
Chapter 117

Chapter 117

  1. Chemical Intelligence(3)

Pharmaceutical bio team 3 development lab.

Mr. Han Jeong-woo, I heard from the center director, but our team doesnt really need any help. We are currently developing a generic pharmaceutical whose patent expires at the end of the year, and we already have plans for the release.

Oh, is that so?

As soon as Jeong-woo entered, Team 3 Leader Jeong Yong-hoe declared, You are not needed, while Jeong-woo glanced at the components spinning in the centrifuge.

Is it a treatment for hepatitis C? Inhibiting virus replication.

Yes, thats right. Since it is also marked with the INN, if you have some pharmaceutical knowledge, you should know what effect it has.

Standing among the people, Team 4 Leader Seon Woo-jin watched Jeong Yong-hoes response and he had a look of regret for not saying something similar. Earlier, he seemed too flustered and appeared too lacking.

Jeong Yong-hoe looked at Jeong-woo coldly.

Do you have anything else to say?

No. If its just copying a specified chemical formula, I wont be of much help.

Of course not. Now go out, dont disturb us.

Jeong-woo, who confidently entered, showed signs of silently retreating and Seon Woo-jin expressed satisfaction.

By the way, Team 2 is also a generic pharm, so I dont think its necessary to visit them.

Is that so? Then maybe I should go to Team 1 or Team 5.

As Jeong-woo was about to move away, he paused as he looked at a test tube. Out of pure curiosity, he asked about a concerning aspect.

I have one thing Im curious about. Why do you use such a complicated method to extract the nucleotide inhibitory enzyme?


It takes 36 hours to separate recombinant proteins from cultured cells. Then, adding a solvent to the filtered compound and slowly centrifugating it for 6 hours. It takes almost two days to make that.

Its a normal process. The original manufacturer, Gilead, also extracts it in the same way.

Oh, the original. That company seems to have quite outdated gene synthesis technology.

Jeong Yong-hoe raised an eyebrow.

The 22nd global pharmaceutical company in sales is outdated? Do you know that the leading domestic company, Yuhan Pharmaceuticals, is only 83rd in the world?

I dont know well, but chemistry isnt done with money or scale, right?

So? What is Mr. Han Jeong-woos proposal for the latest synthesis technology?

Well, that

About to answer, Jeong-woo suddenly snapped his fingers, a thought crossing his mind.

Oh right. He already said he doesnt need any help. Theres no reason to take up the team leaders time with unnecessary discussions.

As Jeong-woo walked towards the door, Jeong Yong-hoe reflexively spoke.

Wait. How revolutionary are you planning to improve things?

I know youre busy

Either speak up or dont say anything!

Watching Jeong Yong-hoe, who was starting to be swayed by the assertive researcher, Seon Woo-jin felt a sense of unease, as if things might go wrong. Earlier, he had also lost his temper for no reason and regretted it for a moment.

Ill keep it brief then.

With that, Jeong-woo turned on his heels at the door.

Before protein cultivation, optimizing at the gene level first. If we introduce a catalyst that helps in the extraction process, the time will be reduced to one-fifth.

Thats when the original genes are analyzed, is reverse engineering possible?

Its possible.


Jeong-woo sat down, seeking permission from the Team 3 member sitting in front of one of the monitors. He quickly reconstructed the DNA sequence information, which was the basis for the original pharms structure.

Since its tight on time to write down everything, Ive only done a part. Now, if you use a gene vector set up in this way, gene optimization should also be reasonable.

Jeong Yong-hoe hesitated as he looked at the information Jeong-woo had written down, then nodded to his team member. When they put the artificial gene into a simulation to check, a result matching 99.999% with the original pharm structure emerged.

Protein isolation 4 hours. 7-fold increase in protein concentration?

Jeong Yong-hoe and Seon Woo-jin, who were witnessing the process improvement, were left with their mouths agape simultaneously.

Ill go meet with another team for now.

Han Jeong-woo, how about the later part

Theres a lot to cover. Lets discuss it when I join Team 3.

Jeong-woo went out. Immediately, Seon Woo-jin, and Jeong Yong-hoe, who were half-stunned, followed him as if they were bewitched.

Pharmaceutical bio team 2 development lab was bustling with people.

Han Jeong-woo came? Who is he?

You know that researcher who is doing really well that even appeared in KG Life Health commercial last month?

As soon as they entered the Pharmaceutical Support Center, people gathered to witness Jeong-woo, who had successively defeated the former doctor team leaders. Most of them were there to witness Jeong-woo now taking on the third team leader.

