
Chapter 111

Chapter 111

  1. Old Steel Great Line(9)

The drone was three miles away. While it was unlikely that a pack of wolves would attack this location, Jeong-woo felt an instinctual fear when he saw the overwhelming wildness of the predators on the monitor.

Kaya, look at this.

Upon seeing the several dozen wolves moving in formation, even Kayas expression turned to one of surprise.

Theyre on a hunt. They must have a target nearby.

Is it that wolverine from earlier?

The pack seems too large for a creature of its size. Probably

While examining the overall view of the forest on the drone screen, Kaya spoke.

I think this is it.

Downstream from the pipeline, he spotted two massive moose, each measuring about 2.5 meters in length. Jeong-woo immediately grabbed the radio, naming the spot Moose Creek.

Rust Guard basecamp, please respond. This is Yujin Chemicals drone team.

Since they had been sharing a short-range radio channel for days, an immediate response came.

-Go ahead.

Were tracking the area around the 452-mile mark. About twenty wolves are on the move.


The other side seemed startled by the sudden news. Jeong-woo watched as the wolves rapidly surrounded Moose Creek and relayed the information.

Im tracking them right now with the drone. It seems they are hunting on two moose.

Kaya, who had been scanning the area with binoculars, added.

Wolves form packs and establish hunting strategies meticulously. If humans interfere, they can change their behavior unpredictably.

Jeong-woo relayed this information via radio.

-There are three people nearby. I will contact them.

Thinking the threat had disappeared, Jeong-woos eyes returned to the monitor.

The wolves, which had been running quickly, suddenly paused, forming a V-shape to surround the creek. From an unguarded spot, five wolves appeared, howling menacingly.

The signal for the hunt had begun. A resounding howl echoed from three miles away.

Uh, Mr. Jeong-woo.

Shin Seong-beom, witnessing the unfolding scene on the monitor, widened his eyes.

Are they setting a trap and hunting?

Most likely.

As they watched the brutal food chain relationship unfold in nature, Jeong-woo and Shin Seong-beom could only watch in awe.

Just when Jeong-woo thought it was over, he gasped as a wolf was impaled on a mooses antler and slammed against a tree. The large moose broke free from the wolves pursuit, successfully breaking through their encirclement and heading back toward the creek.


Jeong-woos eyes widened as he saw the moose suddenly change direction, charging toward the pipeline. Trying to evade a threat from behind, the moose abruptly changed direction and collided with the pipeline.

The wolves, following the fleeing moose, also changed their course.

TAPS Management Office at Prudhoe Bay.

Using the upgraded leak detection software, Ben Watson, a technician from Baker Hughes, who had been under monitoring for the past 13 days, flinched as a warning window flashed on his screen.

Between Pump Base 6 and Pump Base 7, there was a noticeable discrepancy in the amount of incoming and outgoing crude oil.

Team Leader!

David, who was analyzing the Smart Pig data, turned his head upon hearing Bens exclamation.

The internal pressure at the 452-mile pipeline is rapidly decreasing!

At this sound, Joo Hana, Raylan, and Neogis gazes all turned simultaneously.

Startled, Neogi asked.

Are you saying theres a crude oil leak?

Yes. Such a drastic pressure change cant be explained unless theres a leak.

Neogis expression turned contemplative, recalling the nightmare from last month.

Are there people near that area?

Joo Hana realized that the emergency repair point they had reported earlier was right next to it and said.

Our drone team is inspecting nearby.

Please contact them!

Beep beep beep.

When the satellite phone rang, Seong-beom immediately picked up the receiver.

Yes, Team Leader. We are confirming the leak and currently capturing footage with the drone. It doesnt seem like a significant amount from a visual inspection, but

Jeong-woo swallowed a groan as he watched the black liquid seeping beneath the pipeline.

Having analyzed various traces along the 450 miles, even Jeong-woo, who had reviewed all the evidence, witnessed a real-time situation where the pipeline was compromised for the first time.


-This is Luke. The vibration of the pipeline has intensified. Its not an earthquake. Are we suspecting an oil leak?

-I felt it too. Shouldnt we contact the pump base to shut off the valve?

-Its quite a lengthy line. Even if we start the shutdown, itll take at least 6 hours, right? By the way, did you hear the howling of the wolves earlier? It sent shivers down my spine.

Since they were still tuning into the Rust Guard wireless channel, their conversation reached Jeong-woos ears as well.

6 hours? Thats too late. The gap keeps widening.

