Canon Fodder



I figured out how to get my Chikyugi necklace over the next 2 days. When I brought up my status screen I noticed a ‘Stored’ icon next to the necklace. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Escape the School


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:

Chunin Exam


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape










Chikyugi Necklace


After clicking it the necklace appeared around my neck. I actually felt better with the necklace on. I had gotten a hold of my libido during my water chakra training, but the necklace was a good reminder what my goal was. To train my chakra and prep for the Chunin Exam. 

Over the next couple of days while we headed to the restaurant of the sea I showed off some of my ninjutsu. Able to control water, it was a little tougher to use sea water, but I managed it. 

Luffy was so excited as I floated the water over his head. When I dropped it on him he got weak from the sea sapping his strength. As a devil fruit user he couldn’t swim. 

The others in the group were pretty welcoming. Zoro was a little standoffish, but I could work on him. I didn’t want to have the kind of relationship he and Sanji had so I treaded lightly. 

Nami hadn’t stopped by to talk to me again. But I noticed she was quieter. Hopefully thinking about our conversation. On the second day Yosaku was feeling better. Johnny and he hung out on the deck as they babbled about this or that. 

I was sitting on the railing controlling a huge bus sized ball of water. It was getting easier. But it was still a struggle. Especially with the 2 idiots yakking away behind me. 

“Then there was that pirate that had the big mustache. Then the one with the spiky hair,” Johnny said. 

“So you 2 are really pirate hunters?” Usopp asked. 

“Yep, we met aniki Zoro on a job,” Yosaku said. 

“How do you get started doing something like that?” He asked. As a coward Usopp idolized anyone strong. 

“I just happened upon it. Beat up a guy and he had a bounty on him. Haven’t turned back since. Here are a few of the biggest bounties in East Blue.” He pulled out a stack of bounty posters. Handing them to Usopp the wind picked up and blew them away. 

There was a mad scramble to grab them. One was blown to the front of the sail. Dropping my ball of water I jumped up to grab it. My chakra charged legs made it easy work. I landed lightly and stared at the bounty poster. 




There was a mugshot of the fishman on it. His face was centered and it showed his saw tooth nose and sharp teeth. 

“Whose that?” Luffy asked walking over. 

“Arlong,” I said. Nami stopped what she was doing to look over at us. I subtly watched her. 

“Why’s he so ugly?”

“He’s a fishman,” I said. 

“A fishman?” Luffy asked. “What’s that?”

“You know mermaids?” He nodded. “They’re the guy versions.”

“Ohhh,” Luffy said. “Ever met one?”

“I have not. I hear they’re super racist…but mainly because most people are racist to them. I’d like to go to Fishman Island one day. I heard some of them can control water too.”

“Who knows, maybe you’re from there,” Usopp said. 

“Ha! Maybe,” I said. “I can hold my breath super long. Maybe I’m part fish.” Nami had walked closer. Her eyes drawn to the poster, she wasn’t listening. I knew that Arlong had killed her adoptive mother. He still ruled over her hometown like a tyrant. Making them pay homage so they weren’t killed by him and the other fishmen.

“You don’t want to mess with that guy,” Johnny said. “He’s the highest bounty in East Blue for a reason. But it’s not like you could get money for the bounty anyway.”

“Why’s that?” Zoro asked. A grim smirk on his face. 

“I’ve heard rumors he pays off the local marines,” Johnny said. 

“That’s not the half of it,” Nami said. 

“Oh yeah? What do you know?” I asked. She bit her lip. Looking around to the crew by her. I thought she might say something but we were interrupted as Yosaku yelled. 

“Land ho!” The crew jumped and everyone was running away. I handed the bounty poster to Nami. She didn’t react as she stared at the picture of her tormentor. 

A walked to the front of the ship. Leaving her to think. “That’s not land. That’s a giant fish!” Luffy yelled. 

“It’s not a fish. It’s a fish shaped ship,” Usopp said. 