-Structural changes? Hey, Han Jeong-woo!

As a heated debate erupted inside the development room, everyone held their breath and turned their attention to the intense discussion.

-Were here to work on generic pharms. Are we going to improve the finished product?

-Keep the active substance as it is and just slightly modify for more efficient delivery. The original pharm is absorbed too quickly, causing dizziness and blurred vision.

Behind the buzzing crowd, a man in his early forties approached. Kim Won-bae, a founding member of the pharmaceutical bio center and the leader of Team 1. Seeing him, Seon Woo-jin hurriedly ran over and stood beside him.


Oh, Woo-jin. Why is it so noisy here?

Its because of Han Jeong-woo.

That guy the center director was talking about?

Seon Woo-jin nodded and gestured inside.

The sudden proposal to improve the drug in Team 2 irritated Jeon In-gu, the team leader.

What? How much more complicated will the procedure become? Some crazy young fellow has been sent here.

Kim Won-bae, chuckling, received a brief summary from Seon Woo-jin about what had happened in Teams 3 and 4.

Tell me some belevable lies at least. Finding improvement within 30 minutes? Is he some kind of pharmaceutical god?

After listening to Han Jeong-woos opinion earlier, I had my team members cross-check, and there wasnt a single wrong statement.

A surprised voice suddenly emerged from the previously quiet interior.

-Changing magnesium to strontium?

-The effect is the same, but its more stable.

-Jong-seon, Hyo-il. Put it in this chemical formula database and verify it.

Kim Won-bae, having heard the conversation, shook his head in disbelief.

Success in structural changes is unbelievable, but that guy doesnt know the market situation. For generics, its just a matter of passing the viability test, but for improved new pharms, you need to submit toxicity and clinical trial data to the FDA. The work multiplies tenfold.

But the sales will increase hundreds of times with the substance patent.

At the unexpected voice, Kim Won-bae turned his gaze to the side. Looking up at the tall Lim Kwang-soo, Kim Won-bae sent him a questioning look.

Im Lim Kwang-soo, Deputy Manager of the Strategic Planning Office, specializing in big data analysis. I am currently working on the personnel report for Special Researcher Han Jeong-woo.

A personnel report? Whos going to read that?

CEO Cha Bon-jun.

Kim Won-bae spat out a cough and pointed inside.

How amazing is this guy to even involve the Strategic Planning Office? But, improving a new pharm is not something you can produce just because it exists. To do it properly, the preparation period alone

-It works perfectly!

At that moment, a shout from Team 2 members was heard.

-What? Did you confirm it properly?

-Based on the data, it seems quite stable. Similar to our first prototype.

Kim Won-bae was speechless. Seon Woo-jin, who was looking at him, explained.

I had my suspicions, but up to Team 2. It seems his skills are indeed solid.

Woo-jin. Is skill the problem now? That guy alone has shaken up the entire pharmaceutical bio team in just 30 minutes.

At least he didnt reach into the Team 4 development lab. I resolved the situation in the corridor.


And not everyone has fallen. The new pharm from Team 1, which Senior has been researching since the KG Life Science days, is something I dare not comment on.

Childrens words can be painful.

Kim Won-bae shrugged his shoulders with a proud look in response to Seon Woo-jins gaze, asking him to show what hes got.

Whats with all this noise? Everyone, move aside!

At the shout, people parted to the sides. Kim Won-bae stared at the young researcher standing inside as he walked in.

Its not a breakthrough or anything, daring to stick his nose into the core project of pharmaceutical bio.

Approaching boldly towards Han Jeong-woo, the arrogant newcomer on his first day, Kim Won-bae witnessed Team 2 leader Jeon In-gu and Team 3 leader Jeong Yong-hoe standing closely, bombarding him with questions. He raised his hand.

In-gu, Yong-hoe. What are you guys doing? Not working?

Uh, Senior.

When did you come? We were

Enough, enough. Move.

As Jeon In-gu and Jeong Yong-hoe stepped aside, Jeong-woo looked at Kim Won-bae with a puzzled expression.

Im Team 1 leader.

Oh, hello. Special Researcher Han Jeong

Greetings are over. So, you were sent here specially to help us?

Its not that grand, but Ill do my best.

Okay, Han Jeong-woo. Do you know what a beta blocker is?

As Jeong-woo hesitated to answer, lowering his gaze, Kim Won-bae clicked his tongue.

Tsk tsk. If youre not familiar with basic terminology, you cant help with Team 1 work.