Realizing that this area might turn into an oil field before the shutdown completes, Jeong-woo had no choice but to shift his gaze toward Seong-beom, who was reporting.

Is it that severe? Understood. We will continue to report without relocating.

Seong-beoms expression darkened after ending the call.

Whats the situation in the control room?

If theres a leak, oil production will immediately halt, and a committee will be convened by the federal regulatory agency. And if this escalates into a major incident, our companys inspection schedules could be entirely revised

Upon hearing Seong-beoms words about delaying the project, Jeong-woo was speechless. It was the reward at the end of the month that motivated him to endure temperatures of minus 80 degrees celsius outdoors and traversing hazardous glaciers in a blizzard.

Now, due to the wolf pack and the moose, that sweet reward was in jeopardy.

I may not be able to pay you or Chan, but Im not going to take your money. Ive been working my ass off at the restaurant for that.

The restaurant and collateral issue. His mothers voice echoed in his mind, warning him not to meddle in adult matters.

I may not be the favored son, but Im a recognized chemist. Think. Find a solution.

Jeong-woos gaze shifted toward the pipe from which the oil was leaking.


-Basecamp transmission. Received confirmation of leakage from the central control room. Location is 452 miles. Requesting response from line walkers.

-Luke. Were one mile away.

-Simpson. Im about two miles out. A leak? Damn it.

Again, the conversation from the Rust Guard side came through the radio.

-Basecamp transmission. Apparently, tightening the screws can slow down the leak. Shall we try?

-Thats the area where the wolf pack was reported.

-I have tranquilizer darts. With 5cc of Zoletil, how many can I subdue?

-Two big ones. There are about twenty.


Thinking intently about the molecular world visible through the gap in the pipeline, Jeong-woo had an idea and pressed a button.

Han Jeong-woo from Yujin Chemicals drone team here. Does anyone have chemical agents suitable for installing a detection probe near the 452-mile?

-Oh? Mr. Han? Im Luke. I have two left from yesterdays underground survey.

-Simpson here. Havent used mine since the weather cleared.

Three chemical agents would be sufficient. Every available molecule around began to rearrange itself in Jeong-woos vision.

Its feasible. Theres a chance to stop the leak before it worsens.

Jeong-woos eyes met Kayas, who was scouting the wolf pack.



How dangerous would it be to enter that forest?

Kaya lowered her binoculars and shot Jeong-woo a piercing look. He felt the weight of her expression, as if asking if he wanted to die.

Those wolves are intelligent, capable of hiding their breath and setting traps. The smarter the wild animal, the less likely they are to attack humans, right?

You cant calculate it that way. For someone, even a 1% chance is 100% if it happens. And add to that the environment of a failed hunter.

After listening to her, it seemed they hadnt caught the escaped moose.

If we dont fix the pipeline now, significant damage will occur. Not just to this area but to the environment.

Mr. Han, you seem mistaken. Im hired to ensure your safety, not to protect this pipeline or nature.

Firm in her response, Jeong-woo added.

If we can detect the wolves a mile away?


Jeong-woo couldnt mention infrared wavelengths or anything like that, so he pinched his nose.

My sense of smell is almost as good as a dogs. If wolves approach within a mile, Ill retreat. Will that work?

Kaya laughed in disbelief.

Surely youre joking? What if youre wrong?

I cant be wrong. Even a perfume expert from France acknowledged my nose. Given weve been living on canned food, you might doubt it. Stay put.

Jeong-woo scanned Kaya from head to toe, then paused at her hands.

You said you were preparing for camping since you didnt have any guiding to do, but it looks like you caught some fish. Your hands smell like fish mixed with the scent of seawater and river. Some kind of salmon?

Embarrassment flashed across Kayas face as she realized that she had never told anyone that she had been fishing.

Jeong-woo looked at her feet and clicked his tongue.

I hate to say this to a young lady, but those socks youre wearing on the inside, theyve been there for three days. If you thought they wouldnt smell because theyre sandwiched together, you should know the concept of microbial reproduction rate


A deeply flushed Kaya pointed to the forest.

Enough! Lets move. I didnt know Mr. Han was so mission-driven.

Rather than a mission, lets call it the destiny of the eldest son.

-Jeong-woo has departed for the 452-mile point for emergency repairs. Kaya is accompanying him to prepare for potential encounters with the wolves.

Joo Hana, who was anxiously seated in the Prudhoe Bay comprehensive situation room, immediately widened her eyes upon receiving Seong-beoms satellite call.

What did you say?

-The situation is critical, so theres a chance of failure. Ill leave the judgment regarding the report to you, Chief Joo.

