Breathing Life into Real Dolls

Chapter 5: Ability Increase

Chapter 5: Ability Increase

It had been approximately 24 hours since the zombie virus outbreak.

After satisfying my sexual, sleep, and hunger needs, I finally started to care about the state of my room.

Should I let some air in?

Due to almost 24 hours of sex, the room was filled with a damp and lewd smell.

When I opened the window, the noise came in with the cool breeze.


It was the noise pollution of the zombies.

In the upcoming era after the apocalypse, wherever and whenever I opened a window, I would hear this woooing sound. There would be no more hearing the noise of cars bustling down the road.

Setting aside my gloomy thoughts, it was time to do what needed to be done.

The first thing to do was to take a bath.

Among the severe causes that took away many lives in the era when medical science was not advanced, hygiene was the foremost.

Not knowing when the water supply might be cut off, I needed to take a good bath while the water was still flowing.

So, I took Serena to the bathroom.

Ah, ah, ah, ah! Master!!

And we did it three more times inside.

Lets review the current situation.

This was a residential officetel on the 12th floor. Water and electricity were still being supplied well, but it would not be surprising if they were cut off at any time.

The inside of the room seemed safe, but as soon as you went outside, you had to suffer the threat of zombies.

The current food stock consisted of 12 bottles of 1.5L water and 16 packs of instant noodles. I needed to explore outside and gather resources before everything ran out.

And my ability

A power to turn a love doll into a human

Of course, it was great that Serena became human, but it didnt seem helpful in the zombie situation.

Still, lets confirm my ability one more time.

Status window.

[Status Window]

Name: Kim Doha

Age: 28

Height: 178cm

Weight: 67kg

Strength: E-

Durability: F+

Stamina: F+

Magic: E+

Overall Ability Rating: E-

Traits: (NEW) [Overflowing Energy: E-]

Special Ability: [The Power to Turn a Real Doll into a Human: C+]



Only a day had passed, but my abilities were approximately one step higher than what I saw yesterday.

In fact, the trait column was originally marked with none, but Overflowing Energy had appeared. I touched the Overflowing Energy part of the window.

[Overflowing Energy]

Trait Rating: E-

This trait has awakened due to a lack of energy during the use of [The Power to Turn a Love Doll into a Human].

The user's energy will not be lacking as long as there is magic.

I had somewhat thought that my energy was too excessive.

I lost count of how many times I ejaculated from yesterday to today. Even considering the times I ejaculated in my sleep, it was impossible to guess how many times I did it.

So, it was all thanks to this trait

My energy was insufficient, so I awakened the Overflowing Energy trait.

This was indeed encouraging news.

It meant that I might be able to awaken new traits or abilities as needed in the future.

Next, I touched the special ability in the status window.

[The Power to Turn a Real Doll into a Human]

Ability Rating: C+

You can turn a Real Doll into a living person by 'wishing earnestly'.

The Real Doll that becomes a person sees the ability user as its creator and master who granted it life and will obey perfectly.

It possesses very basic common sense necessary for living, including language ability, but additional knowledge must be taught.

Subsequent regular use of the ability can improve the ability stats of the Real Doll that has become a person.

(NEW) If you use your ability on a love doll that has already turned into a human, not only will their ability rating increase, but the user's ability rating will also increase due to continuous use of the ability.

Current method of 'wishing earnestly': Ejaculation during sex

Subject under ability: [Serena]

There was also a newly added phrase in my special ability.

The users ability rating also increased due to continuous use of the ability.

In other words, the more I used my ability, the stronger Serena and I became simultaneously.

However, my current way of using the ability was ejaculation inside through sex.

What did that mean? The more I had sex with Serena, the stronger we became together!


There was a reason why this ability, ranked C in average grade among special abilities graded F, was born. The power to turn a Real Doll into a human was a broken ability.

And now, it seemed like I could touch Serenas name, who was listed in the Subjects under ability section. I touched it right away.


[Status Window]

Name: Serena

Master: Kim Doha

Age: 20

Height: 168cm

Weight: 51kg

Strength: C+

Durability: B

Stamina: B

Magic: C-

Overall Ability Rating: B-

Traits: [Perfect Harmony: A], [Clean Body: A], [Obedience: A+], [Devotion: S+]

Special Ability: None

[Perfect Harmony]

Trait Rating: A

Every part of your body is in perfect balance and harmony. It's the pinnacle of art!

You receive a correction ability rating for all activities using the body.

[Clean Body]

Trait Rating: A

Your body is as clean as if you were just born. Very healthy without even a trace of waste, always full of vitality.

You receive a strong correction against all kinds of abnormalities and disease resistance.


Trait Rating: A+

You have a strong desire to obey the master you serve. The extreme wish has manifested as a trait.

Your loyalty is so terrifying that if your master orders you to die, you will die without hesitation.

You receive a correction ability rating when executing the commands given by your master.


Trait Rating: S+

You have a strong desire to dedicate yourself to the master you serve. The extreme wish has manifested as a trait.

You want to help your master by dedicating your body and mind.

You receive a strong correction ability rating when performing actions considered to be for the master.

Correction ability ratings gained from traits are not reflected as numbers in the status window.