Jeong-woos eyes gleamed as he glanced at Kim Won-baes hands and cuffs.

By any chance

By any chance, what?

If its a compound that blocks sympathetic nerves and imparts a dual effect of generating nitric oxide, I may be able to help.

How could you

INN is in front of Team 1 development room, right? The compound ingredients were standardized and written there.

Even so, what help can a rookie provide

What I immediately think of is a structure that could help reduce specific side effects. If the vasodilating effect of nitric oxide is excessive, it could expand even to cerebral blood vessels, causing severe headaches. Dont you think so?

Is there a way to reduce the occurrence of secondary side effects?

In the moment of this follow-up question, Kim Won-bae remembered what Seon Woo-jin had told him earlier. The story about accidentally getting involved in a subplot, chasing only the tail. That was definitely not a lie or an exaggeration.

That guys subplot is real.

The thought that asking about this might scratch the pride of the top brass at the center made Kim Won-bae hesitate.

Seeing the puzzled gazes of Team 2, 3, and 4 leaders who were looking at him without a word, he had no choice but to make a decision.

Special Researcher Han Jeong-woo.


On the first day, I talked too much about work, didnt I? The attitude of moving around to communicate with team leaders. Good, very good.

Kim Won-bae quickly patted Jeong-woos shoulder, pretending to be grand, and continued.

Welcome. Maintain the courtesy between seniors and juniors, and feel free to engage in activities.

I understand. But about Team 1s beta blocker

Oh! Why are you in such a hurry? Take your time to look around and we can talk about it tomorrow. By the way, did you meet our centers ace?


Shes participating in Team 5 research. Shes in the hospitals analysis lab. Its almost lunchtime, so go and meet her quickly.

Kim Won-bae mentioned the last hidden card while sighing. After Jeong-woo left, Seon Woo-jin stood next to Kim Won-bae.

Why did you just bring him in without crushing him? Why did you let him off so easily?

The center director even urged me. If we scare him and he ends up crying, itll leave a bitter taste.

Oh, Senior. Your personality is admirable.

Taking out a handkerchief, Kim Won-bae wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed with relief, unnoticed by anyone.

Seon Woo-jin looked at the direction Jeong-woo left and asked.

But the person Jeong-woo went to meet now, isnt it Dr. Chae-eun? Its going to be quite a confrontation. Is it okay?

Kim Won-bae gave Seon Woo-jin a look that seemed to say, Did I send him?, raising an eyebrow.

If you cant handle someone like Dr. Moon, you shouldnt be in pharmaceutical bio.

Well, even so, didnt most of our juniors move to another team because they couldnt handle it? No matter how annoying, we should treat them differently based on what they can and cannot do

Be quiet and lets go to the analysis lab. If we get slapped by Dr. Moon, at least we can console each other.

The corridor emptied as everyone left.

Standing amidst the crowd, Lim Kwang-soo watched the four team leaders who followed Jeong-woo as if he were possessed.

The sight of Han Jeong-woo, who had been hovering around the central figures of the pharmaceutical bio center, was quite impressive.

Facing an antagonistic team leader with a calm expression, there was no hint of hesitation in his demeanor. Whether intentional or not, he even exhibited the traits of a master trained in the art of fishing, seasoned in the nuances.

Lim Kwang-soo cautiously analyzed him as a type who might induce the opponents mistakes with a calculated and sinister approach. However, his expression when talking about chemical theories consistently revealed authenticity.

I dont know.

An hour and thirty minutes had passed since meeting Han Jeong-woo. There was still more to investigate. With the thought of confirming his past research records first, Lim Kwang-soo headed towards the computer room.

Seong-hwan! Have you heard the news?

Cho Seong-hwan, on his way out after placing documents on Team 4 leaders desk, ran into a senior.

What news is it?

Dont be surprised.

The senior, swallowing hard, spoke.

Han Jeong-woo just wiped out three team leaders who were being picky. When the team leaders ask, Is this possible? he calmly explains with an innocent expression, Yes, it is. It can be done. It was truly mind-blowing.

As expected.

Arent you surprised?

You told me not to be surprised.

Even after hearing about the extraordinary incident, the senior couldnt comprehend Cho Seong-hwans subdued reaction.

Were you rolling under Dr. Moons feet the whole time, and now youve lost your mind?

Senior, I guarantee that if youre getting surprised now, your heart might fall out later.

As Cho Seong-hwan laughed, the senior gave him a puzzled look, wondering what he meant.


