Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 97: Early Career Course for Military Cadres

Chapter 97: Early Career Course for Military Cadres

It was February 1893 when Ferdinand returned to Sofia, and he spent more than two months in St. Petersburg. The most important thing he gained was a fiance and a rough map of his march.

After he returned to Sofia and saw the sketch drawn by the Royal Guard, Ferdinand realized that he had missed a once-in-a-lifetime chance!

Luckily, there is another time there is a chance. Ferdinand has already made up his mind. The wedding event must be a great success, and tens of thousands of troops should come together so that he can not miss the chance to learn about Russia.

In order to draw a detailed map of the Balkans, the intelligence agency has done its best. First, it stole military maps from various countries and revised the maps to improve them, but it took two years to complete a small part of it.

It is not the case with vast Russia. It isn't easy to draw a detailed map, but it is much easier to walk directly through the army, and the entire geographical terrain is visible.

When the news of Ferdinand's betrothal was announced, the Bulgarian media was buzzing. Various entertainment gossip has emerged and divided into several factions to the war of words. There is affection at first sight debate as well as...

For this purpose, the press authority also sent a telegram to St. Petersburg, asking Ferdinand whether to ban such news. Given the terrible nature of entertainment gossip, Ferdinand still approved it decisively. This kind of news definitely will spread faster with more tension. It's better just to let the newspapers try to write about it, and they don't dare to poke their noses into it anyway.

Do not think that 'watching the gossip never enough' is unique to us. In fact, foreign entertainment gossip is no less important.

Thanks to Ferdinand's good prestige, the Bulgarian public is also very interested in his life events and is happy to hear about such news. Many people have speculated based on their own interpretations, and many versions of the story have been derived.

Later, these stories were collected and brought together in a book, 'The Love Story Knyaz Ferdinand and Grand Duchess Xenia had to tell'. After entering the 21st century, it has also been adapted into movies and TV series several times.

Ferdinand does not know the future, but the present problem is enough to depress him. How does this 'love story' thing relate to him? He and Grand Duchess Xenia had a story. Even if they had met before, it was his previous. Anyway, after traversing, the two met in St. Petersburg for the first time. Love, at first sight, may exist, but it definitely has nothing to do with him.

Grand Duchess Xenia is indeed a beautiful woman. If it was the previous life, Ferdinand was eager, whether his feelings or not, having a beautiful wife is enough. However, addicted to aristocratic life, Ferdinand became more pretentious.

If possible, Ferdinand would like to stay single! He is entirely free to do whatever he wants when he thinks about all the ladies in the palace. Whether it was lust in the daytime or sleeping together, it was Ferdinand's passion. Now, all this degenerate life will have to leave him, at least in the royal palace. He must control his behavior.

Grand Duchess Xenia, as the daughter of Aleksandr III, such a precious lady, is needless to think, has her own pride! In the Western tradition of monogamy, coupled with the new rise of feminism, it is already liberal in tolerating Ferdinand to go out and find a lover. Dare to mess around in the royal palace. Who knows what will happen? Anyway, Ferdinand did not want to try until the end of the Russian Empire. He had to restrain himself.

When he thought of the impending faraway sexual life, Ferdinand decided to seize the last time to enjoy the good life. The maidens are diligently dancing, with their large white legs swaying in front of Ferdinand, and one winks at him constantly...

Ferdinand could not resist and got up and rushed down, wrapped an arm around a young girl with beauty appeal, quickly stripped, and a battle began...

The happy life is always short, and countless cases have taught Ferdinand that if he does not want to follow in the same steps as the history of the former for the rest of his life, then work hard!

After being away for more than two months, even though most of the political affairs were taken care of by the cabinet, many things required Ferdinand to make decisions personally, and not everything could be telegraphed.

At least now, the reports from the Military Council are top secret files. Even Prime Minister Konstantin has no right to ask about them, except for Ferdinand.

It was in the palace now that Ferdinand summoned Chief of Staff Petrov: "Colonel Petrov, why is the process of military reform so slow?"

Petrov said with concern: "Your Highness, we are short of officers! Since the army's restructuring, two deputies have been added to each regular officer. The army has nearly doubled in size. Our officer requirements have increased about five times out of nowhere, greatly exceeding our reserves! The most basic company and platoon officers are fine. We can promote a part of the veterans with outstanding ability to serve and make up most of the personnel. However, we cannot get that many officers for the middle and senior officers while ensuring quality!"

Ferdinand nodded with approval for the military's pragmatic attitude. Historically, the Bulgarian army's fighting ability is the best in the Balkans, known as 'Prussia of the Balkans', especially in the Great War, which attracted the world's interest. The military's pragmatic attitude is not unrelated to the current one.

"Well, it's better to have the shortage of officers than the shortage of soldiers. You guys are doing a good job! Have you then thought about sending some of the best soldiers to the military school for a short period of internal training to make up for the shortage of officers at the base? We can do the same by sending some of the less capable officers back to the military academy to continue their studies for some time to improve their tactical abilities?" Ferdinand asked suggestively.

Ferdinand has always believed that professionals should do something professional. He knew nothing about the army, and if the military data on Baidu is reliable, he can barely be considered a talking expert.

Although this provisional training mechanism for officers has proved to be very effective in the previous life, the cultural differences between the East and West are significant. It is difficult to say whether it will work in Bulgaria in this era or not!

Petrov pondered for a moment and answered Ferdinand with serious hesitation: "Your Highness, I am sorry! I'm afraid I can't answer this question. We have no experience in this area, and no one is sure how effective it will be! However, I personally think that your proposal is constructive and worth a try!"

Ferdinand nodded sullenly. The German Army had always been an object of study for the Bulgarian military. Now, even the officers were working with them without realizing it. Whether this change is good or bad, Ferdinand is not sure. History proves that it seems to work well, so just let it go!

"Then let's have a trial run first! Let the military school especially open a short-term training class and choose a group of people to try. If the effect is good, then carry out the whole army to promote. If not, cancel!" Ferdinand clapped his hands and said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Petrov replied strongly.

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