She too was taken aback by the unexpected news.

Can they really resolve this?

Joo Hana glanced at the TAPS officials bustling around. Particularly Neogi who was giving instructions with a face so pale it looked almost white.

When the reporters ask, inform them that the situation will be explained in front of the Fairbanks headquarters. What? The auditors are already there? We still cant determine the scale of the leak. It hasnt even been five minutes since the discovery! When will the maintenance team arrive?

The roads are not properly set up; itll take at least 8 hours.

If the recovery time is slower than the valve shut-off time, itll be no different from last month! Given the oil already in the 6th pump base, it could be up to 500 barrels.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, she quickly made up her mind.


Neogi turned his head.

Whats going on? Did we receive a new report? Has it worsened?

No. A Yujin Chemical employee will move to the leak point to conduct emergency repair work. If we can stop the leak quickly, perhaps we can mitigate some of the pressure from the federal oversight.

Youre optimistic, but how can Yujin Chemical, without any tools, handle repair work?

The center director had emphasized to Joo Hana that the success of this project depended on Han Jeong-woo. From my experience working with him, I profoundly understood this.

This was both a crisis and an opportunity.

If they raised expectations with a report that later failed, the trust they had built could crumble. However, if they succeeded, Yujin Chemicals significant impact on TAPS would be an irreplaceable achievement.

With resolve, Joo Hana responded.

Would you trust someone who can identify molecular formulas anywhere, a genius chemist? Hes filled 50% of the inspection report you were satisfied with and is the worlds only expert in corrosion.

Are you talking about the young man from the drone team?


The appeal was over. Now, all they could do was anxiously await the results.

Mile 452 11 degrees below zero, Gray Wolf Forest

Upon arriving at the oil-scented pipeline, Luke furrowed his brows. Approximately 100 liters had leaked so far, pooling directly below without spreading elsewhere.

If it just halt here, the situation seems manageable.

Luke thought, even though it was midday, a chilling sensation permeated the air of the forest. Whether due to mood or not, he sensed not only the smell of oil but also a faint odor of blood.

Pressing the transmit button on his radio, Luke spoke,

Simpson, when are you getting here? You havent been attacked, have you?


-Stop with the jokes. With your tiny organ, can you even hold up? If youre about to faint, at least put some heart medication in your mouth and wait.

As Luke inspected the damage to the pipeline, a rustling sound caught his attention, causing him to flinch.


It was Simpson. As he approached, Simpson surveyed the area around the leaking pipeline and clicked his tongue.

I was wondering if it was a design issue, since the damage was caused by the moose. Seems its just old.

This area is particularly troublesome. I saw areas where the insulation was compromised.

How does Mr. Han plan to fix this?

Luke and Simpson exchanged a look of confusion.

With a portable welding kit.

A distant reply drew their attention.

Approaching them was a young Asian man with sparkling eyes, waving his hand. Beside him, a blonde woman walked cautiously.

Mr. Han, Kaya.

Luke greeted Jeong-woo warmly.

You seem cheerful in the middle of a wolfs den, Mr. Han.

There arent any nearby.

Jeong-woo asserted, causing Kaya to turn her head sharply.


If you still doubt it, I dont know what to say. More importantly, Kaya, could you lend me some flares and a survival kit? Luke, Simpson, pass me that pyrotechnic chemical.

Emptying the contents from the steel canister and crushing the coin-sized pyrotechnic chemicals into powder, Jeong-woo immersed himself in thought.

He planned to melt it using a momentary heat, sealing the gap as if soldering it shut. Precise measurements down to the tiniest speck of dust were essential.

If the firepower increased even slightly, the risk of burns from an explosion loomed large. A stray spark due to incomplete combustion igniting the crude oil would escalate the situation even further.

If this goes wrong, I might not be able to return to Korea.

With a solemn expression, Jeong-woo unwrapped a purification pill.

About ten minutes into the actual assembly process, Kaya, who had been keeping watch, asked Jeong-woo.

Do you still not smell the wolves?

Ah, just a moment.

Closing his eyes tightly and then reopening them, Jeong-woo scanned his surroundings, taking a deep breath before replying.

The wolf is back over there. That should be proof enough of safety, right?

Skepticism filled Kayas eyes as she lifted her binoculars to scan the area where Jeong-woo pointed.

Meanwhile, Luke, who was tightening the connection on the oil pipeline, noticed that the leakage had increased significantly, almost doubling the pooled oil.