“It’s not a fish shaped ship. It’s a fish shaped ship restaurant,” Johnny said. I rolled my eyes from their banter. “That’s Baratie. The best restaurant on the sea. It’s run by the famous chef, Zeff. It’s pretty infamous. Everyone is welcome there. Pirates, marines, regular people, clowns, you name it.”

“Why are clowns on the list?” I asked, but they moved on. 

“Doesn’t it get rowdy?” Usopp asked. 

“Yep. But all the chefs are good fighters. If someone causes a ruckus, they kick them out,” Johnny said. 

“I don’t care what they do as long as I can eat,” Luffy said. “It’s been days since I’ve had any meat.”

“I know I don’t have money,” I said. “Do you all? I mean you have this nice ship, but…”

“Oh yeah,” Usopp said. “My friend Kaya gave us the ship. She also gave us some starting funds after we took care of a pirate problem for her.”

“Enough to feed this guy?” I asked pointing at Luffy. 

“That remains to be seen,” Nami said. She had walked up. But hidden the wanted poster on her body somewhere. “Come on. I’m sick of bell peppers and beef.”

“Who isn’t?” I asked. I’d been forced to make more vegan meals since the first night. Not filling, not good, they were barely better than nothing. There were always leftovers. 

We docked the ship to an open spot. Luffy and Usopp excitedly ran ahead to the restaurant. There was a local information kiosk on the other side of the large fish ship that Johnny and Yosaku headed off to. Since so many people went to Baratie daily it was one of the best ones to hear about bounties. 

“Think we can find a cook here?” Zoro asked. 

“I guarantee it,” I said. The quest popped up in my view. 

One Piece Quest 1

Assist in bringing Sanji to the crew.



Access to World Shop

“Huh,” I said reading it. World shop sounded interesting. I wondered if that meant a one time access to a shop. Or a world specific shop. I was also curious what the currency was for the shop. Would it work in the other worlds I could go to?

“What makes you think we will find a cook that wants to join a pirate crew?” Nami asked. 

“Luffy got a pirate hunter to join. I don’t think a cook will be too hard,” I said. 

“Got a point there,” Zoro said. “What can I say? He’s pretty believable about that pirate king crap.”

“What’s your dream Zoro?” I asked. 

“To become the world’s best swordsman,” he said. Hands on his swords he walked around confidently. 

“You Nami?”

“Me? Nothing,” she said. “I just want to be rich.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Don’t want to make a map of the world?”

She stopped walking with the question. Blushing as she eyed me. “What makes you say that?”

“I saw some of the maps you were working on. They’re pretty good,” I said. “If you’re on the pirate kings ship, might as well chart the uncharted.”

She grumbled under her breath but started walking again. We got to the front of the restaurant. Luffy and Usopp were already seated. We joined them at the large table. 

“Luffy, you can’t eat the entire menu,” Usopp yelled. 

“I’m hungry,” he whined. Looking over to a different table there was a couple making lovey dovey eyes at one another. Sitting next to one another their plates of food were left unattended. 

Luffy extended his hand out. His arm stretching 10 feet he grabbed a large untouched chicken leg from the guys plate. Pulling his arm back he started munching on it. 

“Woah,” I said. Pretending to be impressed. “You uh know that’s not normal right?”

“Oh, guess I never showed you,” Luffy said. Munching on the chicken leg he pulled his cheek showing it stretching out a good foot. “I ate a devil fruit when I was a kid.”

“Devil fruit? The ones where you gain super powers?” I asked. 

“Yep,” Luffy said. He stuck the whole leg in his mouth. Sucking the bone dry I had never seen such an immaculately clean bone. He ate the tendons too. Not wasting anything.  

“Doesn’t it make it so you can’t swim?” I asked.

“Ha yeah,” he said. “It’s worth it though.” His hand extended out grabbing off the plate of another less than observant diner. “I have the Gomu Gomu power. I’m made of rubber.”

“Cool,” I said. “Any of you guys have cool super powers?” 

“No, we aren’t freaks,” Nami said. 

