Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 14: Bastards

Chapter 14: Bastards

I am interested in sending a suggestion but I ended up not doing so. First, I am not an expert in magic, second, the spell I am trying to suggest is hard and not so versatile compared to flames that the blazing shoes and Burning gloves give, third, it is a video game magic which is something that would be more unrealistic. Therefore, I dropped the idea. Although I am already part of the chat group, I don't think I would be able to chat there easily.

After that, I rested and sleep like a log before 5 in the morning strikes on the clock. As soon as the sound of the alarm started to ring around 5, I know that it was already time to get out of the bed, get some stretches and do my morning jog. After doing all of the monotonous routine that I followed in the past, my body is now drenched in sweat. Returning home, I took a bath before I head to the kitchen and cook my breakfast. It was a pretty monotonous task that I will get bored with this one if I keep on doing this forever and yet, I am still doing it. What can I do? Changing this routine will not do too much anyway so why would I? After doing all of the monotonous routine, I don my uniform and fix my hair. After everything is done, I brace myself for this is just the calm before the storm.


On my way to the school, while I pedal on my bicycle, I passed by on other students that go to my school. I can see in my peripheral view that they are looking at me with disgusted looks. However, I can't be too delusional. I am currently in the middle of biking so it might just be a different reaction instead. And besides, I have no idea who they are so it doesn't make sense why would they show a disgusted face to me who they barely know.

But, from the looks of it, it looks like what occurred earlier is indeed happening. When I arrived, the whole student body started staring at me as they stop on their tracks. The way they stare at you without any reason and just standing there is just plain creepy. Is this some sort of stunt done in horror movies? But there is one emotion that they are currently showing from their stoic face and I can tell it even if they don't show it plainly on their face.


They were like looking at the dirtiest and ugliest man in the world. Those condescending looks never cease to amaze me. If it was a normal person, that guy would certainly leave instead of going further into shame but don't compare me to this nonexistent person. Because it is fascinating to look at their condescending looks and how I am not affected at all.

When I arrive around the very entrance, I saw a group of what you call "pretty boys" gathered together. The reason I call them "pretty boys" is due to their looks. They have the looks of a celebrity and a body of a model. In short, they are the definition of handsome in the girl's dictionary. Of course, I can't lump myself from them because my looks don't even compare to them. I sometimes look on the mirror to look for that handsomeness but in the end, it doesn't exist in my face.

As soon as they saw me approaching casually, they started blocking their bodies to the entrance.

"Ha, look at this pervert. He brazenly arrives without even caring on what will happen to him," a red-haired guy said as he shook his head.

"A pervert indeed. Look at his face, only a mother can love that look," one of the "handsome" guys said. He has blonde hair which makes him looks like a foreigner but based on his looks and the way he speaks, he is pure Japanese. I guess that his hair is bleached.

I am fine with everything else but suddenly bringing up my mother here is just something that I don't tolerate. Call whoever gods or ancestors you have known, but I freaking dare these people to drag my parents here and I will not show any mercy. But I didn't show any hostility at all. I controlled my temper because I don't want to force violence as long as it takes. I just continue walking past them but this action of mine made these "handsome" guys hostile to me.

"Hey, listen when we are talking!" the blonde guy exclaimed and grab my shoulder.

This action made me prompt to doing a retaliation. Frowning, I looked at the guy and grab his hand.

"You dare to touch me? You motherf*cker, I don't even know you and you started giving contempt on me without any reason. I am fine just letting all of you go, but that touching me to stop for you is something delusional action for me you know? Do you think I was a lowly servant that you can order? Tch, I am not some lowly guy you can easily beat up. I don't mind you all going to fight but I am late in the class so I am not going to continue."

The onlookers were all watching things unfold. The other guys started to gather around and stopped me. Before they can stop the fight though, he releases a punch that from my eyes, looks so slow and weak. I am not exaggerating, it looks slow and weak to me. Since he was in the middle of punching me, I will rather break his hands rather than leaving me on a desperate spot.



He roared in pain as the sound of bones cracking can be heard on the surroundings. I glared at him as he howls in pain from the broken hand I made on him. The others were also taken aback from what I did. The blonde guy never expected it at all but he has no time to think much about it. What he needed to do is escape his current predicament.

"So... what are your business for me? Make it quick, I am busy."

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