Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube

Chapter 601

Chapter 601

As Ben sat in the living room late at night, staring at his jacket with intense eyes, Myriad spoke up in his head.

Oh yeah?

Oh sweet, sounds good to me.

Why? Im already filthy rich so I dont need the money, and while I am doing the best I can for every single piece I create Ive been having to go fast to get it all out too. This means Ill be able to focus more on quality than quantity for a bit. Ive been doing all this for the sake of the planet but theres definitely a ton Id rather be focusing on instead.

Im up because I have a question on my mind, buddy. Lets talk the ship of Theseus.

I do and thats not what Im on about. Its a matter of philosophy from my old world that goes something like this. Imagine you have a boat and you replace a plank on it. Is it still the same boat?

Okay, well first of all, screw you. Second though, theres more to it so just follow me for a bit. In that case, if you replace a second plank, is it still the same?

Exactly, with a bit more from there as well. For example, what if you take all the discarded pieces and re-assemble them into a boat again? Does it hold a greater claim to the title of being the original boat by virtue of being made from all of the original parts or does the methods of repair and assembly change things? What do you think?

Ah, my sweet Myriad, youve hit the nail on the head though! Cause you see, while theres really no straight answer on my old world, here there kind of is, at least in this case. Stuff on Earth may lack any sort of immeasurable qualia, but here we have your church filled with your essence! Theres no way you guys up there couldnt tell me how much I could change it while leaving it in a form that would still qualify as your church, or how much I could take away in the process either. Along with the little minor detail of if the stuff I take away is going to have any interesting uses either.


Myriad went on, ignoring his apostles complaints.

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No, of course not.

The god sighed.

Okay, so as you know, the advertised defensive properties of the coat suck-

Which is fair enough I guess and its not just you either. The enchantments I have on it are good, outrageously fantastic even, but once they go against an awakened skill holder with an ultra-rare weapon I end up pretty hurt-

And I agree completely, but seeing as how that seems to come up every now and then Id much rather be ready when I dont need to and worry about having overprepared later. Now, as for the changes, I know I can remake the enchantments without issue so it comes down to how much I can alter the physical coat itself. Ive patched it plenty before and it's been fine but that's all been minor modifications in the grand scheme of things. Ideally, Id want to replace the entire thing but since the point is kind of to reap whatever benefits it gets from being a church I cant do that, so that leaves me hoping Id be able to replace either the outer leather or inner lining.

Myriad was quiet for a moment, thinking it over before giving his answer.

Really? In that case, thats better than Id hoped for so this is perfect. In that case, lets get started.

Paying no attention to how late it was, Ben went to the shop to start his newest project, laying his coat down as he envisioned exactly what he wanted to do.

Since the inner lining was the part that hed be able to replace, that was the bit that would be getting his main focus as he broke down the various enchantments covering the total of the thing before removing that bit, casting it to the side.

While hed reclaim the mythril it was made with later, he wanted something more complex for it compared to what had originally been there as he went through his already present materials, grabbing not only more mythril but also others that could be used to give power to enchantments, the rainbow mana crystal and moribusial that went into so much that he made for all of the other things hed create thanks to the power they could provide, as well as a few other metals to make the end product strong but flexible.

After taking all of the time he needed to, painstakingly constructing a mass of wire with the properties he desired, it was time for him to move on to the next part of the lining.

Like with the original, it wasnt just going to be made of wire. It needed to be comfortable to wear after all, meaning he needed some threads to go with it, but he wanted a far higher quality than the stuff hed already picked, with an option already available and waiting in his shop.

He was still receiving wood from the dryads in exchange for the potions and other goods he was sending out and as one of the best enchanting materials on the planet, it made it the perfect choice to work with as he first used his magic to help separate the fibers before breaking them down just enough to make them softer and more flexible, easier to work for his purposes as he further treated them until it reached the point theyd feel comfortable against his skin.

It was only once that part was finished that he bound the wire to the threads and started enchanting up the individual strands before bringing them together, creating a newer, stronger lining that would have more power for the enchantments he was placing down, keeping the heating and cooling ones but adding to them so that the defensive enchantments wouldnt only be on the outside of the coat, creating a second layer of safety for him to work with as everything was strengthened to its maximum potential.

It was only once that was done that he added the new lining to the original coat, but continued on from there. After all, just because he couldnt replace the leather didnt mean he couldnt enhance it, so with that goal in his mind he moved on to his next task, turning a small chunk of orichalcum into a fine powder and impregnating the leather with it to help increase its overall defensive properties, only to build upon them further with the outer layer of enchantments placed on top using everything hed learned since hed last modified them.

It was with that he was finally done, the task having taken up the whole of his attention span as notifications filled his head.

As exciting as those were to finally get though, they werent near as much as hed felt given what his eyes were telling him. If anything, it just made the fact hed gotten those levels feel obvious as his limited analysis showed in an item in the middle rank of legendary, telling him that hed yet again broken through another barrier.

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