“Ah!” Luffy said. His arm extended out again, at the end of it a man was stepping on Luffy’s hand. 

“What do you think you’re doing?” The blonde man asked. . 

“I’m um sampling the food before I decide what to get,” he said. Black Leg lifted his food. Luffy pulled his arm back in quickly. “Are you the waiter?”

“For today,” Sanji said, tsking. Then his eyes landed on Nami. “Oh mademoiselle,” he said walking over. He leaned over grabbing a dessert cup from one of the close patrons. He smoothly moved in placing the fancy fruit dessert in front of her. 

“I’m sorry to make you wait. Please. Anything you want is on the house,” he said. Sanji was as thirsty as ever. Wearing a black suit with blue undershirt he had a cigarette behind his ear. 

“Great! I’ll take the whole menu,” Luffy said. 

“Not for you, filthy vermin. Only for the lady,” he said. Pulling out a napkin he fluffed it and laid it on Nami’s lap. She smiled big, not hesitating to dig into the stolen dessert. 

“Now I could get used to a place like this,” she said. 

“Oh my heart,” Sanji said. “If only I could see a beauty like you every day. I’d gladly make you whatever food you desired.”

“That’s a sure fine coincidence there,” I said. Smile on my lips as I drew the other’s eyes. “We were looking for a cook for our pirate crew.”

There was a stunned silence around the table. “What? We were?”

“You just talked about it yesterday.”

“I did?” Luffy asked. “That sounds like me. Cooks make food. I like food. You’re right,” he said. “How about it Mr. Waiter, care to join my crew?”

“Luffy, you need to stop asking every person you meet to join the crew,” Nami said. Happily munching on the dessert. “This is heavenly,” she moaned. 

“But we need a cook,” Luffy said. 

“We do,” Zoro said. “But not this…blondie.” Disgust clear on his face as he stared at Sanji. 

“I don’t know what it is about you moss head, but now I’m really considering joining this crew, just to piss you off,” Sanji spat. 

“Great!” A man behind Sanji said. His loud voice drew everyone’s eyes. He was a gray haired man, large braided mustache at the sides of his face. A tall chefs hat. And a peg leg. It was Zeff, the owner and head chef of Baratie. Also Sanji’s reluctant adoptive father. 

“That’s great to hear, Sanji,” Zeff said. Walking up his wooden peg leg clacked on the hard wood floor. “Because you’re fired. You’re done as a chef here as of today.”

“Old man,” Sanji groaned. “How many times have you fired me this week? 5? And it’s only Tuesday! I’m not leaving this shitty restaurant. Never. You can throw me out and I’ll just break in and cook.”

“That’s it kid,” Zeff said. “You’ve asked for it. If you won’t leave I’ll kick you out.”

“With which leg? The real or the wooden one. Doesn’t matter, I’ve gotten used to pulling out splinters, you old coot!” Sanji spat. 

Zeff jumped up. Sanji did the same. Both kicked hard. Zeff using his wooden one Sanji took the hit and did a roundhouse, but the old man blocked him with his body. Taking the brunt he grabbed Sanji’s leg with his hands and began twirling him around until he threw him across the room. 

“Grabbing my leg?!” Sanji spat. “What about only using hands for cooking?”

“I am cooking. Cooking to light a fire under your ass if you don’t start doing what I say,” Zeff spat. 

“I stopped listening to you a long time ago old man,” Sanji spat. Turning around he headed back into the kitchen. The people at other tables acted like that was normal as they went right back to their meals. 

“Sorry about that,” Zeff said. Letting out a sigh he moved closer. “That boy needs to learn to spread his wings a little. He would make a great cook for a crew.”

“That’s great,” Luffy said. “But he didn’t take our order and we are starving. You mind?” 

Zeff frowned but nodded. Pulling out a pencil and a small notebook he began to write Luffy’s order down. It took a while. Then when it was the rest of our turns he simply said he’d bring out the whole menu and walked back to the kitchen. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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