Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 199: The Summoned Heroes

Chapter 199: The Summoned Heroes

Everyone on the road went to the side of the road, making a free passage in the middle of the road. I can understand this if it is a parade, however, this is just the princess, her fiancee and the heroes summoned going to pass which I assume is to go hunting in the forest. There's no need for some of thw racket like this.

"What is going on?" Aria peeks out once more out of Ishana's hood after she heard the commotion in the surroundings.

"The summoned heroes will be passing by," I said to Aria. If she heard it, she might have some interest to look at those guys and maybe she can find one of the 'chosen one' she is looking for.

"Ooh! I want to see!" Aria is quite excited. Ishana went near the road, enough to let Aria peek from the hood.

Yami followed suit to Ishana while I stay behind the crowd as I can see the situation of road just fine using [Insight]. There were some tables and chairs free after the people went to see the heroes.

It's tiresome to continue standing around so with the vacant chairs, I can finally relax my feet.

I am not the only one who has the same idea of staying in the very back of the crowd. One female wearing a hood on her head with tan skin tone is sitting opposite to my table. She is sipping coffee and seems to lack interest to the ruckus.

From the looks of her appearance, she seemed to be similar to those mysterious people wearing cloaks and hoods, acting strange and will appear to the protagonists to either give subtle help or clues to anything. She has a longbow strapped on her body and on her legs are two quivers, full of arrows with silver lining. Based on her weapon of choice, her looks and her body language, she must be an archer. She doesn't appear to have any other weapon of choice in her body except the bow and arrow so that is already a precise guess. Some people just uses the bow and arrow as design since they would look cool on it even though they are clearly not even proficient in using the bow.

She still didn't notice me judging her appearance, which is why there is no incident of anything that will link the two of us, just like how those people in the novels and manga handles these kinds of people.

My eyes squinted when I noticed in the distance the group of people walking on the road. Based from their numbers and rowdy behavior, those must be the summoned heroes in this world. As expected to the trope, they are also Japanese and based on their interactions with other heroes, they are indeed a whole class summoned to another world.

Another trope added is the main leader of the heroes. From the looks of it, the leader is a delinquent male who seems to act as the Alpha Male of the class. He acts haughty and his expression, though it shows a jolly appearance hides his manipulative and dangerous behavior. As additional to his Alpha Male package, he also has the supporting lackeys that will follow him whenever he goes. I counted at least 6 of them so that means this guy has quite the influence and charisma to spend to get them loyal to him.

There are also quite a few girls but I can tell some of them are just plain thots as they have been currently sucking up favor to the guy earlier that acts as the Alpha Male. They are just flirting to him which he seems to be happy about. There are also those girls who are just on the neutral side. On the other hand, there are those the supporting characters or should I say the "fodders" of the group.

There are always people who don't stand out in a group and these type of people are always behind and will never excel due to the trampling done by the others to them. It is pretty common here and in real world.

"Hmph, heroes from another world? HA! How many times does these people wanted to give up their life for the sake of a kingdom they are not born with? Summoning them without even caring of the feelings of those being summoned. The kingdom had become too selfish, don't you think so?"

I was surprised when I heard the hooded girl speaking while mocking the heroes but I was also surprised to see her address me. 

"Isn't it much better for the people of the kingdom to fight the threat using their own soldiers? Using people from another world to take out the threat seems to be a very bad move to me," I said, voicing out my opinions.

"EXACTLY! However, these idiots keeps on doing this and that, summoning innocent individuals, making them a hero and stuff and in the end, will just make a temporary peace after sacrificing thousands of lives then rinse and repeat. I honestly have no idea what this people are thinking at all. Are they happy with this rinse and repeat history of theirs?"

While she was speaking, I catch out her evil aura she emits on her body. She was not an ordinary individual. However, she is hiding her aura and suppress it tightly. I stood up and transfered to the vacant seat opposite to her. I then whispered to her ear that anyone else but us can hear.

"You are the demon lord aren't you?"

Her eyes looked at me with hostility all of a sudden but she still remained her composure and continue to suppress her aura.

"I can tell that you are a unique individual at that. Yes, I am. So what, are you going to fight me and kill me, then report my appearance to the heroes?"

"Ha, I don't really care about whether you are a demon lord or not. It's none of my business," I said, shrugging what she just said earlier.

She grinned and looked at me with a smile like a normal maiden.

"You are an interesting human. If you did exactly what I just said and try to slay me, you might have died already."

"Ha, what a funny remark. However, I am confident that I can best you out without much problem. If you wanted to have a test, you can just ask me. We can do a friendly sparring match. It will be an interesting battle."

I stood up and waved goodbye. " Have a nice day, young lady. I am quite sure we will meet again."


I looked back and saw an incoming object to my direction which I immediately caught.

"Take my memento. If the time is right, we might see each other again. See you around, weird human," she sips her coffee before she disappeared in thin air.

The memento she gave me is a necklace with red orb as it's pendant. Despite being the demon lord, she has no connection to the demonic beings we have been fighting so far. Her smell doesn't resemble to the demons I have defeated before which means the demon lord is innocent to these conflicts and appearances of the demonic beings in this world. If that is the case, it is another individual causing the massive outbreak of the demonic beings in this world.

As the heroes pass by, the crowd slowly disperse too and returned to their normal routine like nothing happened. Yami, Ishana and Aria also dispersed from the crowd and reunite with me.

"The heroes are too weak. The strongest hero in their group is only as strong as one normal demon back in our world. Quite pathetic. Let's go and find a job," Yami said.

"You guys can go. I will handle our job of finding the transported guys here."

"Huh? Are you just trying to run away from your responsibility to find a job to earn money?"

"No worries. I found our second person of interest and he is part of the people we just saw pass by earlier, he is one of those so called 'heroes summoned from another world."

"Are you saying..."

"Yes. One of the missing people in Akihabara is mixed in with the summoned people of the kingdom. I presume the moment he was sent here is also the time the summoning of that class occured, and he was also pulled in to the gig."

"Well, it would make a good cover up if one of the missing people is along with those people. However, he is along with the heroes. Would it be alright for you to take one back away from them? I am quite sure the princess will stop you from taking one of them without any valid reason at all. What will you do?" Ishana asked.

"You don't need to ask. They will surely be allowing me to pick the guy out from them. If they resist, I will not hesitate to take him forcefully."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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