Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 59: Russian Immigration Protection Alliance

Chapter 59: Russian Immigration Protection Alliance

Pavel Shuvalov's face sank slightly. What was going on, of course, he knew. The conflict between the aristocrats and the commoners, peasants bankrupt from land annexation, had to go out to make a living.

However, he could not say that, does not this disgrace their own country? What happened to the dark side of the family? Although it has initially been dark, but Russia is also to save face!

He smiled randomly and said with some dignity: "Your Highness is not aware that the population of the Russian Empire is now up to 120 million. A small amount of population flow is normal!"

The hidden meaning is, please don't make a fuss about it. A mere few tens of thousands of people are not worth anything to the Russian Empire. The problem is not the same for us as it is for you in Bulgaria.

Ferdinand smiled in understanding. Secretly, this is not a little bit! In just ten years, from 1891 to 1901 alone, more than 900,000 people emigrated from Russia out of Europe.

Ferdinand can be seen drooling. It is only the statistics, not recorded. There is no telling how many died halfway!

The most crucial thing is that Russians and Bulgarians are close in language and culture. Basically, they can make daily contact, their religion and beliefs and folk customs have too much in common, so it is easier to integrate!

"Count Pavel, you know that Bulgaria lacks population, and your country is rich in human reserves. In this regard, we can have mutual efforts!" Ferdinand said in a fake way.

Pavel Shuvalov understood Ferdinand's meaning. He did not refuse, as it seemed to him that this was a small matter, a few pariahs, not worth the mention.

However, as a diplomat's habit, he still paused and said in a pretense of being in trouble: "Your Highness means that you want to fight the idea of emigration. However, they are all leaving on their own, our Russian Empire is a freedom advocate, and the government is not able to force them!"

Ferdinand knew that they did things, nothing but to benefit, smiling, "Of course, I know that your country is a model of freedom and democracy. Surely you can not use coercion. As long as your government leads a little bit, it will be fine. They are leaving anyway. Just go where they want to go! Bulgaria can also provide a sum of money for their travel expenses, and Bulgaria is close to home. It is also easier to go home to visit relatives during the same period!"

Pavel Shuvalov weighed it up and thought it was about time to take it for what it was worth! Bulgaria offers money for the travel expenses, which you can be sure will not be sent to the migrants.

As for how to use it, do you still need to think? Of course, it is the aristocratic bureaucrats' benefit fee. This time, it is estimated that many people want to receive their favors!

"All right! Your Highness, as you wish! For the sake of the friendship between Russia and Bulgaria, the Russian Empire is willing to provide your country in the matter of immigration!"

Ferdinand forced himself to hold back his excitement and said calmly: "Count Pavel, on behalf of Bulgaria, I thank you for the efforts you have made for the friendship between the two countries. The people of both countries will remember you for all this!"

Yes, they will remember the effort you made and then got angry enough to make Stalin curse. The Soviet Union directly classified Pavel Shuvalov as the biggest traitor. He created a strong Bulgaria and blocked the Soviets' access to the Mediterranean completely.

One wonders if Pavel Shuvalov can still be happy knowing this news.


On July 18, 1891, Ferdinand and Count Pavel Shuvalov signed the "Russian Agreement on Migration to Bulgaria" at the Vrana Palace, which is known as the "Russian-Bulgarian Migration Alliance".

The main content of the treaty:

1. All migration activities between the Russian Empire and Bulgaria are free of restrictions based on the principle of consent.

2. The Russian government provides the needed assistance to migrants to Bulgaria. Bulgaria pays the Russian government 10 rubles for each young and strong migrant and 5 rubles for the old and young for living expenses. Appendix: immigrants are civilians without criminal records, family-oriented immigration.

(Note: No further information is available, I chose the value of the currency in 1897, 1 ruble 7.774 grams of gold)

The signing of the Russian Agreement on Migration to Bulgaria is considered by later times as forming the Russian-Bulgarian alliance. After the treaty's signing, relations between the two countries rapidly warmed up, and it strengthened civil exchange and commercial trade, and political cooperation.

The year 1891 is considered by historians to be a turning year for Bulgaria, and some call it the "Year of the Rebirth".

After the creation of the Russian-Bulgarian Migration Alliance, many bankrupt Russian peasants were forced to emigrate to Bulgaria, which laid the basis for the development of Bulgaria.

Since then, the Russian Empire suffered an annual influx of hundreds of thousands of people into Bulgaria. Naturally, this was followed by a bloodbath. The great Russian director Konstantin Stanislavski, in later times, also made a film "The Bloody History of the Russian Migrants" to expose the cruel rule of Tsarist Russia.

Of course, the official Bulgarian propaganda is not the same again. It comes up with a lot of proof that Russian immigrants live happily in Bulgaria, as for the blood and tears in Russia.

In later times, historians regarded Ferdinand as "one of the greatest monarchs of the modern world, who succeeded in national integrity and created a powerful Bulgaria!"

"The sky is high, and the sea is wide"!1)

This line adapts the ancient poem, which aptly reflects Ferdinand's current mood. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He reached his goal quickly, and there were still many cards left to play.

Those who are in power are now aware of the power of population to a country. But in the 19th century, the last thing the Russian Empire lacked was people.

Is it possible that Bulgaria is not strong again? The Russians must say: it depends on who you compare it with it! Compared with the Balkan countries, that is quite possible; to compare with the Russian Empire, LOL!

Who would have been sure, except Ferdinand at least, that Great War would break out and be so tragic that the Russian Empire would collapse?

In the eyes of the people of the time, Bulgaria had tied itself to the Russian Empire with the massive arrival of Russian immigrants.

The more Russians in the country, the more the pro-Russian faction will grow. Maybe in the future, it will be possible to annex Bulgaria without bloodshed. There is no harm in how it looks.

After the treaty reached St. Petersburg, the Russian aristocrats sang the praises of the treaty and made a profit. Alexander III, who was no longer as energetic as he was in his old age, approved it with the consent of the aristocrats.

Well, there are a few ruthless individuals who are taking another look at merging some more land. They can also sell the damn pariahs. No, they are immigrants! It really is two birds with one stone, take the land and make another buck.

It is possible to imagine that as long as Bulgaria can afford to raise them, it is estimated that they will get them. The spread of mechanization has greatly reduced the need for farmers.


1) This phrase is come from 'The First Collection of Poetry and Stories of the Tortoise' by Song Ruan Yue. It means that in a vast world, people can freely display their talents.

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