Pounding on the inner wall with a wrench to listen, Luke turned his attention to Jeong-woo, who was deeply engaged in his work.

Mr. Han, due to corrosion, the pipeline here is thinning, making gaps more prominent. If this goes beyond five barrels, well all be covered in oil.

Jeong-woo, in the midst of carefully pouring the contents of a flare into the steel canister, lifted his head.

We have about ten minutes left.

Ten minutes? What does that mean?

It means the pipeline will burst.

Simpson, tightening a bolt on the H-beam, was taken aback. Luke, with a puzzled expression, asked Jeong-woo.

Burst? You mean

With more hard wax accumulation than soft wax on the inner wall, once it starts to open, it wont just crack. It will widen considerably.

Standing upright and listening to the pipeline, Simpson nodded in agreement with Jeong-woos words.

The muffled sound is due to the hard wax.

Exactly. Once these cracks begin to widen, the leakage rate accelerates.

Amidst differing opinions among veteran line workers with 20 years of experience, Jeong-woo pointed to a specific spot within the gap.

If the diameter becomes more than 35% thinner at this point, it will inevitably burst. Would you call that a breaking point? Its not just a crack, its a predicted outcome.

Luke, intrigued by Jeong-woos comments, asked Simpson.

Is Mr. Han talking about the pipeline scale?

Its a complex calculation; I cant say for sure.

Hand me the detector.

Holding the portable X-ray fluorescence detector, Luke measured the crack. Confirming its depth to be more than 0.9 mm and width over 60 cm, he calculated.

Simpson, according to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers explosion-pressure formula, the size of the rupture it can withstand is precisely about this length.

Amazing that you remembered that.

Yes, its 10 minutes. No, in 8 minutes, itll be an unbearable rupture.

The pipeline scale is a U.S. standard; how does Mr. Han know about this?

Does it matter? Fairness is universal, whether its Korea or the U.S., or even this Alaskan wilderness.

Luke couldnt help but watch Jeong-woo, who was deeply engrossed in his work, with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Despite his extensive experience and expertise in corrosion, the young Asian man had made his assessments and voiced his opinions merely through observation, revealing an uncanny foresight.

With the flint slightly grinded, Jeong-woo meticulously observed the chain reaction anticipated in the molecular realm before sealing the lid of the metal canister.

Its about done.

Nearly 30 minutes. Despite the sub-zero temperatures, he was so engrossed that sweat began to trickle beneath his cold weather gear.

Slipping on the insulated gloves he had set aside for this moment, Jeong-woo carefully lifted the metal canister. Catching the eye of Luke, who had been observing him closely, he acknowledged the gaze.

Is that the welding device Mr. Han mentioned?

It may not look like much, but yes.

You mentioned 8 minutes earlier, but now we have less than 2 minutes.

Its cutting it close. Both of you, step back. Kaya, move farther away.

Confirming that the three had retreated to a safe distance, Jeong-woo shook the canister like mixing a cocktail.


A rapid reaction emanated from inside the canister. Seizing the moment, Jeong-woo inserted it into the streaming oil.

The metal surface of the pipeline began to melt.

Feeling the canister securely in place, Jeong-woo exclaimed, Hot! as he quickly withdrew his hand. Despite the high-quality leather gloves, the intense heat penetrated, scalding his palm.

A viscous, dark oil flowed, overlaying a mercury-like substance that solidified instantly in the frigid air.

The flowing oil along the pipeline seemed to halt as if telling a lie.

What, what?

What is this

The astonishing sight prompted exchanged glances between Luke and Simpson, both silently asking, What have we just witnessed?

Upon meticulous infrared inspection, Jeong-woo confirmed that the hot oil had indeed started to flow correctly within the pipeline.

Ill need to apply some ointment to this burned hand.

Retrieving a walkie-talkie from his waist, Jeong-woo radioed Shin Seong-beom, who was anxiously awaiting news.

Deputy Shin, the leak has stopped. Approximately 2.5 barrels of oil have accumulated in this vicinity.


-Wow, did you really stop it? Thats incredible. Ill report to the control room immediately. Any other dangers?

No, just a slightly burnt hand

Jeong-woos expression shifted as he scanned the surroundings.

A wolf. Lurking a mere 200 meters away, it was observing this location closely.


Pointing in the direction where the wolf was spotted, Jeong-woo inquired.

Theres just one wolf observing us. Should we be concerned?

Raising her binoculars, Kaya located the wolf amidst the dense foliage.

It appears to be on reconnaissance.

Which means

We should leave this area before becoming prey.

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