Song Boyeong, trailing alongside Jeong-woo as he walked towards the analysis room, cautiously opened her mouth.

The team leaders keep following you.

Let them be.

As she turned her head, the team leaders who had been following them began to turn around and engage in small talk, pretending not to pay attention. This continued until they reached the end of the corridor after passing the stairs on the 5th floor.

Stop it, senior.

Jeong-woo forcibly turned Boyeongs face forward, placing his hand on her cheek.

Didnt you see their attitude towards youm? Just because their pride is high.

They must be strong-willed about their work. We will be working with them for the next three weeks. If you find them strange, its enough just to remember the morning when your eyes were swollen.

What? Wow, really. I didnt know you were such a considerate person. Try being like that to me too.

Seeing Boyeong with her lips pouting, Jeong-woo silently replied in his mind, Teasing you is fun because you have an interesting reaction.


As the door to the analysis room opened, a woman in her late twenties, looking into the microscope, lifted her head.


Dr. Moon, long time no see.

Upon seeing Jeong-woo, Moon Chae-eun, with one eye still on the microscope, raised a finger.

Just wait for a minute. Im in the middle of observing a reaction.

With one eye on the microscope, Moon Chae-eun was recording something on a document. Seemingly deep in thought, her neatly arched eyebrows wavered on her flawless, makeup-free skin.

Song Boyeong, who had been silently observing Moon Chae-eun from behind Jung Woo, couldnt help but be amazed by her angelic beauty, akin to an angel in a white gown. She had only heard about her being pretty, but seeing her in person confirmed it.

Boyeong sneakily glanced at Jeong-woo. Although Jeong-woos gaze was directed towards Moon Chae-eun, it was focused on the sample inside the microscope rather than her face. Feeling relieved, Boyeong asked quietly.

What kind of task are you working on?

Im not sure about the exact composition. It seems to be a protein compound not found in the substance library.

Of course, you wouldnt know the composition. What kind of task is it?

Its an investigation into the interaction between new drug components and proteins. Were trying to minimize potential side effects by identifying the areas where side effects might occur when targeting is reversed. Huh? Who are you?

As Moon Chae-eun reflexively explained, her and Song Boyeongs gazes met. Song Boyeong lowered her head.

Im Assistant Researcher Song Boyeong.


Jeong-woo, returning his focus from the molecular vision, pointed at Boyeong.

Shes my senior, and due to circumstances, were working together. But, Dr. Moon, is that protein in the sample, by any chance?

Thats right. One of the drugs coded as AF. To be precise, AF-3023R.

Although the code name was longer than what Boyeong had expected, she couldnt ask for details with Jeong-woo present.

If its a protein molecular network experiment, you could develop a customized gene therapy for

Huh? Why are your eyes so bloodshot?

My weight has drastically decreased.

Looking into Jeong-woos face as if diagnosing him, Moon Chae-eun approached and thrust the penlight closer. As she examined his face, her finely placed eyebrows twitched as if deeply contemplating something.

Boyeong couldnt take her eyes off the scene between the two. The conversation seemed so familiar that it surprised her, making her cover her mouth.

Did all this happen after you returned from Alaska? Are your hands trembling?.

Jeong-woo extended his hand, and as Moon Chae-eun shook it here and there, she said.

If your weight doesnt recover naturally later, consider getting a detailed examination.

I will.

Breathe in deeply.

Oh, Im here on an assignment. Finally, I get to work on the pharmaceutical project



Your overall metabolism seems weak. Why did you come to work in this state? Just take a break.

I wanted to spread some viruses to the knowledgeable bug.

Making a joke as usual, Jeong-woo chuckled, and Moon Chae-eun stared at him with a cold gaze.

Song Boyeong couldnt help but cover her mouth in surprise as the conversation between the two seemed too familiar.

I, Ill step outside for a moment.

Boyeong senior, where are you going?

To the restroom.


Boyeong rushed out in a hurry.

Looking at Jeong-woo, Moon Chae-eun said.

Quite a cute person. Do I have to worry about another candidate for the sleeping princess?

Boyeong senior? Ah, its nothing. Rather than that, that senior knows Dr. Cheon Seung-guk much better than I do. She has numerous unpublished papers presented in Germany.

Dr. Cheon?

She may ask you persistently about Dr. Cheon Seung-guks news, so be prepared in advance.


Cupping the water flowing from the faucet in her hands, Song Boyeong sprinkled it on her face, then turned her gaze towards the mirror. Unexpectedly, she didnt anticipate feeling this strange when an attractive woman stood next to Jeong-woo.

