but there are so many that its hard to make them go completely extinct."

"Well, I don't think that should be the proper approach either." My daughter commented. "It would be better to try and live alongside them, if possible! Like… leave them in their place and Hunters hunt them…"

"I know you want it to be like in those series where they do that." I sighed. "But realistically speaking, unlike in Arcadia, our society is too accustomed to security, having very dangerous creatures right outside the city makes people go mad. Therefore, everyone is working their best to just kill them all."

"That sounds rather harsh, but I get the reasoning behind it…" Mark nodded. "We have to prioritize safety… Governors and especially politicians won't be left alone until they can resolve the monster problem."

"Well, it also opens the possibility for many new things!" I smiled. "For example, we can go hunt. Due to the connection we have with SWORD, they'll happily saved us a spot to hunt a few monsters. I think most of them are F to E Rank, so nothing hard."

"Oh, nice, let's go there and stretch our legs for a while. Is Rita and Lily coming along too?" Wondered Mark.

"I'll ask them if they want to! And also Jenny, I wonder if she's up for it?" I asked.

"She went back home early today, she's been secretly grinding in BNLO by hunting on the nearby monster fields of the Luminous Kingdom, I doubt she'll join us for now." Said Mark.

"Oh well." I shrugged. "Gabriel could come too, maybe hunting monsters that terrorize humans also count as a good deed?"

"Really? Maybe I can join!" Gabriel was excited.

"We'll get going then." Elena said. "Anna and Elisa are waiting for us outside, they just arrived." My daughter was reading a message she just got on her phone.

"A-Are you sure I can go too, Elena?" Monica wondered timidly.

"Of course you can, we're friends! Let's go." Elena dragged Monica with her, and the four girls greeted one another outside, before entering Elisa's limousine and going off.

"Where are they going though?" Wondered Gabriel curiously.

"To do girl stuff." I giggled. "Just have fun and enjoy their youth a bit. Probably they'll be dinning outside and go to the park or the mall. I heard there are a few new attractions there too."

"Alright then, we should get going ourselves." Mark said. "I already brought my equipment in my backpack, so how about we get going? It's around 3:30 PM, so it's not really late."

"Yeah, let's go!"

Without further ado, and with Gabriel accompanying us, we stepped out of my house after lunch and moved into Mark's car.

On the way to his car I noticed a orange-colored kitty outside, it looked a bit old, and meowed at me adorably.


"Oh, you're the orange kitty I saw playing with Blackie the other day!"

I caressed their little head and the kitty purred, rubbing their face on my hands.

"Heheh, you're so cute. Make sure to take care of the house while I'm out, okay?"


It meowed as if it had understood my words, strangely enough.

In the way, I also noticed a little gray dog and a squirrel hanging out together… I also saw a crow and a hawk sitting over my house's ceiling.

There are all kinds of animals nowadays… I wonder if they gathered here because of the Domain. Animals do have a very close relation and connection with Nature after all.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked, as I had yet to enter the car when Gabriel was already sitting inside.

"Oh! N-Nothing, I'm coming!" I quickly ran inside the car.

I called Rita and Lily on the way there, but they both said they were busy. Rita has her whole family so its understandable, and Lily had opened her shop and was attending a few dozen clients.

We all have our own busy lives I suppose, so we can't always make time to gather together, and when we do, its usually later to log-in to BNLO.

And its better to prioritize our time together to play BNLO, so we can resolve the problems that may emerge in here from the root.

It didn't take too long for us to arrive outside of the city, at the destined location that Rose had given us instructions for.

The "Monster Nest" was right at the other side of a big river, behind a huge rock, there was a large hole leading underground.

From there, we could see creatures lurking from within, analyzing their surroundings and guarding the entrance to their hideout like little sentinels.

"Are those birds?" Mark was surprised.

"Yes, they're called Giant Mole Birds." I nodded. "E Rank Monsters."


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