Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 129: Rescue

Chapter 129: Rescue

We gathered all the unconscious students around and Yaya performed a massive healing skill to everyone to make sure that we covered their injuries from the battle earlier. Raigaki also made sure they won't remember anything and cast a mind wipe to them prior to their berserk form. That way, they won't suspect anything about that time. They will just wonder why they are sleeping. We also put them back to the chairs and tables and we cleaned up the forks and the folding chairs away back to their rightful places.

"That should do it a bit for the situation. Of course, we have to leave from this cafeteria to avoid being questioned once they awaken. Besides, we are now done with our lunch. We have to make haste and continue our search. This might not be the only case happening in this school. If it happened to us, it might happen to other students and will not be able to survive their assault if they keep on attacking just like how they do today on us," Yaya said after finishing the healing touches.

"How are we going to trace the enemy if the ritual came from the internet?" I asked.

"The perpetrator might be far from our location but that doesn't mean we can't track them in normal methods. That is why we have Raigaki here, his tracking skills are awesome," Yaya explained.

When everything is done, I started to cancel the mirror world and return to reality. To think something chaotic occurred here earlier, no one would suspect it, except that they would wonder why so many students started sleeping in the cafeteria instead of eating.


Due to the situation that occurred to us during lunch, Yaya decided to instead team up together instead of splitting up our group. It's more dangerous if they ganged us up while we are split up. Besides, my ability to Mana Scan can help us see the surroundings much better. Still, it was quite troublesome for us to continue searching without any kind of lead. It has a bizarre sort of trouble that this ritual does. Not only the victims suffer, but even those who are not involved can also be in a big sort of trouble if they encounter anyone who is performing the ritual.

"When did this thing started to get popular? If this was too dangerous and many people fell victim, why is this still raging on? No-one stopped this?" I looked at Yaya, demanding some explanation.

"After we finished reclaiming the Phantasmal Reality from the hands of the demons and returned to the real world, the magicians stationed in schools and investigating recent supernatural phenomenons have encountered this ritual wrecking havoc in students and asked the Ritual Decoding team to check and find out what this ritual's true nature. Turns out it was a Dark Magic Ritual causing great concerns of the safety to all the students wanted to try this ritual out which resulted in the request to take down the source of the ritual and destroy all sorts of connections it has right now," Yaya explained.

"Then does that mean that this is a widescale operation?"

"Of course Kazuma. We can't just handle this mission alone due to its nature to occur in different places, we are divided into many teams and I decided to take the three of you in this mission. I also wanted to invite Moonlight to our team too but due to her father's passing, we passed on inviting her so that she can mourn for him."

"That is expected. But to think this mission is a large scale mission, I assume that the headquarters are also investigating this matter?" God asked.

"I don't know the details but they have deployed two Zodiac holders to help deal with this situation. Which means the situation is too dire. Besides, Dark Magic cannot be underestimated at all. Even the strongest magicians might fall victim from the cunning methods of dark magic."

If I remember right, the demons are able to use dark magic which is why the magicians are also in equal terms of power to the higher-ups of the demon species. As we continue to walk around the school, we heard someone scream nearby our location.

"That voice... is that the school belle?" God frowned.

"Dumbass! Don't just dawdle in there! Let's go!" Yaya shouted and rushed towards the location of the voice. I also followed her behind.

"Wait for me! What the hell!"

There was a small forest behind the Sakuramiya High main building and some students usually hang up in here to do some "miracle" But this time, it is another business.

When we reach the location, I saw six girls with blood-red eyes, demonic aura, and dangerous feel from them. Also, I saw the school belle on the ground being strangled by three girls.

"Kuma-san! Attack those girls!" Yaya shouted as she throws the teddy bear into the air.

The teddy bear grows bigger into the size of a normal human and grabs the three girls strangling the school belle. The other girls who are just snarling like wild animals howled and attack the teddy bear named Kuma in a frenzy.

While Kuma and the girls are all getting into an intense and dangerous fight, I drag the school belle to the nearby tree to allow her to recover her breathing after being strangled by the girls.

"Kuhak... hack! Ah... it's you..." she muttered as she keeps on coughing badly.

"Save your breath for now. Don't worry, you are safe now, " I said.

Aside from the red mark on her neck due to the strangling, there are also some wounds from her arms and face which might be due to her trying to fight back. I have to wait for Yaya to finish the battle so that we can heal her.

To avoid the berserk girls from attacking her, I cast the Domain of Balmung concentrated on her. I also summon out Yuri and Yuto out to guard her well being.

"Master, it has been a while! Are we going to battle again?" Yuto asked as he looked at the girls in the distance fighting Kuma and at the school belle trying to recover her breathing pattern right.

"Brother, I know that there are lots of girls here but please be sure to hold out your urge to bang them. Master might reprimand you for it," Yuri said.

"You don't trust me enough sister? Although I am an incubus, I am not interested in real girls! After all, my waifus are much better," Yuto grinned like how I grin whenever something nice happened.

"We won't be fighting for now but I guess for later, we will do so if it escalates. For now, just guard her away from the girls fighting that teddy bear. They are the immediate concern and they might kill her if we left her unguarded. Of course, just knock those girls out in case they are trying to attack her, we can't injure them too much after all."

"Yes Master, I will also make sure my brother behaves," Yuri nodded.

"Sister?! You really don't trust your brother, are you? I am hurt you know?"

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