She was very beautiful, that person.

Her heart fluttered, but as time passed, the stifling feeling intensified, making her leave the room abruptly.

Whats wrong with me? Am I jealous? Of someone I just saw today?

Shaking her head several times, Song Boyeong denied it, then finally left the restroom. As she walked along the corridor towards the analysis room, she noticed the team leaders eavesdropping on the door.

Having a normal conversation with Dr. Chae? Unbelievable.

They seem quite familiar, dont they?

Who is that guy? Where did he come from?

Approaching the team leaders who were now standing away from the door, Song Boyeong cleared her throat.

Excuse me.

The four team leaders, startled, moved away from the wall and door.

If you have something to say, say it inside.

Oh, no. Its not like that. Huh? Youre the one who was with Han Jeong-woo, right?

Yes, I am. I am an assistant to Special Researcher Han Jeong-woo. If you dont have anything to say, Ill go in.

Song Boyeong pressed the button to open the door to the analysis room, leaving the surprised team leaders behind.


Due to the people flooding into the analysis room, Moon Chae-eun stopped speaking. Jeong-woo looked at the team leaders with a puzzled expression. Song Boyeong approached and whispered.

They were investigating outside.

The four team leaders, who were enjoying the view of distant mountains and not paying much attention, approached as their attention was drawn by Jeong-woo and Moon Chae-eun.

Among them, the top-ranking Kim Won-bae chuckled and spoke.

So, Han Jeong-woo, have you grasped the research of Team 5? Its Dr. Moons unique field, and there arent many people at the center who can properly assist in it.

I heard about it, but it seems it will take me a while to fully grasp it.

Customized gene therapy is not something even talented individuals can easily accomplish.

Still, despite the slight setback, Kim Won-bae found solace in the fact that Dr. Moon, the hope from the medical field, was not deterred, prompting Jeong-woo to ask as if he had just remembered.

You mentioned improving the beta-blocker. Whats the top priority for side effects? If it weakens the contractility of the heart, one thing comes to mind.

The expression on Kim Won-baes face changed as he listened. He turned abruptly to the other team leaders next to him.

Are you guys going to stand around like this? Move quickly to incorporate the improvements Jeong-woo mentioned.

Sir, earlier, we couldnt hear the details from Team 4.

Tsk! We need mutual discussion; isnt that what research is about? Its the first day. Dont burden just one person. Go quickly.

Chasing away the three team leaders, Kim Won-bae raised his phone, pretending to check a message, and then spoke.

Oh my, I got a call too. Dr. Moon, Han Jeong-woo, lets talk slowly. See you later.


Suddenly, Kim Won-baes phone rang. Startled, he almost dropped it, but he managed to grab it and answered the call.


As Kim Won-bae spoke on the phone, his expression turned serious.

What? A participant in our drug trial has been admitted with unexplained pain? What drug?

Surprised by the mention of a trial participant, Moon Chae-eun also listened intently, leaning in to catch Kim Won-baes words.

Lowering his phone, Kim Won-bae turned to Moon Chae-eun.

Dr. Moon, were you in charge of the AF-12 clinical trial in December last year?


They say a participant from that trial is hospitalized with unexplained pain. Go check it out.

At the mention of AF-12, Jeong-woos complexion also changed. In response to Moon Chae-euns move, Jeong-woo quickly followed her.

Having arrived on the 15th floor, where VIP-exclusive rooms were located, Jeong-woo, feeling uneasy, asked Dr. Moon.

It was supposed to be just a sleep-inducing drug for ordinary people, right?


Since Dr. Moons eyes also showed incomprehension, Jeong-woos anxiety lingered.

In front of Room 1503, where the patient was, dozens of people had gathered. More people were wearing suits than white gowns, making Jeong-woo curious. Dr. Moon identified herself to a doctor and entered the room.

As soon as they entered the spacious room, Dr. Moon picked up a chart.

Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards the patient suffering from unexplained pain. There, he found a pale-faced man.


A familiar face.

The man, lying in pain after receiving the injection, looked at Dr. Moons face and, in the midst of it, his mouth curved up.

Dr. Moon came too.

Me too? What does that mean?

In response to Dr. Moons question, the man bowed deeply and let out a sigh.

Well the situation is a bit complicated.

Jeong-woo searched his memory and finally remembered where he had seen the mans face.

On that day, the person who had given various advice to him when he was frozen in place.

The specialist for clinical trials?

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