Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 127: Danger

Chapter 127: Danger

Yaya explained the ritual operation so that we can familiarize ourselves with it and stop anyone performing similar methods on it.

The ritual needs 5 individuals performing it. They have to bring a red string and tie it on their pinky finger as tight as possible. In the original ritual, it has to be a blood-drenched crimson red string but this time, it was a normal red string to lessen the ominous level of the ritual. The next thing is that they have to bring a black marble and clench it to your left hand. Then, they have to perform this ritual in a very desolated area that no one can disturb. If the ritual was disturbed while in the middle of the casting, everyone will start to berserk and attack anyone who disturbed them.

While doing so, they have to chant the "RED, RED, RED, RED CRIMSON RED FATE, APPEAR, REWIND APPEAR, GRANT OUR WISH AND SHOW US OUR FUTURE!" while standing and holding everyone's hands while keeping the marbles intact to their hands. Once the ritual is finished, according to the website, it will show you your future 5 years from now on. Of course, that will never happen because all the victims will instead suffer in body decay and constant blood loss even without wounds present. And according to the poll that Yaya gathered about the victims, all of them are girls.

"The ritual occurs most likely with the girls due to the fact that most of the high school girls nowadays wanted to know their future boyfriends or their future jobs. But that doesn't mean you all need to limit your search on girls only. This ritual also applies to boys so be sure to inspect some suspicious boys too. Also, if you manage to interrupt one ritual and they go berserk, don't hesitate to knock them down. Just don't injure them too much."

"Alright. Are we going to do a pair team this time?" God asked.

"I wanted to perform a 4 team search but because of the "special circumstances" present on Raigaki, it would be better to perform a pair groupings then. I will pair up with Raigaki while the two of you, will team up. We will be sending a message in the chat group if we ever find any clues or any sort of trouble," Yaya explained.

"Alright then. Let's go. Classes are about to start. Yaya and Raigaki can wander around the school without any problem. On the other hand, we have to go to class due to our status. Also, Kazuma, we have to proceed to the faculty today to report to your adviser and my adviser that we are returning to class," reminded Godou to me.

"Are we going to be scolded by this?"

"Nah, they will most likely believe us unless they are stubborn enough to believe what they want. If they do so, then just patiently wait for their words to sink in then let it pass on your other ear. If that doesn't work, we can just alter his memory a bit."

"I heard you, Titan, messing up someone's mind just like that with small reason is not a good idea. Only use the mind-altering magic if it involves the magicians and normal people in conflict but as small reason as this? Don't bother using it."

"Oof, sorry about that, don't worry, I won't really do it so spare me with the talk alright?" Godou clasped his hands together and smiled awkwardly on Yaya.

"Watch this thickhead for me will ya? He tends to be more reckless than me and doesn't listen to reason at times. He is all muscle so be sure to restrain him from time to time."

"Don't worry about it," I nodded.

We parted ways to head to our respective areas to look around. Since we have to go to the faculty, I have to rely on my mana scan to look around the school. By the way, my adviser did not get angry at me and instead gave me some good manuals for me to study so that I can catch up to the latest lesson while Godou received an earful. It looks like Godou is quite a lazy student for his teacher to reprimand him like that.

After going to the faculty, I returned to my classroom. Since my existence there is quite insignificant after the mind wipe that Voltaire did during the demon invasion in Tokyo last time, the animosity from the others is gone. However, the school belle was stunned when she saw me. I didn't forget what she actually did to me but since she was already affected by a mind wipe, she is no longer aware of it, if so, then why is she looking this way?


The morning session was uneventful. If possible, I would be able to sleep in the entirety of the lessons and I won't miss anything. Since the classes were quite boring, I just observe the surroundings and the fingers of my classmates. So far, there is nothing from their fingers which is good. Still, I have a bad feeling about this. It was like there is something crucial going on but nothing much is happening.

In the cafeteria, I meet up with the rest of the group to report our findings. Too bad for me that I don't think I have anything I can report to them since there isn't any unusual to my findings.

"So, does anyone of you got any info?" God asked as he munch on a melon bread.

"There were no strange occurrences that happened while we are patrolling which seems quite suspicious. Still, I don't have anything that can confirm anything is suspicious in this school," Yaya said.

"There is also nothing much in my side too. It was like there was no event of that sort or whatever. I even asked some of my friends for some sort of info involving the ritual and the cases that occurred last week but for some reason, they don't seem to hear of that news," Godou reported.

"I don't have any to report around my side. However, I find it odd that the atmosphere in my classroom seems different from the time I just entered school. The behavior of some of my classmates is weird. It was like they have completely flipped their switch and changed to a new character," I reported.

"So it is not just me who felt that way?" God looked at me with a sigh in relief.

"!!!" Raigaki keeps on squirming while frowning as he kept on grabbing the shirt of Yaya.

"Yeah, yeah, stop tugging my shirt, you will rip it apart if you keep on doing that."

Yaya snaps her fingers and allowed Raigaki to speak. I thought he will speak but he instead invokes a magic circle from his two palms and slams them both on the table.



A protective barrier appeared on us similar to the barrier erected by the power of Domain of Balmung.


I was surprised and even the others except Raigaki are also startled. The normal students earlier who was just eating with their friends are now carrying forks and monoblock chairs alongside the folding chairs used in the cafeteria.

"Looks like we are too late, everyone is now under the control of a strong mage," Raigaki gritted his teeth as he looks at the red eyes of everyone.

Godou grinned and slam his fist together, forming his stone hands, "Ready everyone! Looks like we are in for a tough fight this time. No holding back and knock them all out!" 

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