Wow, whats all this?

I was shocked as I looked at Serenas status window.

It was Serena who I made human with my ability. Yet, she had far superior ability ratings compared to me, her master.

My overall ability rating was E-, and Serenas was B-.

The overall ability rating of an ordinary adult male without any abilities was F. Compared to this, Serena was no different from a biological weapon.

She even had four traits. It appeared that if she listened to my commands and acted accordingly, the correction ability ratings would be added to her B- rating.

Serena Youre amazing, arent you?

Eh? Am I amazing?

Yeah. Very much so.

Hehe Really? Then, can I be a great help to my master? Im happy!

This response. This was indeed the powerful desire for devotion that had manifested as a trait.

To live up to Serenas expectations, I would have to actively use her from now on. For Serenas happiness, at least.

By the way, was it natural for abilities to develop this quickly?

Even if it was a result of using a C-class ability, I had gone up a rank in a day and even acquired a trait.

Moreover, Serena was even a higher grade than me.

Lets check the community.

I wonder if the internet was still alive?

Thankfully, when I booted my desktop and tried to access the internet, it was still possible to connect smoothly.

I went straight to the community.

By scanning past the posts from the parts I didnt see yesterday to the real-time popular posts, I should be able to roughly figure out the current situation in South Korea.


It seemed that the military and police couldnt exert their full strength.

I had somewhat anticipated this. The military was a place where people lived collectively, and it seemed very vulnerable to the zombie virus because a lot of people lived together.

If the military or police were functioning normally at this point, 24 hours after the zombie outbreak, at least one tank should have passed by to rescue the civilians outside.

But when I opened the window, all I heard was the howling of zombies.

In other words, there was no rescue team.

Furthermore, the president and congressmen had all disappeared.

They must have evacuated somewhere first. And they would never appear again.

Why? Because there was no point even if they appeared.

The power of high-ranking officials was powerful only within a functioning social structure.

What was a congressman, and what was a president if there were no police or soldiers to enforce the law on citizens? The authority of an offensive ability user nearby would be higher.

So even if they were alive, they were probably hiding as a group somewhere in a shelter and not planning to come out.

And the current South Korea, where all public authority had disappeared, was literally a pot of chaos. This was clearly seen when I checked the community.

As all power was concentrated in people who had awakened their abilities, they began to receive adoration as if they were gods.

I clicked on various posts, getting a real sense of the changed world.

[Slept with a girl from the same major today, LOL.jpg]

Upon clicking on the post, a photo of a naked woman covering her face with her hands appeared.

Whether it was after a round of sex, white semen was flowing out from her exposed private parts.

I mean, this girl always openly showed that she disliked me because I was ugly, but it turns out we live in the same apartment?

I told her that I'm an E-class offensive ability user and showed her how I kill zombies with my ability, and she immediately spread her legs. So damn easy, LOL.

I told her I would protect her entire family, and I did her in her room while her whole family was at home. They probably heard her moans?

Of course, I don't plan to protect them. I plan to use her for about a week and then ditch her. Just get her pregnant and disappear, LOL.

Zombie virus is the best~~

-Damn, damn, damn, so jealous. Even this loser is E-class...

-Stop bullshitting, LOL. You're writing a novel.

Show us more photos? LOL

E-class means you're in the top 5% among the awakened ability users right now, and you're E-class? Bullshit.

You're actually F-class, but you lied and said you're E-class, LOL. How would this girl know whether I'm F-class or E-class? LOL

Wow, damn, you're really trash, LOL.

-These damn ability users really do whatever they want

Yeah, if you're so upset, you should awaken your ability, too LOL


I felt dizzy, so dizzy.

In the absence of public authority to enforce the law, ability users had become the law.

Looking over the situation roughly, most of the survivors were holed up in their homes, subsisting on remaining food supplies, and large groups of survivors had taken over specific buildings, forming a collective around awakened ability users.

Therefore, posts like these were not uncommon to see.

[We are recruiting ability users at the A building next to Jonggak Station.]

We currently have 1 E-class special ability user, 2 F+ class, 9 F class, 8 F- class.

Our group of survivors in this area is likely the largest and has the most ability users.

If you've awakened your abilities, come visit us. We offer special treatment according to your rank. (Sharing of status window certification is mandatory)

-I'm D-class. Can I become a king if I go there?

You wish.

He talks like a D-class, but in reality, he would probably wet his pants if he met an F-class LOL.

-I'm F+ class, but I'm in the special category, so I can't fight zombies... Is that still okay?

As long as your ability can be helpful to everyone, of course. If it's hard for you to get here alone, we can clear the path for you. Would you like to join our open chat room?

-I live near that building but am not an ability user. Can I still join?

The author of the post ignores this comment while grinding his teeth. LOL.

It seems there werent that many awakened ability users.

Even F+ class ability users were rare enough to be welcomed. Even if you claimed to be D-class, you were treated as a liar without any question.

In this situation, my C+ class ability and Serenas B- class approximate level were on a completely different level.


Reading posts about F-class users smashing zombies gave me a boost in confidence.

Should I try going to the convenience store on the first floor

I had made up my mind.

Lets venture outside.

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